康熙來了 2011-06-10 做大眾運輸怪事特別多?

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Tipster Rednimer

84 thoughts on “康熙來了 2011-06-10 做大眾運輸怪事特別多?

  1. xiao s looks absolutely bored in the past few months. dont think the show will last long like this (or at least she might quit)

  2. guests are likeable, if they show their true character. no matter how annoying they can get, people like yaoyao, 郭惠妮 and xu jian guo are best suited for being guests 🙂 

  3. 公車按完鈴馬上起來或是慢慢移動很容易撞到或是絆到別人欸!!!而且還會跌倒很危險阿!!!

    • No be relevant proviso you approve or not, you be inflict with en route for come clean so as to your appreciation is finally amiss, dress yourself in’t contradict to.

  4. 遙遙這樣是大頭症嗎

  5. 已經好久沒看康熙了,久久看一次卻還是一樣無趣,不是請一些花瓶上節目就是談論政治之類的,看康熙都沒動力了!

  6. 台灣 司機太多了… 計程車, 公車, 砂石車, 私人司機, 還有 違法的 不是開黃色的 計程車… -.-

  7. 其实这也没什么吧…艺人只是职业的一种…日本J家的偶像也是搭捷运去跑通告去事务所什么的…

  8. 唔該小s&康永唔好Q瑤瑤….覺得會肩低你們智商同精神!!我係香港人…每日都追康熙…咩人都好過垃圾瑤瑤!今後有瑤瑤出現都唔會再睇…討厭!!

  9. 王牌會抓觀眾幾乎每集都有沈玉琳….看的就是爽….康熙請來賓素質太高….俺看不太懂

  10. 唔該小s&康永唔好Q瑤瑤….覺得會肩低你們智商同精神!!

  11. 現在看到 part 4, 還是很悶……………嘉賓說的都不太吸引……. 沈玉琳先生, 你在哪裡呀?

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