康熙來了 2011-10-13 棒棒堂大戰胖胖堂

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202 thoughts on “康熙來了 2011-10-13 棒棒堂大戰胖胖堂

  1. 真的很欣賞lollipop f從以前到現在每上一個節目都會很用心去對待,每一次的表演都十分精彩!很努力!!

  2. every time when lollipop is not promoting… i find that they disappear and i lose interest in the group – *guilty*.
    but every time they come back again to do performances, im always amazed by the amount of effort put into their performances 🙂

    • they never stopped promoting, they just promote not in other countries so no taiwanese shows to watch, it’s also because their fans are use to watching them everyday before from mfbbt…i agree they are talented, but they need a variety show or drama to gain popularity

  3. 我觉得如果宣传海报可以放每个团员的脸都一样size的话,会比较好哦!因为毕竟都是团体嘛~哈哈

  4. I have to agree, Lollipop F’s really a talented group. But if you’re criticizing Super Junior just to show your idols are ‘better’, all I have to say is that, this doesn’t reflect very well on your character, you’re a disgrace to your fandom. (:

    •  那個節目本來就是要兩個團體pk啊…難免被人拿來比較了 這裡的棒棒堂fans比較多加上台灣要撐自己人 不過還好吧 沒有什麽過分的言論   安拉

    • no one criticized SJ, on the contrary search up Lollipop F Starking videos on youtube and look at the disrespectful comments by elfs….so your comment should be directed towards elfs, fill in the blank with Lollipop F “if you’re criticizing ___________  just to show your idols are ‘better’, all i hate to say is that, this doesn’t reflect very well on your character, you’re a disgrace to fandom.”

    • Indeed, you made a very valid statement. However, it is the other way round whereby SJ fans are criticising Lollipop F simply because they may have felt Lollipop F posed as a threaten to their beloved idols, as can be seen in the comments of videos of that specific Star King episode.
      LOLLIPOP F 真的很拼,每场表演用心,节目效果好笑,有才华。一级棒啦!(Y)

  5. 以前我對lollipop沒什麼感覺, 看完他們跳舞, 有一點改觀
    再看完他們跳雙人舞, 真的有刮目相看!! 我超喜歡他們的雙人舞, 真的很好看~~希望以後繼續有這種表演

    P.S 胖胖堂也跟我想像中一樣……一樣好笑!!

  6. 敖犬在電司的MV裏面..超像TOP.
    lollipop F 整個有變BIG BANG了! (big bang fan 不要打我!!!!)

    • 電司是日本老師排的舞,第二波主打[戰利品]是韓國老師排的舞,當時韓國老師就有說LOLLIPOP F是台湾的BIG BANG,其實BB是LOLLIPOP F最欣賞的韓團,因為LOLLIPOP F也會自己寫詞曲和編曲

  7. 看完節目後, 對lollipopf印象很好!!但這次表演很用心,很喜歡那個雙人舞!

  8. 很喜歡lollipop f 每次都會加入綜藝進他們的表演!! 沒有偶像包袱的偶像最玩得開了! jpm就是偶像包袱太重了.. -.- 放不開沒笑點了..

  9. 小S和康永都說舞蹈和歌曲”非常好看”,‘’很好看”,”很厲害”欸!! 小S很少稱讚人的! (在節目中) 可見小S蠻喜歡LOLLIPOP F的!! 而LOLLIPOP F跟蔡康永的關係一直都很好..威廉開店蔡康永還送電視..嗯..可能是看見LOLLIPOP F的努力吧!! 畢竟LOLLIPOP F從剛出道就已經上康熙了…話說真的被小煜的唱功嚇倒了 !!! 唱現場還不錯喔!! 雙人舞也很用心, 他們真的是每場演出都用心100分啊!! 真的很為他們感到高興! 加油!!

      • yeah man whos jpm? never heard of them. are they singers or what? out of all the chinese bands/groups i know, mayday and lollipop f have always been the top two famous. jpm? sorry. 

        • JPM – 小傑(J),Prince(P),毛弟(M)

          two members of the previous Lollipop group + 1 from Choc7 (二軍)
          Andy took them when he left Channel V, because they have a bigger fan base

          but as a group, I like Lollipop F better

  10. This ep LOLLIPOP F is great so as 胖胖堂, 相反 小s,康永 嘴太贱 负面笑话太多… 觉得可怕,感觉不适服….

  11. 哇賽~ 他們那段雙人舞超厲害的!  好有水準喔~ 以前一直覺得棒棒堂是騙小妹妹的團體, 只是胡搞瞎搞, 所以一直沒當一回事, 但現在對他們另眼相看了!
    看得出來, 他們下了很大的苦功. 對於努力認真的人, 就算他們不是你的菜, 也沒有辦法不尊重他們, 還有, 沒辦法不給他們一個讚!

    • 完全有同感!

  12. 其實上次夫妻二人我覺得沈玉琳很用力在跳的,今次也是,只是他根本沒節奏感而己

    • 棒棒堂LOLLIPOP F是來宣傳專集的當然要捧,而且是認真的表演,胖胖堂是拿通告費的他們才不在乎沒虧,反而越被虧越好笑啊

  13. 有些人不要在那裝得很會聽
    說這不是唱現唱的 也太好笑了吧?
    不過也謝謝你們 說明他們真的進步了

    • 真的,我想說雖然唱的不錯但是還不到完美吧? 一聽就是現場啊!  還是那些人認為他們唱的太好了… 呵呵

  14. 很久沒有關注棒棒堂了 我只能說士別三日刮目相看..lollipop的跳舞和整個feel比以往厲害好多…下面有人po的那個韓國節目鏈接看得出來 和super j 至少不會說遜色啦  

  15. Lollipop F的舞蹈真的有進步,也很用心。但一開口就差很多,最後這首歌不表現比較好。

  16. 他們真的很棒!從出道到今天經過不少波折,但都熬過來了。四人坦率、流露真情和友情,幽默風趣,認真努力,有熱血的Rocker,有能跳的兩位bboy,有努力克服不協調的可愛捲髮小子。他們認真看待每一次的演出。這次的舞蹈無論是在創意,音樂剪輯,或編排的舞蹈動作和搞笑橋段都讓我贊嘆不已。能不愛上他們嗎?

  17. This ep was ok.  The dancing was nice to see.  Next ep seemed boring again, recently many of the eps are kinda boring.  I want to see shoes ep again … 

  18. 连康永哥和小S姐都一直称赞他們!真的是太厉害了~ 而且敖緯的雙人舞超好看的!有jazz的feel~ 我都要被融化了!超屌的!這是我看過最好看的一集!害得我越来越爱他們了!♥ (你們不看真的是太可惜了!)

  19. They didn’t even promote their album: DANCE – IN STORE 10/20, you can preorder right now. search up their MV:  LOLLIPOP F 電司 DANCE 

  20. Lollipop F is getting better and better!! Their dance and their singing better and better!!! Hope they can appear more in variety show… 

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