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[YT] 台灣女生假睫毛都貼很多層…雖然遠遠看眼睛都很大很漂亮
[YT] it’s really relax~
[YT] hahaha Lag
[YT] @shamutubb
“chinese ppl are hella disgusting and ugly”, “they ruined the view”?
Not only you are incredibly stupid to say that, also you are simply wrong.
Do you know that the traits people generally consider beautiful (fair smooth complexion, etc) are all ethnically Han Chinese?
I would personally think your bigoted existence is an insult not to Taiwan people but to human being in general.
[YT] Jeff好好笑XD
[YT] @dingding123 如果说房靠关系,那他也没办法啊。。他出生就是巨星的儿子,又不是他要的。。
[YT] 男人有錢不缺女人
[YT] 小隆拍的偶像劇還蠻多齣的
[YT] @sunshinegirlss 多謝解惑!不過這集看完覺得似乎原因不單純
[YT] 黄立成, 李玖哲, 房祖名, 3個最討厭的明星, 這集, 放棄好了…
[YT] 是走一個Jason Mraz的路線嗎
[YT] @yxuz
[YT] @6wingCkwan
有啊 据说交往过
[YT] @linyu0725
[YT] shit everywhere!!!!
[YT] @helloxueland, umm im pretty sure youre ugly too,cause chinese ppl are hella disgusting and ugly, i went to shanghai once, its really pretty there, but ppl there ruined the view. oh yeah and i think taiwanese have the best look in asia. oh and are wayyy cooler than chinese.
[YT] @phoebepiggy 他說太累了
[YT] 房祖名滿可愛的~!
[YT] 台灣女生好辛苦.去夜店要一直比.服裝.髮裝.要花好多錢阿.這也是我愛去夜店.但又覺得壓力大的原因
[YT] 請問一下:安鈞璨怎麼沒當公關了?
[YT] 那些女生跳舞真難看
[YT] 感覺房祖名唱歌有一點點男生版Joanna wang的慵懶感~ 好聽!!
[YT] 下? 小s跟jeff有傳過緋聞?
[YT] 他說得原來是魔斯咖哩豬排堡的廣告= =b 真的有像 很好笑
[YT] 超好聽的,每次聽現場的,有實力的歌手,只要一開口就知有沒有,吉他伴奏把這首歌的感覺完整的表現出來了,專輯版本的混入太多其他的配樂了,聽起來反而沒現場好聽。
[YT] 最恨纯男组party
[YT] 那個漢堡廣告找不到耶
[YT] @doudou219 nv have good impression on 钱帅君
[YT] @kenneth2214 majority of the japanese they seems to have yellow undertone in their skin.
[YT] come to think of it clubs in singapore, everyone inside are ugly or not good looking. many just dress t shirts, most of them are guys. cmi!
[YT] @cdtscorpio lol
[YT] @helloxueland hi, i am singaporean i do agree with you singaporeans are ugliest. but as you know, i dont consider myself as ugly but not gorgeous either. anyway, just wanna say i am born a singaporean, have been one for 23 yrs and I AGREE WITH YOU! singapore guys especially cannot make it. luckily i already found myself a loving bf who is not drop dead handsome but it’s good looking to me. =)
[YT] @b9415174 good look!
[YT] 請了這麼厲害的DJ Kid 只講了幾句話 節目安排真有點…….
[YT] sending invites for lockers send me a message with your email
[YT] @lilyyukilove 是房祖名出道先的hahaha
[YT] @lilyyukilove 是房祖名出道先的hahaha
[YT] 是房祖名出道先的hahaha
[YT] 是房祖名出道先的hahaha
[YT] The presenter lady looks like an older, somewhat uglier version of Gain from BEG…. Yes.
I have no idea why this was on my recommended.
[YT] WHY IS THAT SHIT IN MY RECOMMENDED…I’m sure I have not watched any related videos to that TV show lol.
[YT] wtf
[YT] OMG,,holy shit~~~rofl
[YT] @linyu0725 容嘉很久之前就有跟他拍MV
[YT] jeff is the funniest!
[YT] 房祖名 唱歌好有味道…
吉他也很厲害 曲風輕快~
比較希望 累 那首歌能根成龍唱
[YT] 房祖名唱歌很有韋禮安的感覺!
