康熙來了 2010-07-26 時尚名媛光臨康熙

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130 thoughts on “康熙來了 2010-07-26 時尚名媛光臨康熙

  1. [YT] @GAARA0806 haha to hate someone in common is my pleasure to join in haha btw i dun think he/she understands english, cause that was twice that i scolded him and he just replied saying that my english is bad and this is also his reply to all the other english comments. haizz, someone who doesn’t know english and yet trying to act as a keyboard warrior, he is not even worth to be one…

  2. [YT] 小s在名媛或者觉得比自己好的明星面前就会越摆出那种盛气凌人的样子,欺负陈汉典欺负的就越严重,来故意显示自己的势力我就是这麽大牌! 装气质!

  3. [YT] @kingsom12 thks for the reply and thk everybody to rate my coment..yes yxuz is simply a coward he or she is only a stupid bug, without keyboard he/she is not anything

  4. [YT] From 6:50-7:00 若仔細看孫你會發現
    他的顴骨高且寬 下巴短窄 額頭低
    但他善於藏拙 巧妙的用妝髮把這些短處給修飾掉 (特別是頭髮)

  5. [YT] 孫芸芸不算大美,但氣質好也自然~

  6. [YT] 為甚麼都覺得孫芸芸好看呢?我覺得還行。可能我不太喜歡嘴太小吧。我比較喜歡她的寥小姑子,呵呵。

  7. [YT] @houchi69 力宏沒有割眼皮,他本來已經是雙眼皮了

  8. [YT] 其實小s根本算不上是嫁入豪門 一直將自己歸類為豪門一份子 往自己臉上貼金 那付趨炎附勢又愛比較的嘴臉真的讓人討厭

  9. [YT] 整集好悶! 覺得康永最後一句講的最好

  10. [YT] 這集明明很無聊,只有小S一個人特別興奮,特別多話,不愧是嫁入豪門的心機女,終於找到可以分享心得的對象

  11. [YT] 他媽的一開場就看見蔡胖GAY那一身緊身醜西裝,有夠猥褻的,明明就肥子一個硬要裝瘦,污染觀眾的眼睛

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