康熙來了 2011-09-02 誰是田馥甄Hebe的最愛

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134 thoughts on “康熙來了 2011-09-02 誰是田馥甄Hebe的最愛

  1. I think they only added HianDian because the original guest couldn’t make it … 
    The second guy, HK/ England mix, reminds me of  a bit from Jerry Yan, Wu Zen and Aaron Guo’s features.  A good looking guy.  

  2. 陳宇凡好帥!不過我還是比較喜歡之前的他!現在轉型了有點不習慣~還有還是比較習慣他叫陳宇凡!

  3. 陳宇凡好帥!

  4. 雖然 Hebe算是一個怪咖, 但我蠻認同她說 “不會環保的男人根本沒有用” 的耶~
    當然, “沒有用”這個用詞是有點誇張化, 但我懂她的意思, 我也很討厭浪費電力, 食水, 然後說 “我有錢繳電費水費呀你管我!” 的人, 或是東西用一用就丟掉的人.
    不會惜物, 哪懂得珍惜感情?
    連多做一些些將垃圾分類都懶, 那怎麼經營感情?
    一段感情的維繫, 勢必需要更多的心思心力.
    如果覺得其他人做環保就好啦, 也不缺他一個; 那麼這種人在感情上也有可能是死魚, 自己懶得動, 只希望別人付出.
    當然, 如果國家的環保配套做得不好, 讓做環保成了一件很艱鉅的事情的話, 那就另當別論了.

  5. 為什麼還花那麼多篇幅研究漢典不會聊天的事情呢? 之前已經講很多了.
    其實沒有很想知道為什麼他那麼乾, 沒靈魂諸如此類的…

  6. Hebe is so rude to Handian! Don’t really like her when some guest gangs up to bully Handian with Xiao S. I mean if you know Handian in real life, you would treat him nicer like Leehom.

  7. so done with make-fun-of-handian trick! come on. to ridicule someone for entertaining affect is one thing, but to repetitively relentlessly humiliate someone is utterly no cool.

    • so??? it’s just an act with the three of them, as if they are like this to each other when the camera is off… handian profited from it, it’s part of the reason why he became popular so rapidly.

    • Whoa, dude..take a chill pill.  Seriously, it’s all for the show.  Besides,  do you think Han Dian would be as famous as he is now if he wasn’t regularly “repetitively, relentlessly humiliated”? He quite sure don’t mind it with this rapid increase of fans and opportunities…why should you? And if you really cant stand it ’cause you aint got one humor bone in you..then dont watch.

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