康熙來了 2011-11-29 大S代班 女明星秋冬美鞋大賞

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157 thoughts on “康熙來了 2011-11-29 大S代班 女明星秋冬美鞋大賞

  1. 什麼大S的名言,幾百萬年前歐美劇跟電影早就這樣講了,

  2. 好煩, 愈來愈不喜歡大S, 以前不是這樣的, 只不過是嫁了大陸富豪。有錢的人多的是。

  3. 買鞋的請別發kimiko來了,如果是專講跳舞的鞋子就很適合


  4. Christian Louboutin最便宜的确实200-300磅能行,但是闲得无聊查了一下,刘真那双一开始就被说浪费的是Sequined Platform Pump, USD1695;靴子Christian Louboutin black flannel ‘Ronfifi Alta 100’ button detail tall boots,折后USD1356。大S后来穿的那双蓝底铆钉红底鞋,黑色版本的USD1395. 不用大惊小怪,但是随便用“不过两三百英镑”来说她们的鞋抬高自己,何苦呢。

  5. 如果你每年赚超过五百万, 一万的鞋… of course it’s cheap 4 her… why ppl keep saying bad thing about 大S… why dont ur guy try 批评 Daphne Guinness, Victory Backham, Olsen twin 他们花钱的方式…

  6. 刘真今天带来的鞋子 和 大s的铆钉跟鞋 都是Christian Louboutin 的牌子啊 也没有什么大惊小怪的吧 价格很合理啊 也就200-300 英镑 况且Christian Louboutin又经常打折 刘真那双拍扣的靴子 就191英镑啊 我家里的鞋柜也有很多他们家的

  7. OMG!! ENZO!! I choked on my food when he put the board down. omg!!!! Just when I thought his taste was rock bottom, he sank even further!!

    I would accept him better if he classed himself as an abstract artist, but not as a stylist! You can’t dispense style advice when you look like a circus clown reject! Lady Gaga’s props can’t just be exported directly to a short man’s body, okay.

  8. The way da s talks s like she’s the most high-classed person on the planet…when in actual fact she’s just another old lady with bad taste

  9.  越看大S主持感覺越來越像小S 如果大S代班應該接受度高吧 畢竟是姐妹  而且大S主持也叫康熙來了不用改名了

  10. Don’t like Big S…..why are they trying to make her look like the “perfect person”?? her shoes aren’t even that good :S…plus i think little S is prettier than her ….. when is little S coming back ><

  11. 其实大小姐应该是Paris Hilton那样,哪怕性爱录影带曝光,都能优哉游哉的和前男友一起合作干脆出版录影带随便拿些版费~


  12. 其實仔細看, 大S的五官還是挺好看的, 只是給僵硬的臉還有臉形搞砸了.
    她正面看ok, 但大左臉有種說不出的奇怪, 偏偏鏡頭剛好就是在左邊…

  13. 大S的裙子只適合近看, 遠看好像婆仔, 看起來好老;
    但近看時發現那些pattern原來是貓咪, 才有可愛到, 感覺沒那麼老.

  14. 为什么我没有看出大s那双蓝色铆钉鞋多好看?也不懂那些嘉宾在尖叫什么,更没看出来那双鞋怎么适合大s。也许因为我是穷人不懂奢侈品的尚吧。

  15. 自從康永哥開始設計女裝鞋開始,康熙就很常做這個單元(方便讓康永哥找靈感吧,要不然他要到女鞋店裏觀摩)。今年都不知道有多少次女鞋的單元了(以前可能每一季一次,現在不止). 以前還沒設計女鞋時,都是小S當主key大聊女鞋,康永哥在旁似懂非懂的。現在每一次,康永哥都很專心了解什麽設計好穿(前高后高,露腳踝) 還問來賓意見。

    小S就不太懂鞋,所以走安全牌(裸色高跟Louboutin)大S所謂的懂鞋是知道哪一個牌子好穿,了解自己應該穿什麽鞋才會展現得比較高貴有氣質,而不是真正的懂鞋(所謂的看得出別人該穿什麽樣的鞋才最適合他們,超出只對自己的了解). 不適合她的鞋她就評分較低。而且那一雙藍色金鉚釘,她的腳趾都突出那麽多一點也不適合她(顔色更不適合她)。她只是爲了消費炫耀珍藏才買的吧。

  16. 劉真以爲終于上康熙不會被小S一直虧了(大可以放鬆心情,不用防備),誰知道連大S都恨她(私人恩怨有關于槍鞋一事).哈哈好笑!

  17. 大s跟劉真的鞋子是走高貴掛的,kimiko老師的鞋子是運動掛,穆熙妍的鞋子是型格實穿,但王凱帝買鞋子重點好像只買名牌,也不看適不適合自己

  18. 我在看Part1: 我從鞋子猜這集的女明星有: 徐小可(1龐克風的鞋子), 凱蒂(2), 劉真(3-鞋子超貴就她了), Kimiko (4蹲下的動作很像她), 劉伊心 (5).