[YT] 玖哲跟陳致遠的型真像
[YT] haha.. O.O …
[YT] 這年頭女生妝濃一點穿的少一點裙子短一點,就會被叫”辣妹”
[YT] 赵又挺不是吗
[YT] 他们说的那个女生?徐静蕾吗?
[YT] 是房祖名新專輯的歌 若無其事:)
[YT] 台灣男生都打光棍嚕~還帶外地的來把妹~看
[YT] 很清楚聽到是戴佩妮啦~ 稍稍扭大喇叭就聽到啦~
[YT] @milkiwei 可能是日本人的膚色吧,也有可能是不同粉底
[YT] Makiyo臉黃黃的(跟小S比), 是喝酒喝太多嗎?
[YT] @bbsophie 可是那個時候戴佩妮不是有個ROCKER男友嗎?@@
[YT] @sunshinegirlss wow 真的噢!!!
[YT] 這個房祖名完全都是靠著爸爸的名聲及地位在娛樂圈中混
[YT] 我觉得他唱歌很好听也
[YT] Seriously l find that Taiwanes and Chinese people and hongkong ppl are all not bad looking ONLY singaporeans are the ugliest among the aisa countries ,this feeling gets stronger and stronger now . I HAVE BEEN STAYING SINGAPORE FOR 13 YEARS AND I HAVE ENOUGH OF SINGAPOREAN LOOK l think i need to go back to SHANGHAI at least shanghainess have the better look. Singaporeans are ugly to a extream extend .
[YT] @linyu0725 我也覺得~~
[YT] @fyw1989 是戴佩妮..S耳语说的是戴佩妮..你认真再听几次..!!
[YT] i love jaycee <3
[YT] 在臺灣哦,就是比較容易遇到明星藝人什麽的…
[YT] if jaycee isnt jackie chan’s son…….. LOL
[YT] 其實Jaycee無那麼差啦 香港有一隻糖叫Rio就是Jaycee自己談代理談回來的 他就是不要被人說靠成龍 他是成龍的兒子不是他的錯!!
[YT] Jeff is so funny! hahaha….
[YT] 好混乱的世界啊。。。
[YT] @wutian433
[YT] 李玖哲好搞笑,oh shit~” 全部都是shit!哈哈哈
[YT] 房祖名唱得很好聽! 喜歡歌詞和曲! 真舒服
[YT] 1:34 下?點呀而家? XD
[YT] jeff是在说玩CS么
[YT] anyone knows the title of the song he sang at the end?
[YT] 還好耶,普普~~
[YT] 房袓名的鼻子再加上他那幅眼鏡,看上去很像裝上去的,就小丑用的那種
[YT] I wonder which jrock live jaycee went to, where people mostly stood there and clap their hands. Lives of some bands are pretty insane, with insane headbanging, moshing around and crowd surfing. Just look at lives of bands such as dir en grey and most indies bands live and u’ll know crowds in livehouses are wild, he needs to go out more instead of generalising jrock fans behaviour in lives on the whole. As a jrock fan, I’m pretty amused by his comments.
[YT] @poiulkqaasa LOL, u totally cracked me up, haha! And ya, well said, rofl!
[YT] @gc1353 也是靠關係的啊傻瓜
[YT] @babevi 哈哈哈 超像的
[YT] jeff 好聪明,小s就很好笑啊,听他说, 我很迷 心里很乐吧
[YT] 好像在夜店當公關都會變得比較娘耶…
[YT] @GenKan24 他是呀 我記得他出道是先出唱片 第一張專輯還滿好聽的 風格沒怎麼變
[YT] never mind, it is 戴佩妮 !!!!!!!
if you turn the volume really loud, you can actually hear S whispering 戴佩妮 in 康永ears.
Plus, 康永 said the girl is always with music.
And, it turns out 戴佩妮and房祖名 did date 4 years ago!!!!!! i’m shocked~
[YT] 哈哈! “累” 也對,”要犯全天下男人都回犯的錯”是很累的!
[YT] @yxuz 哈哈哈哈哈 這好笑 🙂
[YT] 所以今天主角是”犯了全天下男人都會犯的錯”的公益正義超人成龍的兒子?
