康熙來了 2009-12-07 今晚大家來說ABC!!

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299 thoughts on “康熙來了 2009-12-07 今晚大家來說ABC!!

  1. [YT] Actually, I would say that most of what Peter said would be a lot more correct than what people on YouTube are suggesting. It’s definitely not old or archaic like your example. Old English would be something like writings of David Hume.

    Once again, most suggestions on here are internet culture inspired and often used by the younger demography, while his English is traditional and a lot more widely accepted.

  2. [YT] yes, thank you.
    I like David, vincent or whoever’s attitude, but that Bob/Peter’s?
    Being a teacher doesn’t mean he is right always.
    I m going to show this clip to my British boss and ask for his comment.

  3. [YT] My English teachers in UK never taught me things like that. I guess my teachers were just not traditional or gd enough. I admit my English is not that great, but at least at the level which helped me to get through my secondary school years till master year in UK.

  4. [YT] Never said his English is poor, just saying his English is not practical in real life.
    Oh well, just like in Chinese, we could use those old Chinese wordings/sentences in real life, they are also correct. however, are they practical in a normal real life conversation?
    so tmr say this to your name in oral
    “公子, 自上次一別, 已隔十載. 一切安好?”see whether ur frd would laugh at u or not.

  5. [YT] There’s nothing wrong with Peter’s English. They’re pretty standard (although traditional). The topless sentence wasn’t very well translated because he’s a English teacher and I doubt very many students would ask him how they should say they like being topless.

    A different choice of vocabulary than you doesn’t mean his English is poor. People on here need to be a little less egocentric.

  6. [YT] star7twinkle is right. David下次可以考慮這樣回Dee:

    SO WHAT if I want to go topless? What is it to you?


  7. [YT] 其实可以啦。很多英文名词(尤其是电脑科技方面的)都渐渐演变成动词。

    像简讯是text (如:”I sent you a text last night.”),传简讯慢慢也可以用text (如:”I texted you last night.”)

    所以如果有人说”I’m webcam-ing,大家也知道他在视讯啦。总之语言存在的目的本来就是让大家沟通,所以大家明白就好咯~ (:

  8. [YT] I have no bad feeling towards people who can’t speak good English, but i really do hate people who keep showing off their English!!! Trust me, if that Peter/Bob speaks to any of my British Frds, we would just make a hell fun out of him!! I couldn’t stand that guy!!!!

  9. [YT] 小良這集的梗怪怪的﹐亂尷尬的。。。一定有什麼事情﹐有沒有人可以告訴我什麼事﹐要不然很難明白這集為什麼小良為什麼那麼彆扭!!!

  10. [YT] 反正來賓不是來教英文的,愛現卻現錯的人多的是啊~
    小S那個 because you 也講錯啦~別介意嘍~


  11. [YT] actually, the best way to learn english is to speak it. some people lived in vancouver for ten years and they still can’t speak english at. However, ppl who speak english and make mistakes learn a lot faster

  12. [YT] 陳漢典是想扮成 Faul McCartney 嗎?
    還是Pete Price?

  13. [YT] Not really…if you mess up with the present and past tense, you can completely change the meaning you’re trying to convey. And it is the basic building block to good academic writing.

  14. [YT] i guess the qns is not specific cause fen shou in a love relationship should be lets break up or lets seeing each other. but if its friendship, let’s part shld be ok.

  15. [YT] .. naked? what the heck. isn’t that more like not wearing clothe AT ALL o__O” topless would be better.
    and like.. visual communication? that guy needs his vocabulary updated.

    shouldn’t it be like. I like to webcam topless, what does it have to do with you?

  16. [YT] actually part doesnt necessarily mean break up so the teacher was kinda wrong lol
    part just means to go separate ways, but you two friends can part on their journey in university or anything, but oh well, doesnt really matter to get so technical on a show

  17. [YT] I agree..不懂英文很丟臉嗎?
    English is not our mother tongue to start with. What’s there to be embarrassed of not knowing a foreign language? Whites wanna be are the real embarrassing ones. I totally hates it when people add in random English just to look cool.

  18. [YT] 对呀,我说has broken up是现在起完成时,但是康永说成过去完成时,所以他说错啦,也许他是口误啦,不过我也只是指出来而已,不用thumb down吧。

  19. [YT] 英文讲来讲去都是那些简单直接的那几句,中国文法好几十种的语调和技巧又有多少人学会呢?像英文的idiom简直比不上中文的成语。 学英文两年就懂了,一样的去学中文可要学上7-8 年呢。 我还真不懂youtube那些ABC或很懂英文的人在炫耀他们那些简单英文干什么的。

  20. [YT] I don’t give a damn about who’s correct or who knows more English, you’re all narcissist (sorry but NARCISSIST pisses me off!). If I want to learn English, I wouldn’t come here and learn from people who comment on 康熙來了.

  21. [YT] 學一下會死啊﹗ 小S好玩﹗趙正平肯被玩﹐有風度。

    她。 不過口音並不是大問題﹐言之有物﹐還有不要
    正重要的。 要不然像前一陣子F4之一上康熙﹐連一

  22. [YT] when you guys click on Sugoishow’s profile, do you see a pink bar on top that says ” I call shenanigans” ? what is that about?? can someone tell me?

  23. [YT] 英文好中文不好: 他從小講英文嘛﹐以他的程度會一點中文算好的。

    中文好英文不好: 怎麼他那麼俗啊!!!像他這口爛英文不怕笑死人嗎?


  24. [YT] Amputate = cut off (limbs surgically)
    Part = break up

    If your boyfriend is an idiot, or if you are an idiot, then you only use the words on the right hand side. The left side may be too difficult… oops, sorry, too hard for you.

  25. [YT] 不一定 中文的層次有二種意思 一種是形容程度與層級 比如趙哥上次說的意思”我跟你層次不同啦” 那是level 一種是指某種物品的層次 比如說裙子的層次 頭髮的層次 那就是layers 中文一個詞可以有多個意思 可惜英文無法做到 只能用二個單字

  26. [YT] “let’s part” is a correct saying. there is nothing wrong with the phrase. however it is old. it’s not colloquially or widely used right now, at least not in the U.S. (i don’t know if it’s more used in Britain or not.)

  27. [YT] For those who are laughing at the teacher, stop pretending that you possess the perfect English
    skill. He used “Let’s Part” because both actors
    were male; therefore, “let us part” is absolutely
    correct if used between friends/family. It’s the
    context that matters. The comments are
    simply imbecile and self-righteous.

  28. [YT] @olalox04 好奇怪。。刚才的回复没有了。。。应该是 web chat /webcam chat或者 cam chat。。visual communication当然也可以,但是没人这样用

  29. [YT] 可是我觉得讲中文的时候一天夹英文很惹人讨厌吧~~~虽然我说中文的时候经常就会想直接用英文表达,不过都会忍住慢慢想合适的中文替换掉哈哈。结果还是被妈妈说我讲中文颠三倒四

  30. [YT] 我想这集开头小S要讽刺的就是下面这些只用英文留言的朋友吧,好好中文不说,留言非要说英文.会英文的又不是只有你们,有本事的来说下面这段文

    venga,vamos a hablar Castellano!

  31. [YT] 加拿大比較喜歡用”washroom”, 美國喜歡”restroom”. 我第一次去美國的時候找地圖找不到”washroom”這個詞, 後來看標誌才知道叫”restroom”

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