康熙來了 2010-01-01 星光沒唱的經典好歌

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207 thoughts on “康熙來了 2010-01-01 星光沒唱的經典好歌

  1. [YT] Aww i miss Yoga and Peter so much!
    Who’s that Fong girl? Which season was she from? Truthfully i only watched Season 1 and a lil of 2…
    And those students on the left, the lady keep saying they are good at this and that..and they were SUCH a disappointment, especially the dancer guy..not impressive.
    But 星光帮 did so well <3

  2. [YT] Jing Lun improvement is more then i though..Sing great in this TV Show..By the way, Kate sing is make me uncomfortable and hope she can listen what Jing Lun said.

  3. [YT] 我想 他要表達的是 有回應 固然很好
    但過於情緒化的用字卻會 讓人覺得不愉快 畢竟 原本 綜藝節目的目的 就是 娛樂大眾

  4. [YT] @watching78


  5. [YT] @watching78


  6. [YT] 他會的樂器: 古典吉他, 民謠吉他, 電吉他, 電貝斯, 鋼琴, 大提琴, 優克里里琴, 曼陀鈴琴, 非洲鼓, 爵士鼓. 批評人很爽嗎?? 有一天當他紅了不要再來這邊拍他馬屁!!

  7. [YT] 看看康永看rex的表情。。。哈哈。。。证明rex打的鼓真的乱七八糟,怪怪的。
    btw别在一直推销这些艺能班学生,如有实力,有眼有耳朵的人自然会挖掘他们,再多练练吧 [台上一分钟,台下十年功]

  8. [YT] able to sing high notes & to be able to sing well is two different things
    Rex & the lady who recommend him seems not to understand this..
    jing lun is the one who can sing both high notes & to sing very well..
    dont understand what rex is trying to do..

  9. [YT] 12 種樂器?不會就是非洲鼓、拉丁鼓、康加鼓、沙鈴、鈴鼓…等打擊樂器加起來的吧?拍子也不準,根本就是在亂敲…至於歌聲…那就更不用說了…

  10. [YT] 會樂器的真棒,

    我小孩在美國上國中,在學黑管樂器,一對一老師一小時1800台幣,那位老師一周工作40小時,收入7萬2, 一個月可收入31萬台幣,要報名還要排隊,那位老師會薩克斯風,橫笛,他才30歲


  11. [YT] 黃靖倫唱的好好聽,希望他的唱片超級賣.

  12. [YT] 林宥佳对音乐已经掌握自如了~~~太棒了~李泉的歌真的很难唱诶。。。。

  13. [YT] I see… No idea. didn’t read his blog. Just that I find myself thinking of chu ning again… Sad… 🙁
    I think Jing Lun kinda liked Chu Ning except she was probably attached which explained her suicide.
    Such a great singer. RIP Chu Ning.

  14. [YT] @arevl
    Yes,靖伦 mentioned in his blog that he sang it for his angel 黎楚……
    At 6.50 can feel he’s holding back his tears. They were such good pals back than…..

  15. [YT] I don’t know if it’s just me or what, but I feel that this season’s of 星光 is a little.. off standard as compared to the past few seasons?

    But still, I didn’t watch every single episode of 星光 (for all seasons) so I guess I am not in any position to say who’s better and who’s not.

  16. [YT] ya ! omgg……seems like shes doing a parody of a singer or something, but shes not?shitty..off pitch, forceful singing, no change in dynamics, booming with no expression.
    what shitty performance -___-

  17. [YT] 黄靖伦用假音唱也很有爆发力, 棒!
    好过用真音唱但又拉不上。学弟还是要多多检讨和练习, 相信以后能表现得更好。

  18. [YT] i think xiao s said soemthign like she 硝骨 which means it was suppose to get rid of her big cheek bone, not make it bigger (p.s. her cheek bone was very prominent before, so i think trimming it down is more reasonable in order to make her face look smaller)

  19. [YT] 林宥嘉 好像有特别关注李泉 他已经翻唱过了 我要我们在一起 今天又听到了这首 走钢索的人 老歌好怀念 李泉的音乐 赞

  20. [YT] It’s because of her bangs, the short bangs make her cheekbone more prominent. Actually I prefer her previous hairstyle, more suitable. But overall she is still very sweet…

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