[YT] @jp2006hk 唱得是李玖哲的《想太多》,很好听吧!
[YT] 這些女的應該往”辣妹共和國”這個成人優質節目發展才對!
[YT] @jp2006hk 想太多 李玖哲
[YT] yxuz 就是出了名的沒口德 別理他
[YT] 有自尊的人就不喜歡靠別人而紅
沒自尊的人就算沒底也一定會裝熟 見仁見智
[玖哲 立成 好可愛]
[YT] 在香港都不會找你拍照啦 靠老豆仲要係淫虫
[YT] 房祖名1開始哼是什麼歌???
[YT] 房祖名唱的
是誰的歌 ?
[YT] 歌是誰唱的 ???/
[YT] 立成 好可愛..
[YT] @yxuz
[YT] 幹麻一直罵蔡康永…
[YT] 他真應該以歌手先出道的~~
[YT] 突然發現蔡老gay戴黑框眼鏡耶,我看八成又是他遮肥的新招,不過那口骯髒爛牙還是沒遮住,失敗!!!
[YT] 那個小龍應該是gay, 一直在那邊「沒有啦(甩手)」、「沒有啦(甩手)」他媽的有夠娘,自以為有效果
[YT] 房祖名唱歌好像有方大同的feel
[YT] 這一集真的挺好笑的 ^^
[YT] 演藝圈真是垃圾回收場,光是夜店雜碎至少就有兩個,跟他們裝熟以便把妹的爛咖藝人更是不計其數
[YT] 又是 Circus~ 下集能看的時間應該不超過十分鐘
[YT] 黃組名長得跟陳至中一樣一臉窩囊第二代臉,最好是會寫歌啦白痴,又是一個不靠老爸就一事無成的廢物
[YT] 房祖名笑起來的樣子真的好像他爸爸
[YT] 光是放個安雞巴的小張照片就有夠猥褻
[YT] @linyu0725
[YT] @mika880829 olivia ong
[YT] is 薛凯琪!
戴佩妮 is not his age, plus she have a boyfriend already.
[YT] @mika880829
新加坡歌手 Olivia
[YT] @linguanyu1017 胡嘉愛
[YT] 為什麼容嘉會喜歡這個男的?
[YT] 房祖名現在比以前好看些了耶~
[YT] @CrissCross53 對啊 想不到唱的蠻好
[YT] 康永今天说话为什么一直平翘舌不分啊
[YT] 喜欢音乐? 感觉那就是戴佩妮不是薛凯琪?
[YT] 康永今天的裝扮很好笑啊~!
[YT] lol my taiwanese friend said that taiwanese people are prettier than chinese people…i find that kinda funny even though i’m taiwanese
[YT] @Quinnie83 然怪有點眼熟
[YT] 好好笑
[YT] 一開始談論挑女人那就被我看穿這些垃圾的本性啊,仗著自己明星光環物色女人,像一坨大便吸引一些蒼蠅妓女.
[YT] 大家都没听过他唱歌吗?
[YT] more like afk rather than lag
[YT] @doudou219 注意是派對咖,不是夜店咖。
[YT] 小隆就是以前演过薰衣草的那个啊
[YT] 小隆就是以前演过薰衣草的那个啊
[YT] 没想到黄立成还挺搞笑的
[YT] 钱帅君之前不是还在上国光的时候说 自己从来不去夜店的吗
[YT] 其實唱歌還蠻好聽的耶
有jason mraz的感覺 XD
[YT] 我記得小隆有飾演薰衣草的小童,他也有演過第八號當鋪,還有一些戲劇,不過…都是配角。
[YT] @mika880829 那个? 唱歌那个?
[YT] 嗯嗯~台灣人男生真的…..越來越不帥~
[YT] @ittonytung lady gaga 的丫~ “poker face”
[YT] @ittonytung 好聽個屁
[YT] 是我木耳么,房感觉有方大同的feel(但是曲风又不一样)
[YT] very good very good 好搞笑xd
[YT] 我還以爲小s會問他追不到哪個女生嘞o.0
[YT] 房祖名也太装逼了
[YT] Jeff好可爱!
[YT] 房祖名不帥 但人很好的感覺. 音樂也不錯呀…………
[YT] @amandasun88 ahahha LOL
[YT] 錢帥君棒個屁,私底下滿口三字經,五字經的亂罵,假的要死.
