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LH’s song…. exactly like KA$HA’s…. “this place is bout to blow ohohohohohohohoh~”
no it does not sound exactly like blow unless you are deaf
It only sound similar….but better
doesnt the mv sounds like O-o kesha? or someone’s song ? O_o
i agree it sound like Ke$ha – Blow
LH nose is big
obviously they are trying to hide the fact that lee hom’s a gay… its so obvious when the hosts ask about lee hom’s love life…
I agree. Lol
I LOVE LH but the song in the MV is quite irritating -_-”’
Sounds like a Kesha song
I always thought the hosts were just rude on the show for effect. But after hearing the story of Blackie’s wedding, now I know they are rude in real life too. They really don’t know how to respect people. I don’t know, maybe some people think it’s all fun and games. But consider when you’re the one being put in awkward situations rather than the one watching things go down and thinking it’s funny.
You must be a very boring person. I feel sorry for you.
that’s their culture.
It’s not rude when ur trying to keep the atmosphere fun and exciting and its not like they dunno the limit of their jokes n stuff =_=
康吸來了應該請王力宏+金城武做一集. They make a cute couple.
wait till you learn how to spell leehom’s name then comment on him. seriously =.=
I think fan fan gave it away by describing lee hom’s future wife in quotations (“老婆”)
leehom soooooo cute
覺得同性戀者 真的很可憐
請問下 如果gay裡面有分”男女”的角色
是不是double gay or gay to the power of 2(gay square)
what you said there is very offensive. you may think its funny but this may hurt other ppl’s feeling! i respect all kind of people
i dont think leehom is gay. coz most gay really really care how they dress. leehom is just a working hard man.
not all gay people are as superficial as you
那也是 看看康永…..
leehom has said again and again in various interviews that he is not gay- Check the episode of kangxi when he was on with Barbie filling in for Dee when Dee was pregnant. He clarified it on CNN too stating the gay rumour is just a rumour.
黃綠紅被管這麼嚴 也只能玩自己闢演
怎麼那麼多人說尊重隱私隱私. 其他明星和公眾人物也會被這樣挖啊
連高爾夫球王 Tiger Woods 都被搞得那麼慘了. 人家挖 Tiger 的隱私就是他活該?
那請問如果他覺得沒有錯, 他為什麼要出來道歉?
以前是不相信什麼上天造人, 也為他量身訂做好另一半的說法, 覺得這只是一個美麗的童話.
但是看著范范和黑人, 禁不起動搖了, 他們活生生的就是天造地設的一對啊!
看他們倆的互動, 就是會會心微笑~
老是自己一廂情願的complete the whole story.
哇塞, 你好多分身喔, 從今以後都不回覆你了:P
現在的愛情易來易去, 而看他們這麼多年一路走來, 最後步進禮堂, 心裡除了溫暖還是溫暖; 覺得他們是天造地設的一對, 也是出自感動和祝福, 這樣也被噹, 只能說是有心找碴, 何患無辭呀~
如果說這是一廂情願, 對, 我願意一廂情願的祝福他們!
Wow, 超想看力宏穿那雙沙悟淨鞋子~! 冬天還搭配不同顏色的襪子, 可愛斃了!
很可惜 你永遠都沒有機會看到
哇塞, 你好多分身喔, 從今以後都不回覆你了:P
言論自由是人人有的….我也看不下去妳每次自以為是的言論= =
你說言論自由人人有, 但別人發文你又要噹, 這不是自打嘴巴嗎?
其實, 我沒有不接受別人反我的, 說得有道理的我會接受, 而且會修改自己的想法. 因為我覺得這個世界上, 沒有人是完全對的, 包括長輩, 包括老師, 包括總統.
記得之前 Makiyo的一集, 我有說 Makiyo的媽媽長癌了, 狀況很不好, 她需要錢, 可是唱歌跳舞不是她的天份, 所以她只求速成賣唱片; 後來有網友提出反對, 說Makiyo 唱歌根本是有天份的, 很久以前的唱片就是證據; 我看到了, 覺得她講得有道理, 也補充了我不知道的地方, 也立刻修正了自己, 另外留了言.
又有一次, 我說李毓芬敢於改變自己的容貌, 追求自己想要的, 總比沒有膽子改變自己, 然後光眼紅人家、攻擊人家的人有guts; 後來又有人反對我, 說她打死不承認自己整形還算有guts嗎? 她點出我不知道的部分, 我也立刻修改.
如果我誤會你了, 這些人不是你的分身, 我願意道歉 🙂 但你反對我的言論, 好像只流於孩子氣的謾罵, 所以並沒有說服到我啦…
其實, 我覺得這裡是大家都可以發言的平台, 只要不是惡意抨擊, 或人身攻擊, 每個人都可以暢所欲言說自己的想法的. 而我撫心自問, 從來沒有發過以上兩種惡意的言論, 對得起自己的良心就好了.
耶耶 下集一定很好看
王力宏破音好好笑 哈哈
Okay I think he’s gay but I don’t think gay’s a bad thing….for those that are comparing him with jay chou..this is a different situation…why are they stressing on what time he will be married not just rumored girlfriends? Why does Blackie say that he will never get married and fanfan say that he will get married in five…I think it all depends on when leehom wants to drop out of the music business and live his life…also why does fanfan put wife in quotations with her hands? there’s no need for that…I think she’s subconsciously doing that because blackie and her knows
Lol, you guys are saying as if you knew it all. You guys don’t even understand Leehom and the origins of his gay rumours. All the rumours about him being gay
were very ridiculous and completely lacked evidence until this point as
they mostly came out of nowhere, unlike the more ‘realistic’ rumours
with Shuqi or Amei where there were at least names or photos taken. And
as a fan, I am defending him not because I don’t want him to be gay but
because I am offended when people say things like he is not being honest
with himself. I don’t think he will ever get married too, but not because he’s gay, because he’s too committed to his work. And with all things said, it doesn’t really matter at the end of the day as long as he continues to make good music.
