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Pingback: 康熙來了2009-12-15 明星奶爸的震撼教育| | Taiwan ... - 熱點新聞網
[YT] u misunderstood him. he said that the hospital told him that their first priority is the kid, but the both the mom and bb were in critical condition that calls for surgical operation that requires him to authorize/sign the release of liability form. what he said was he had to sign it because of the situation, not becuz he had to choose the bb over the mom.
[YT] He did emphasize that it was ages ago and also that it is illegal to do so now.
[YT] hahah its soo funny that one dad is soo funny and dramatic
[YT] 是啊。
[YT] 邵昕好好笑~~比小鐘林智賢等有笑果多了~~
[YT] 邵昕好好笑~~比小鐘林智賢等有笑果多了~~
[YT] whos the white dudes wife? is she famous?
[YT] 我在國外十多年了, 不是只有一個外國朋友, 我先生也是外國人, 只是他也很看不慣大部分老外帶孩子的方法. 打不了很多, 只舉一個還是中產正常家庭的例子. 我不了解只是打個我的真實經驗也會被批評!? 給別人真實經驗負分的人是什麼意思? 你參與了我的經驗嗎?
[YT] 邵昕超級無敵有效果的!
[YT] 建議台灣偶像劇組找邵昕去演戲吧
[YT] 邵昕..須老婆吵架都這樣….對小孩好貼心哦~~
[YT] 其實夏克立是誰..
不過還蠻喜歡他 🙂
[YT] 记得写信回来!笑死我了!
[YT] 邵昕的五千块那段也好笑!哈哈!
[YT] o dear 邵昕笑到我BILL眼水
[YT] this episode i laughed all the way. they made such a mundane topic so funny!
[YT] 邵昕演得完全不像水龍頭,像耍螳螂拳吧!
[YT] 邵昕的情緒好激動,像隨時都會殺人啊!
[YT] newborn fathers are jus so much more fun to watch.
[YT] ah di’s daughter is very cute!
[YT] 心軟是不是 你要先去酒店
[YT] i have a question,
general anaesthesia is uncommon for c-section?
i’ve only heard of ppl getting general anaesthesia and not really regional…
[YT] 邵昕任何時候都很好笑!多發他通告吧!
[YT] 你一个老外朋友又不代表全部。
[YT] 李羅 最後那句: 幹甚麼 … 還有動作笑死我!
[YT] 李羅 最後那句: 幹甚麼 … 還有動作笑死我!
[YT] 邵昕 is very funny!!!! XD
[YT] 看來生小孩是個辛苦卻有趣的經驗
[YT] gay?!
that would explain it ^_^
[YT] 李傑聖的兒子好可愛哦
[YT] @vincentwang1125
[YT] @CanZu7
yea he does lol
but its just the accent, other than that his chinese is fluent and local.
he talks real fast without a single pause or stutter
he’s really good.
probably coz his wife is Taiwanese.
[YT] @yxuz
I see.
[YT] 觉得阿弟是个很温柔的爸爸,他们一家三口一定很温馨。:)
[YT] he is gay
[YT] 邵昕自身性格真的很有效果
[YT] 喜歡鬼吼鬼叫的雞巴咖,應該不多
[YT] 喜歡看李羅
[YT] 羅 伯 派 汀森 怎麼在這 ?!
[YT] 邵昕也太激動了吧~哈哈
[YT] 夏克立好赞。
[YT] 夏克立,好可爱的爸爸。
[YT] 夏克力那段笑死我啦XD
[YT] 夏克力好好笑!!!
[YT] @yxuz
看不懂.. 在說哪個?
[YT] 到sugoideas裡去看國人都叫好
[YT] 以前很討厭邵昕,覺得夸張又不好笑。。。現在怎么變得那么好笑了。。。
[YT] @Penpen0823 how u know..?
[YT] 夏克力 is really quite handsome without his specs and when he really makes himself up . haha
[YT] 不想看到 邵昕
[YT] Just a thought… it would be very interesting if 小 S and 邵昕 were married. lol.
[YT] Just a thought… it would be very interesting if 小 S and 邵昕 were married. lol.
[YT] 邵昕說洗頭那段笑爆我
[YT] 邵昕說洗頭那段笑爆我
[YT] 你说的男主持人是蔡康永?莫非你是第一次看康熙?
[YT] 你说的男主持人是蔡康永?莫非你是第一次看康熙?
