康熙來了 2009-11-25 這些藝人的哭點有夠低

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248 thoughts on “康熙來了 2009-11-25 這些藝人的哭點有夠低

  1. [YT] 天啊,居然说了10分钟的绯闻,其实弄一两次就够了,每次一有绯闻就这样乱配,弄完又要弄道歉。节目开始无聊了~

  2. [YT] 對陳漢典沒什麼特別看法
    每天來賓他都會維護, 每一集都可以聽到他在打圓場想化解來賓尷尬的話, 只是他說的很小聲….

  3. [YT] 聰明的觀眾都知道, 雖然小S在螢幕上比較搶眼, 但其實主導節目的是康永。小S說過她無法孤身上陣, 只有熟人陪她, 她才做節目。康永則是可以主持長官在場的大型典禮、正經八百的談話節目、兩代和康熙這種獨樹一格的娛樂節目、知性讀書節目都行的全能主持人。有些媒體和觀眾老是把康永看低了, 雖然小s當然也是獨一無二, 但還是覺得康永值得更多鼓勵。

  4. [YT] one piece 由奈美還未加入, 含淚叫路飛:「你要幫我。」已經想哭………………
    one piece是一套極開心但頭十多集非常多哭點的奇怪漫畫欵@_@

  5. [YT] woahh, 王尹平 can cry just by listening to the song.

    if she happens to be in a drama someday, as long as they want cry scene, While others might need incense, smoke to make them tear

    For her just play that song can liaoz. lol.

  6. [YT] 可以想像吧~王尹平一開始的話題都是胸部,

  7. [YT] To people like u , i have lower my standard of english so that u are able to fully understand what i’m talking. especially to people who are despicable that scold people behind a mask despite the fact that he/she do not have to right to do so

  8. [YT] u just cannot denied that cai kang yong have no use at all. if u are able to say that kang xi will survive without him den i have nothing to say. since u said that is hard to say means that cai kai yong have his own contribution to this show to make it soo brillent. i seriously think u should just stop watching kangxi , what u said is really getting into my nerve.

  9. [YT] 如果你有看節目的話,就會發現蔡老gay完全在配合小s的賤嘴挖苦來賓風格,跟個助理主持一樣,徹底違背他自己的知性初衷,這足以證明他是個不要臉的投機份子,而且他有機會講話幾乎都是在小s搞笑搞累想休息的時候。結論,蔡老gay還是廢物一個

  10. [YT] just look at how many thumbs down u have now. do u still freaking think that u are right? alot of people here disagreed with u so just stop scolding people behind the mask of the virtual world . If u still think that u are right , stand up and prove that all of us are wrong about it or else just shut up and watched kangxi quitely for heaven sake

  11. [YT] 但如果你看节目看得够细心的话,你会发现节目流程都是康永在撑住的。这种功力不是人人都做得到。


  12. [YT] 康永在康熙之前,已经有过很好的成绩了。两代电力系列,真情指数。。 而且,康永的人脉很广,小刚刚开始的时候比较像是被康永带的。但无可否认她后来主持出自己的风格而且真得很独特。

  13. [YT] i know about that. So u are saying that without kangyong , xiao S will be able to carry the show all by herself? can u really say that? remember the show DA XIAO AI CHI it did not seem to show quite long either. even if so, calling someone 蔡老gay don’t u think is making u a bit too full of urself?

  14. [YT] 你到底懂不懂宮崎駿要傳達什麼啊?你只是個卡通迷對吧!對啦~反正你也看不懂!他的電影對你來說太深奧了!你就繼續看你那沒營養的低成本卡通吧!
    還有你有資格罵人家”gay這種附庸風 雅的廢物娘泡”請不要再汙辱自己了……..你這沒思想沒腦袋沒生活意義的電視狂回你的暗房打槍吧

  15. [YT] 蔡康永不錯吧。一個巴掌拍不響。小s 以前的拍檔,憲哥、小豬等,哪一個不是一等一的?而且小s 生小孩的時間,蔡康永拍 Selina 都過得很好,一點都沒有給比下去,雖然黃國倫也幫上大忙了。

  16. [YT] 蝴蝶跟陳漢典是真的嗎?兩個人我都喜歡,可是他們一起會有點怪異呃。說真的,陳漢典來到康熙是他的福氣,看蔡康永給他的福利多好。

  17. [YT] 我承認蔡老gay有點小聰明,但他都用在投機取巧的地方,比如說吃軟飯,沒有小s他的節目都倒光,這是事實,多看點報紙吧你個死文盲

  18. [YT] i dun understand why u hate cai kang yong and even called him 蔡老gay. are u simply just jealous that he is intelligent or something? i’ve seen u commenting about him so many times. it so damn irritating that i have to reply ur comments. if u hate him just stop watching kangxi and read more books to be as intelligent as caikaiyong so that u have the right to insult other people.

  19. [YT] 宮崎駿的作品我都會哭的..康永哥說的那段我也會哭,

  20. [YT] ———-/¯/)——–(\¯`\
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    –\———— /——\-————/

  21. [YT] 王伊平 什麼東西~~~~~漢典 惹到他ㄌ嗎?
    ———/—//———–\\—\ \
    ——–/—//————-\\—\? \
    –\———— /——\-————/

  22. [YT] 我覺得瑤瑤講話應該要吞1吞口水呢.

  23. [YT] 我覺得陳漢典現在跟主持人的互動沒有以前好笑,因為以前陳漢典還很怕他們,現在雖然反應比較多但不知道怎樣覺得還是以前怕他們的樣子比較有效果

  24. [YT] 姐弟戀很難修成正果的啦!!!漢點﹐找年輕妹妹好了啦。。大家不要因為自己童話般的私心就講他們很配這樣會害了他們!!!


  25. [YT] 自己的人生感悟只有自己能体会到 那些大大小小的冲击都会被忙乱的生活所压制 压制在内心的一个角落 直到某一个点的出现 或是一首歌 或是一个故事 能让人找到一丝丝的雷同的时候 那些内心小小的委屈就会随着泪水跑出来。 旁人无法理解 但是没关系 哭出来以后勇敢面对明天。。。(尽管不经意泪水还是会留下来!)

  26. [YT] 其实我觉得汉典很不错。很努力很上进很孝顺很真诚。虽然不是很帅但是也不难看啊!真的觉得他们太看不起他了。很替他觉得难过。帅不可能一辈子。心和人格才能长久。

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