周杰倫也跟力宏一樣不喜歡聊感情方面的問題, 可是就沒人說他是gay. 這太離譜了. 為什麼他不想料就表示他是gay
But Jay is a flirt! He’s been caught by the tabloids for so many times.
Seriously don’t care of Leehom is gay or not. Wouldn’t care if it was confirmed either way. I’d rather focus on his work than waste time on things that are trivial when it comes to his performance.
I totally agree with you. That is his private life and personal preference. Whether he is gay or not is not my business. It has nothing to do with his music talent.
Leehom is not a gay. Im pretty sure he just doesnt like to talk about personal life. I have some musician friends, they are really different. They seem like live on music and have lots of unique views. I guess he is just too focus on music.
I am 100 % sure he is NOT gay. No doubt about it.
why are you so sure?
I am 100 % sure you gay. No doubt about it.
Wow…so uncalled for and so childish of you. That person in no way belittled you or criticized you in anyway, yet you had the audacity to say such disrespectful words. You should be ashamed of yourself for being so rude to someone who did not even say anything bad towards you whatsoever. Obviously, there is nothing wrong with being gay, but your intent of using gay in this sense is evidently one that is not welcomed or appreciated. Grow up!
所以你認為說別人 gay是disrespectful and rude. 然後你又說being gay 沒有錯。
我英文很差 看不到懂你意思…
Actually your English is bad and it’s not my fault that you didn’t understand the last sentence. I know that there are people like you out there who would interpret it wrongly, which was why I stated “INTENT.” The word gay in the sense that that person used it in was intended to be a negative one, which was the rude and disrespectful part. Being actually gay, like I said, is totally fine.
why are you so sure?
唉 為什麼同時是gay的蔡康永 要傷害力宏?
why everyone thinks leehom is gay??? just because hes not talking about his love life??? i dont get it
disagree. my friends and i don’t really discuss our personal lives.. we know what’s going on but we don’t ask for details unless someone wants to bring it up. and we are all straight. just saying that his not speaking/talking to his friends of 10 years doesn’t mean anything.
It’s just they know if they talk about his private life, it will get on his nerve, because he cares his privacy very much.
聽你這麼一說 好像真的很合理
i want to go to leehom’s concert so baad!! he is awesome!
王力宏不是同性戀, 他是雙性戀, 很OK 的。
平時都很喜歡小s 不過這集小s有被疏遠的感覺耶…
那麼多朋友, 又是自己的節目。。 手心也是肉,手背也是肉。 只好置身事外
hahahahah party pooper and party animal XD lol
The French Kiss part is funny
wang li hom is more like an american boy . they don’t care about the way they dress so much as taiwanese guys.. it’s quite normal for american kid to be like him..
He is SO HOT
Leehom rocks!
唐志中 is completely faded out
wtf? how is he gay?
范范和黑人一点情侣的气场也没有….全程都没有eye contact,开始相信他们一个是gay,一个是les的传言了
R u dumb?
Oh is being sarcastic.
You must be Oh…
I HATE it when couples PDA. They’re being NORMAL.
他一向如此, 只是平常有小s cover 一下
i wish leehom had twitter! 🙁
WOW~ Leehom is really really nice guy!!
Lol party animal
In which state and what supermarket in the US has a coupon redemption program for money or milk…..never heard of it….????? Honestly, they just made it up…it only happened in Asia/Taiwan
in van too
in ny there is…
in Maryland too!
Judging from the fact that most innovations are from US, I dare say coupons are invented in US.
That tall dude talked about collecting the coupons to exchange for money…the coupons can only use for lowering the pay value not for cashing….that’s a big difference…..
Play it back again, he didn’t say that. He said “a dollar or two worth of milk”, not cash.
Even in Toronto!! coupons even can redeem orange juice! If you didn’t see it or believe it, it doesn’t mean that they are lying about it!
You’re dumb.
你自己看錯了 而且這種小事反應那麼大幹麻?
lol? its not now, now everythins through credit, so if you have a ralph’s membership. you ll get credit each time you make a purchase, it accumulates to certain points, then you will be able to get cash back.
but abotu 10 years ago, there are coupons that you can collect to get cash back .
if you don’t even know what is being discussed….rather be quiet and dont’ embarrass yourself
Maybe it’s years ago, his mom’s youth time `?
at asian market ( 99 ranch they have this program, sometime you spend 15 dollar you get$1 coupon ).
u cant say something doesnt exist for u prly havent lived in all states/cities
王力宏 不想说就算了嘛。主持人干嘛一直问啊。人都有隐私的。就别再咄咄逼人了
You sound like this is your first time watching this program….
so fast!!!!!
王力宏 真的是几乎没有缺点的偶像 XD
有阿 他是 ga…ga..
對啊. 人家 lady ga ga那麼紅
Why is being gay such a horrible thing? I seriously don’t understand how you people can discriminate someone just because of sexual orientation. Shouldn’t people like you be more concerned about serious matters like rapists and murderers instead? If any one has issues here, it’s people like you. I also don’t think that WLH is gay. I have several gay friends and I don’t get the same feelings from him that I do with them. He just seems like any other straight American dude, who just so happens to be more interested in music than others. I’m not being bias here because I’m not even a huge fan of his, but it’s people like you who says such stupid remarks that makes the world so crappy, so I have to tell you off!