[YT] 邵昕 is a natural born entertainer, very funny, just like 小 S.
[YT] 邵昕 is a natural born entertainer, very funny, just like 小 S.
[YT] 邵昕情緒起伏好大 XDDD
[YT] 真的。。不过老外的体格是比较好。。。
[YT] it was really interesting seeing a white dude talking in Chinese…
unfortunately i don’t understand it..
Does he have an accent while talking in Chinese?? I’m just curious =P
i still loved it !! ^_^
[YT] 邵昕好煩
[YT] 那个男主持人女里女气的,
[YT] 大家看看李羅的表情吧,也夠好笑的
[YT] 我好想聽阿弟多講幾句
[YT] 找陳漢典模仿邵昕
[YT] 完全同意lavenyuki說的~
[YT] 這集有夠好笑
[YT] really? they are married?? Poor 柯以柔…
[YT] 又是那死毒蟲雞巴咖,這集跳過
[YT] 生小孩真的好辛苦
[YT] 李羅 讓我笑死了 呵哈哈 抓著 嘴巴撐開 撞就下去
[YT] 哈哈 漢典一定要模仿這一段的康永
[YT] 老外都是亂帶孩子一通~我外國朋友懷孕三個月都不知道,所以抽煙又喝酒, 懷孕後期也想說應該沒關係了所以喝酒, 生下來不到一個月就帶去海邊, 餵母奶太辛苦所以不到兩週就不餵了, 小孩七個月大直接用廚房水龍頭的熱水泡奶粉給他喝, 不到一歲就餵速食麵, 三歲半還用尿布然後還會說都是幼稚園老師沒教…
[YT] 漢典在呀._. 只是出場次數太少吧
[YT] 邵昕这集好好笑!!
[YT] 就愛邵昕!
[YT] 好有性格的五個來賓哦
[YT] 他要是真知道當媽媽有多辛苦
[YT] 我到現在都要用甜飲料配藥丸
[YT] 我到現在都要用甜飲料配藥丸
[YT] 蔡康永 娘娘腔
[YT] 蔡康永 娘娘腔
[YT] my parents used to quarrel and they thought i was asleep. but i actually know every and cry in my bed. T_T
[YT] 因为不像他自己
[YT] 六條線…………….
[YT] 不是不道歉吧
[YT] 邵昕 好爱演~
[YT] yeah, but think about how many years ago that was… and he might have been from a little town/village where everyone already knows eachother
[YT] 邵昕完全不好笑
[YT] 哈哈哈 漢典在就好了
[YT] 很愛演ㄟ!!!!
[YT] 邵昕完全不喜欢..话太多…太刻意了
[YT] 你过来北美看一看。那不是一个顶俩,有的顶三顶四都有多!!
[YT] 真的耶!
[YT] 汪建民還說什麼跟紀文蕙不可能 上別的節目又說除了紀文蕙其他人他不會接這個通告 明明就知道節目上會搞曖昧 這樣旁人看起來柯真的像備胎了
[YT] 6:30 蔡康永笑得超誇張的 哈哈~
[YT] 以前邵昕沒那麼好笑
[YT] 他们也是从小练出来的--从小就开始喝冰牛奶,吹风,冬天还穿短袖。。。
[YT] Mathew Perry (aka Chandler) 也正好是加拿大人耶
[YT] 看不出婴儿的事情, 我能理解, 有做过跟邵昕一样的事情。看朋友的小孩, 称赞了一番, 结果发现不是他们的孩子。哈哈哈~
[YT] 對丫..孩子要在媽媽肚裡住10個月耶.
[YT] 邵欣超好笑
[YT] 阿弟真是个好爸爸,说的话也都很有道理。可惜没什么笑点,都没有机会focus在他身上。
[YT] yes! 邵昕 again today.
[YT] 国人都叫好091215 汪建民和纪文慧结婚了!!!!!柯以柔情何以堪。。。。
[YT] 不應該買東西道歉
[YT] 學會錯誤很應該ㄚ
[YT] 我在canada。。要被关的
[YT] 阿哈哈哈哈哈哈 陳漢典是betty boop 酷斃了!!!
[YT] 阿哈哈哈哈哈哈 陳漢典是betty boop 酷斃了!!!
[YT] 后制的那把火,烧的是恰到好处啊,太搞笑了,
[YT] 后制的那把火,烧的是恰到好处啊,太搞笑了,
[YT] 超high!!!