[YT] 我女生朋友173,穿4 in 高跟鞋,在LA的夜店遇到房租名,房租名到我朋友鼻子,他170差不多吧。
[YT] 這集大多數都是答非所問
[YT] 黄立行和嘉愛
[YT] 4:22 – 4:33 LOL ……
[YT] is poker face not love game = =
[YT] Omg, I love jeff, 他的笑點太多了!!!
[YT] 有誰會任得房租明,只會說噢 成蟲的兒子。
[YT] @babevi thx
[YT] @tc2009vancouver
[YT] no …是跟嘉愛…
[YT] Jaycee’s eyes look smaller this time
[YT] 黃力成= very good business man
[YT] @ittonytung lady gaga poker face
[YT] Fiona
[YT] Jeff還有跟容嘉在一起嗎?? 不然怎麼還一天到晚講妹….呵
[YT] Olivia.
[YT] 黄立成情商好高
[YT] 声音真干净~~~~~
[YT] jeff很可愛~~
[YT] 很有戴佩妮的感觉喔
[YT] 耳语是戴佩妮?
[YT] 哪一個廣告 @@?
Very Good Very Good ~
[YT] hmmmm, you can swear in english but not chinese on kangxi hahahahahahha
[YT] 誰? fiona sit?
[YT] 最後預告那女生是誰?
[YT] @ittonytung Lady GAGA “POKER FACE”
[YT] 薛凱琪嘍
[YT] Maybe the clubs in LA are far away from each other, but in NYC, the clubs are relatively close together.
[YT] the song name is love game
[YT] his live version of 若無其事 is so much better than the CD version.
[YT] @ittonytung poker face. lady gaga
[YT] 但他唱歌尾音都有點小小的飄走。。。是比爸爸好就是了
[YT] 對,我記得他~
[YT] 請問一開始女生跳舞那首歌叫什麼名字?? 蠻好聽的
[YT] cool
[YT] wow! new album coming out! it’s been forever waiting for his new album!
[YT] 哈哈哈 玖哲好可愛XD
[YT] 誰呀誰呀~
[YT] 节目最开始我都没认出来那个宅男是谁。。原来是房祖名。。。
[YT] wow kangyong is wearing glasses
a new look for him
and i’m glad han dian isn’t here
i hope he doesn’t come back
no offence to him but he makes the show werid
[YT] 房祖名比成龙唱歌好听多了。哈哈
[YT] 黄立行和徐静蕾吧~
[YT] ok I’m confused…is Nicky getting married soon or no? or does he just have a gf?
[YT] haha..very good very good !! its hilaricious….
[YT] 分手了嗎??!!
[YT] Jeff is so cute~ ~ ~
[YT] What is the song he sing?
[YT] he sure can sing!
[YT] 歌是還滿好聽的耶
[YT] 這是帶出來打黃立成夜店嗎?
[YT] 王建隆,演过薰衣草
[YT] @linyu0725 對耶 感覺怪怪的..
[YT] @linyu0725 真的好難想像0_0
[YT] 黃立行發生甚麼事?
[YT] 这集的嘉宾都好可爱
[YT] 李玖晢is so cute.
[YT] 蕭亞軒吧?
[YT] 陳漢典又去了拍電影??
[YT] 你们觉得Jeff大哥笑起来十分像V怪客吗?
[YT] 蔡康永 黑鏡框 @~@”” 好可…..xoxoo
[YT] 李玖晢好好笑喔!!哈~
[YT] 小隆之前都拍偶像劇啊~他是藝人吧!!
[YT] JAYCEE唱歌好聽 =)
[YT] 真的很難想像黃立成之前跟容嘉在一起耶~
[YT] 亂跳一通…=_=a
[YT] 成龙和英皇老板杨受成当年在香港是有名的玩咖
[YT] @toxicccy i think so~~!!!!
[YT] 戴佩妮啊?
[YT] 薛凱琪??
[YT] @jermainkim
gossip said so, LOL
[YT] 等房祖名出专辑等了好几年啦~
[YT] 李玖哲好可愛 *v*
[YT] 成龙是不是和每个和他合作的女明星都有过染啊!