    • Makiyo看不出那是她的鞋,借來的吧!
      Enzo LOL. 沒想到。

      • 孫芸芸的父親為前太平洋電線電纜集團董事長孫道存(已破產), 涉嫌171億元的掏空案. 但是他的生活卻絲毫未受影響,孫道存住在價值3億元,位在信義區的「信義之星」270坪豪宅,出入乘坐的是最新型賓士轎車,有司機接送。已經申請破產的他,之前一口氣把價值1億多的股票過戶給女友顏寧,被國稅局追討1億多的罰金。

    • 我想主要是她出身世家 自小見多識廣 可是卻不會傲氣凌人….我承認我這個台灣人其實也不是很明白 但她的品味是沒問題 微風的藝術總監

  19. 大S is very beautiful today — back to her normal image. I like this episode very much. I truly look forward to her future episodes very much. I wish that 康熙來了 could keep her forever — every episode with her has been a 康熙來了classic.

  20. I think the dress Barbie had on, Dee also wore before .. the kitties dress .. not sure anyone can wear this dress and still make it looked great .. lol .. it’s a bit odd .. 

  21. 所以以后有关fashion的都会让大S代班吗?还是为了让她代班而创造这样的主题? 


  22. DaS’s face isn’t so bloated *today*, back to normal, so that day, the first show she hosted, she was probably having a allergy reaction of some sort or water retention … glad that she is back to normal 🙂 Beautiful as usual 🙂

    • 她们兩姐妹以为嫁给有钱人, 穿名牌就属于上流社会…事实上很多女人都这么认为. 价值观的问题…

      • Remember that 大s herself made pretty good money and bought those beautiful shoes by using her own money even before she got married. Not every one was born in a rich family like 孙芸芸. However, a woman like 大s who has worked hard to reach her current status deserves respect.

        • Status? That’s the problem here, she is just a ordinary woman, but she loves to act high class. She just didn’t know she doesn’t have the aura of 孙芸芸. U should see how she is when she is working/acting. Stuck up bit*h that thinks the world owns her a living.

          • oh… please… u r a idiot… 孫芸芸的父親為前太平洋電線電纜集團董事長孫道存(已破產), 涉嫌171億元的掏空案. 但是他的生活卻絲毫未受影響,孫道存住在價值3億元,位在信義區的「信義之星」270坪豪宅,出入乘坐的是最新型賓士轎車,有司機接送。已經申請破產的他,之前一口氣把價值1億多的股票過戶給女友顏寧,被國稅局追討1億多的罰金。please wht is 孫芸芸 aura now ???

          • The aura doesn’t comes from money, its from within. Only superficial ppl like u connects them together.

        • The Major problem is that she bought so many shoes just for fun. Its totally a bad usiing of money even its her own money. She never saw a child without food in her life or what? If i have enough money, i would help other people instead to buy something that i wont wear like in 2 month.

          • u do know that they both sponsor alot of underprivileged kids by sending them to school, food, and money. Besides if they earn their own money why should they have to share with ppl like you who think u deserve a portion of their hard earn money because you were not lucky enough or too lazy to get to where she is. I hate it when ppl think they deserve free stuff

          • Hahahaha, then u should hate her…she doesn’t queue when going to restaurants~ Most celebrities in taiwan are like her who thinks she deserves privileges just coz she is a celeb.

          • 沒有喔 在台灣藝人除非是有門路或熟客否則不是每家店都鳥你的 何況小S在節目裡說過不少次她餐廳訂不到位的事 大S如果不用排那小S找她姐訂位就好了 我不認為大S有耍大牌 否則那些水果早爆料她了

          • OMG, i bet if u stop watching this on the net, u can save those money 4 those children… even if u only give them a dollar, it’s will help… yes i do give money to charity 2. by the way, it’s her money she work hard 4 it, she can spent however she like, and r u goin too scream at anyone spent money on luxury good too… good luck 4 tht…  

      • 对呀 你是什么就是什么嘛 为什么一定要做样子??腰板挺直就是有气质了么?no!! 不是说孙云云有多漂亮 多让人崇拜  只是大s这么装 很容易就让人想到真正的大小姐是什么样子~

    • please…. 孫芸芸的父親為前太平洋電線電纜集團董事長孫道存(已破產), 涉嫌171億元的掏空案. 但是他的生活卻絲毫未受影響,孫道存住在價值3億元,位在信義區的「信義之星」270坪豪宅,出入乘坐的是最新型賓士轎車,有司機接送。已經申請破產的他,之前一口氣把價值1億多的股票過戶給女友顏寧,被國稅局追討1億多的罰金。

  23. 大S除了臉僵了點外還是很美的,綜藝節目就是讓人更貼近更了解人,前幾年一直在大銀幕前讓人感覺有距離感。其實她真的沒想像中的做作,人還是很nice的。

  24. Louboutin shoes are never meant to be comfortable! It is just for glamorous but definitely worth the money. And ever flats are uncomfortable!

  25. 大S微博里有一张她的鞋柜的照片  很惊人   我感觉她每次出现在电视上搭配的鞋子都恰到好处  🙂

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