[YT] 超high!!!
[YT] 夏克立很好笑!哈哈哈哈.這集很好看
[YT] 夏克立很好笑!哈哈哈哈.這集很好看
[YT] 這一集太好笑了
[YT] 這一集太~~精彩了!!!
[YT] 爸爸們都好可愛~~:)
[YT] 小S超讚的! 哈哈哈
[YT] sorry, 沒看到他說是以前. 現在是不合法.
[YT] 什麼國外的方式都這樣! 夏克立不是加拿大的嗎? 他媽媽這樣被人知道是要被抓的.
[YT] this episode=HUGE success 😀
[YT] He’s kinda funny but he talks too much..give other guests a chance!!
I wanna hear more frm the guys on the left
[YT] 邵昕 is crazy in a very funny and entertaining way ^_____^
[YT] 邵昕笑死我了!!
李傑聖的方法是最好的! 一百分!
[YT] they’re soo high. lovww irr
[YT] 台灣的藥真的很難吃,不要怪小孩
[YT] 原來爸爸們在一起也會那麼”三姑六婆”的聊天哦??? 哈哈哈哈….
[YT] 不要再發邵昕啦拜託!! ~”~
[YT] 喜欢这集啊!!好好看!!很温馨~很搞笑^^~~ =)
[YT] 7:00那段超好笑,請留意李羅就表情。
[YT] 這集比前一集好看太多了
[YT] 邵昕真的應該回來演戲,他還蠻適合演嚴厲的父親
[YT] 帥哥好多今天
[YT] 邵昕 太好笑了!!哈哈哈哈!!!!多发多发!!
[YT] 这集太经典了!
[YT] 搞笑啊!!
[YT] 你见过几个西方女人啊,我在英国留学都2年了,感觉其实和亚洲女人差不多。
[YT] 我想聽多一點阿弟和他女兒得故事啦!!!!!!!!邵昕講太多了!!!!!!!!1
[YT] 绍兴啊,现在我们全世界华人都知道你儿子掀女孩子裙子的事情了哈!!你要买更多面具了。。。。。。
[YT] 你不说不觉得,你一说,是啊,那个调调子,那个幽默感和外型,的确很像!!!
[YT] 恭喜夏克立和嘉千~~
[YT] 咦,明天有法国最有名的甜点macaron耶,,,huhu,,, 看着就嘴馋了~ j’adore ça
[YT] 好喜歡這一集﹐ 太好笑了。康熙好久沒有這麼好笑的。
[YT] sorry @Oxlip36 i was gonna press good comment :*(
[YT] 邵昕比李傑聖man多了
[YT] 邵昕是新一代的康熙之光啊
[YT] 真的有點像 除了鼻子
[YT] 邵昕又在唬烂了
[YT] 怎麼覺得夏克力有點像六人行的chandler
[YT] 哇,这一集也太好笑了吧!!!
[YT] As people say “家家有本难念的经”but some 家的经特别的难念.
[YT] I don’t think a person can forget everything especially when the parents say,”you are not my child.”
[YT] 今天這一集很好笑-v-
[YT] haha..今天這集 爸爸們很 hyper
[YT] If 邵昕’s son do really say about the divorce thing, i really admire his son cause few children dare to speak about divorcing especially in a family that always quarrel. Parents should know that frequent quarrelling is especially bad when the child is still young. It is very very pathetic when the child thinks that divorcing is better than the family being whole.
[YT] 今天的漢典滿帥的
[YT] 靠,被漢典下集的造型嚇到!
[YT] 一把把他推到。。。。。。。哈哈哈
[YT] 小時候被罵長大都忘光了吧= =
[YT] 哈哈好想看邵昕演的戏
[YT] 邵昕真的很愛演, 好笑!
[YT] indeed
[YT] 确实 西方女人体格好很多
[YT] 邵昕好多情緒……哈哈哈哈
[YT] lol, that guy is intense. His life is a stage.
[YT] 好喜欢邵昕哈哈
[YT] Wow,竟然有人要保孩子不要妈妈。太没良心了吧?
[YT] that just his style
[YT] omg its so fast.
thank you so much. 🙂
[YT] 哈哈哈哈 清朝也没有展昭
[YT] 邵昕好有戲劇效果
[YT] 阿弟ㄉ小貝比好可愛ㄚ;)
[YT] 邵欣好夸张哦
[YT] 有点模糊,不清楚啊