康熙來了 2011-07-12 男明星所追過的女星有…

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99 thoughts on “康熙來了 2011-07-12 男明星所追過的女星有…

  1. 1. 我還是覺得APP應該念App就好了,分開來念豈不多費口舌。
    2. Ikea 應該比較接近 EE-kay-a 或 EE-kee-a,不過中文就說宜家就行了。
    3. 王俐人應該不是裝傻,在美國紳士一點的男生都會幫女生朋友做這些事的,不一定當成要得到她這個人的手段。王俐人記得細節,大概是因為她腦筋太好,她不是哈佛畢業的嗎?

  2. 其實我覺得台灣香港和大陸的”資深”男藝人(無論歌手,演員,主持人,綜藝”腳”…)都應該很有”女人緣”, 畢竟有一大堆女生不惜一切想進入演藝圈想紅, 而能夠和男明星沾上邊就有機會曝光丫, 也許還有些人覺得和明星交往做朋友很有面子吧… 男藝人們經常接觸那麼多”誘惑”和”選擇”, 所以才會把他們寵得那麼風流… 有其是演藝事業比較閒的通告”腳”們….

  3. 最好不知道他在追求,肯定是知道,才記到現在阿! 真不知道當時王俐人是不是在利用郭鑫…

    • he cheated on his girlfriend with the girl he was going to introduce to his friend.  and he STILL introduced that girl to his friend and lied to all three of them.  classic pig.

  4. 我覺得丫子的鼻樑調整了一點點, 再加上化妝, 整個人變漂亮了!
    雖然我自己沒有化妝跟微整型, 但卻不反對別人這麼做,
    因為像丫子個性這麼好又有趣的女生, 就是因為樣子不漂亮, 都不被男生當作一回事;
    現在看到丫子變漂亮, 我好開心啊~

    • 喜歡丫子. 感覺上是個真誠的人, 滿可愛的. 雖然可能不是一見鍾情的型. 但, 應該是相處起來感覺滿融洽的女孩. 她走的雖然是諧星的路線, 但實在不喜歡各大牌老是欺負丫子. 就像小S跟康永老是欺負漢典, 有時聽起來真的滿傷人~~~

  5. 丫子好可怜哦~她说对, 潘若迪说对什么啦!!! 加油丫子。 录影后应该很尴尬。。。。

      • 喔?你不知道那個發音是從哪來的嗎?那我告訴你,是從瑞典來的。你說的那個發音是美國的發音。台灣的發音不是錯誤的,甚至嚴格來說比美國的發音更接近正統,因為人家原本歐洲那的發音就是「伊」,而美國人是照自己的語言邏輯來唸成eye的音。當然台灣這邊的發音跟瑞典發音也不是一模一樣,各國本來就都有自己的發音。IKEA的官方廣告在世界各地的發音名稱都不盡相同喔。其實發音不正統很正常、並不可怕,可怕的是明明不正統還自為正統並企圖糾正別人。對了順便告訴你…其實你那句英文也打錯了。

          • “it’s “i”-kea so I don’t know where Taiwan get that pronunciation” stfu & gtfo already, stupid douchebag.

          • haha your insults don’t make any sense, try harder or should I say troll harder

          • it doesn’t really matter if its called “AI-kea” or “EE-kea” so long as people can understand what is it about.  though the correct way of saying it is “eye-kee-uh” 

            and i believe the swedish will understand that most people will just break down the words to pronounce it instead of really finding out the exact pronunciation. that’s what some of the people do. 

            and its just a comment why do you have to be rude? 

      • i think Ai-kea is wrong. why should one pronounce a Swedish brand name in English? Same as the case that you will pronounce Versace as “vur-sa-chee”, not “vur-says”

  6. 王俐人明摆着是闷骚型 来上节目就是想在大家见证下再和郭鑫怎样怎样 细节记的可清楚了 嘴巴都没停过 。。。

  7. 王俐人都說不知道。但其實細節DETAIL記得比誰都清楚。
    oh well…當然雙方都願意利用與被利用啦。

  8. the hosts shouldnt really push it and make it extremely awkward for the both parties, cos’ like that next time when they wanna ask each other out, it becomes really difficult as people might think otherwise or something….

    • yes at first that is what i thought.

      but she mentioned the movie “something borrowed” which air in taiwan at jun 3

      so this episode is 1 month old?

  9. 王俐人一邊裝傻 一邊炫耀

    • actually i think it’s b/c she’s from US. here it’s common for girls to have good friends who’re boys, with whom you might do alot of things with, so she wasn’t sure if he’s really interested or just being friendly. In US it’s more clear if you formerly “ask” a girl out on a date. they just commute together and he helps her with moving and etc.. it’s the kind of stuff a good guy buddy might do for his friends who’re girls. He should clearly asked her out and told her how he feels.

      • I agree. It’s pretty normal to have a guy driving a girl around or helping her move, and they are just friends. Even grocery shopping, I see no problem with a guy and a girl doing so alone even if they’re just friends..

        • but isn’t she contradicting herself by being on the show? in other words, if she really believes that they’re just friends then why is she now saying that he was pursuing her?

      • 哈哈有點不同意,我覺得女生還是會感覺出來,只是如果男方不講的話,女生自己問,萬一不是的話不是很糗嗎~我覺得不是所有都事情都歸咎文化不同,有些東西還是有universal standards,eg.你很坦誠跟人說他很醜,有人說如果中國人的話就會很在意,外國人就還好很驚得起玩笑,可是我覺得還是會有一些外國人會很care啊~

      • 哈哈有點不同意,我覺得女生還是會感覺出來,只是如果男方不講的話,女生自己問,萬一不是的話不是很糗嗎~我覺得不是所有都事情都歸咎文化不同,有些東西還是有universal standards,eg.你很坦誠跟人說他很醜,有人說如果中國人的話就會很在意,外國人就還好很驚得起玩笑,可是我覺得還是會有一些外國人會很care啊~

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