康熙來了 2009-11-19 小S 謝謝你愛虧我 (下)

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271 thoughts on “康熙來了 2009-11-19 小S 謝謝你愛虧我 (下)

  1. [YT] @hebe99020 : if it makes u feel any better that i misunderstood his pronunciation as ‘using’ (note: not pronouncing) another word as apposed to the initial “liver”… then be it. at least i had the balls to admit i misunderstood his meaning…

  2. [YT] 太神奇了,照理說,他要耳朵很敏感才有辦法把第二外國語言學準,他怎會完全聽不出音準,跟聽不出自己走音。太神奇!

  3. [YT] 小s真的是發自內心的笑耶!!!

  4. [YT] @chiawz1314 : in reference to what they were talkin’ about earlier, think zhao ge was referring to being someone’s “lover”, no? =P just find it amusing… lol

  5. [YT] OMG. liver is liver, but pronouncing lover as “level”?!?! oh god, and she claims to be an english teacher?!?! damn, i feel sorry for all the kids that attends her class… what a disgrace!!!

  6. [YT] Even though 康永 and 小S are the 2 main hosts of 康熙, but I can say that I do enjoy the presence of 汉典 in the show … … Sometimes, just a small little gesture or action from him is enough to make me laugh!!! 🙂 Keep up the Good Work, 汉典!!!

  7. [YT] 康熙真的是我看談話節目的第一選擇,
    而且我現在每天都有看台灣的新聞, 不管是娛樂或是時事,

  8. [YT] I think S is too over. She doesn’t repect people. I might think that way. I like her but I feel bad for LIUZHENG cuz she is a professional dancer/teacher. I hate people make fun of me with the same topic.

  9. [YT] They were being nice to Xu Wei, she’s got the worst voice ever.

    I think those people who got “bitchy” comments from xiao S should consider themselves lucky, it helped them gain popularity overseas, which is their major asset if you think about it.

  10. [YT] 同意13Rxiii

    这集更显示出康永哥主持功力不凡,S嘴皮子功夫不是盖的 XDXD 而且看到S笑到不能自持,真的非常可爱呢

  11. [YT] 徐微好讓人討厭,明明自己的鞋子老氣,還說別人矮,關人矮甚麼事啊!非常小氣,斤斤計較。超討厭她,老女人,人會老的,再怎麼保養也是會老,虛榮心太重。

  12. [YT] even if xu wei is irrtating and sounds awful.. she still makes ppl laugh and its iritatingly enjoyable hahaha, This episode is very well done. very funny. These people are funny

  13. [YT] 一般道歉感恩啊之类的总结性的题目都是最好笑的,等于把精华片段再拿出来消费一次,哈哈哈哈哈,太好笑了

  14. [YT] 我觉得这集不错啊 很有笑点而且这也是康熙的惯例啊 算是个小总结吧 之前有几集不太好 什么运动会之类的 个人不太喜欢 这几集很棒 很有效果

  15. [YT] Everything she says is obviously for effects, or xiao guo. I’m sick of people saying she bullies people, cause if she really does, those people being so called “bullied” wouldn’t come back on the show. Rather, they keep returning because of the publicity they get from this show, or rather the publicity from Xiao S’s deliberate teasing. Therefore the theme for today’s episode! So, think about that before saying shes mean or start making disparaging comments about her.

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