康熙來了 2012-02-14 大S代班 每個女人都要有件牛仔褲!!

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158 thoughts on “康熙來了 2012-02-14 大S代班 每個女人都要有件牛仔褲!!

  1. I used to like Kimiko..but now, i’m starting to dislike her..she’s getting fake now and always think she is so attractive…I think Kangxi often put her on the show because in the end of the year, the staff member will receive an expensive gift from her.

  2. 天呀, Kimiko的腿也太短了吧! 綁了頭髮穿了高跟鞋 (還不是一般的高, 而是非常高), 腿的長度也顯得只有這樣… 她不要再講 “無限延伸” 這四個字了啦, 太尷尬…

  3. 同款幾個Size的牛仔褲都買回去試穿………..這除了告訴我們她:1)蠢;2)錢太多;或3)太忙、很紅,留多一會兒試穿都會造成不便……,請問,還有什麼可能性?

  4. Anyone have any ideas the brands of those jeans that they highly recommended in the show?
    Please name them with examples that they showed so that I can have a look on the net..=P
    Thanks!! xx

  5. 我本人是覺得Kimiko老師在跳舞時的確有她的魅力在,但她的魅力完全不在於她穿什麼在跳吧……拜托,Kimiko哪裡時尚?常自以為很有品味……之前做鞋子單元的時候她也是搶著認自己有多懂多會買。老實說,妳每一集穿出來的真的沒有很時尚(抱歉,而且有點土),而且,再時尚的單品穿在妳身上後那個時尚感真的會離奇地降低(沐猴而冠…穿再貴的也沒用,我情願你穿著普通運動服跳個舞還更能呈現出時尚味道)……還是回去好好跳舞吧。

  6. 事實上牛仔褲百年來也就那幾款(變來變去的流行:直筒&喇叭&小口),沒有所謂的女人必定擁有的“the ONE”,愈評論愈覺的大S和現場自以為是的來賓的”裝模作樣“~


    • 其實好褲子還是很重要啦,我想每個女生都有一條褲子穿上去腿特別長,屁股特別好看吧。牛仔褲版型真的很重要

    • 同意沒有”the ONE”,畢竟每個人的身型不同,而且the ONE到下一季就覺得土;不過牛仔褲很多款啊,剪裁、刷色、配件(綁帶、鈕扣、etc.)拼拼湊湊就有好幾種變化,不是只有褲管的差別啦

  7. 看了下面很多評論說這个像男那个又像男,但說真的今天的來賓真的很有人妖fu啊,說不定把她們的牛仔褲拉鏈拉下真的會有一根東西掉出來耶,但康永反而沒有.

  8. kimiko拿出的那条豹纹牛仔裤应该是current/elliott的stiletto pant。如果我没有弄错的话,那条裤子并不应该像kimiko说的那样是比boyfriend窄管一点点的宽松款式,而是紧身的skinny牛仔裤。我想kimiko搞错了吧

    • 175公分的女人 再穿10公分的高跟鞋就太大隻了
      但是高跟鞋又是女人的必備品.  它完美的修飾腿的比例.
      一個175公分+平底鞋的女人 跟 165公分+10公分高跟鞋的女人比的話 165公分的比例會比較好.

  9. Kevin說劉伊心對於時尚就是只有緊身跟露..雖然Kevin是老師,但每個人對時尚都有不同的見解跟自己的品味…不喜歡喇叭褲的人也不只劉伊心,不喜歡喇叭褲就等於都不懂時尚?

  10. I strongly think that Jeremy Lin is Japanese American. Cuz he appeared in Nigahiga’s video and we all know non-Japanese people will not appear in any of the Japanese video (such as Japanese porn). Do you think Taiwanese can ever get a role in Japanese porn movies? So, Jeremy Lin is Japanese, he is the cousin of Nigahiga. People just won’t get their fact right, I feel sorry for those who have been supporting Jeremy Lin, but he is JAPANESE.

    • 你識咩叫 以事論事?看節目 當然評論節目的內容!邊似你在這邊 人身攻擊!蝗蟲?你爺爺奶奶,曾祖父曾祖母以前也是蝗蟲,你這不孝子!

  11. 說到底,就是因為她們夠瘦,腿夠長才會顯得好看,外一腿短,或者蘿蔔之類的,什麼都不會好看了。

    • 我本人是覺得Kimiko老師在跳舞時的確有她的魅力在,但她的魅力完全不在於她穿什麼在跳吧……拜托,Kimiko哪裡時尚?常自以為很有品味……之前做鞋子單元的時候她也是搶著認自己有多懂多會買。老實說,妳每一集穿出來的真的沒有很時尚(抱歉,而且有點土),而且,再時尚的單品穿在妳身上後那個時尚感真的會離奇地降低(沐猴而冠…穿再貴的也沒用,我情願你穿著普通運動服跳個舞還更能呈現出時尚味道)……還是回去好好跳舞吧。

  12. Who said that Da S has a good taste of fashion??? She has a lot of good and expensive stuffs but the stuffs were not working well on her. Just looks wired. I think Siu S is much better. Her fashion shows her goods and hide her weakness.

        • nothing wrong commenting in english. didn’t he (or she) comment on your comments in english as well? that’s so un-cool by his (or her) standards. Ain’t it?

        • It is wrong commenting in broken English. There are grammar nazi around this website. They were so kind to check others English grammar mistakes as if we are in elementary English class. When they found any silly mistakes in someone comments, they will say go take an english class before u write in english, i believe there is good tuition centre in singapore…….Like my comment is going to delete or at least get some comment like ……but I dont find any tuition centre in my house!##%^%*%#$%% Whatever

          • What is “Like my comment is going to delete or at least get some comment like”?
            No seriously, I’m okay with broken English but this is beyond comprehension (and thus defeats the purpose of communication.)

      • 他們因為本人就很self-conscious所以用英語下評論時他們會很有滿足感而且自我感覺良好吧. 如果按上边Suzpoon說大S有很多美麗昂貴的衣物但沒有穿出那精粹所以就不懂時尚,那我想說妳也不要再用英語來下評論好了

    • I think you are more like me, We like Xiao-S more than Da-S.. and we’re just bias. I think Da-S is okay and actually on the elegant side, Xiao-S is more on the sexy-high end fashion. 

  13. 有一集錢穿快曝光的衣服 又在那邊遮來遮去 後來曝光了 小s好心要借她披風擋 她還在那邊說不用

  14. 超讨厌kimiko,一副自己什么都懂的样子。。。我是不觉得她身材有多好,衣服穿的多好看。大腿那个妆嘞,腿的比例根本不好,高跟鞋穿着都是五五身。。。

  15. 刘伊心那条彩色点点裤子每次简绍裤子的环节,都会拿出来。也许是名牌,但是真的觉得不好看啊。p.s.看到了至少3次了。。。

  16. 看了一會怎麼覺得今天請來的一幫女藝人都有種討人厭的感覺…..(除米可白外)= =” 還是只有我是這麼覺得…

  17. 大S很用心,也很敢穿,每一次都是以不同的发型.服装.鞋子出现主持 (今天的连衣裙很青春可爱啊~~)
    小S呢,选择的都是造型师给她借来的一件式小洋装,很安全牌同时能秀出她的美腿,再配上她标志性的短发~~~  XD

  18. 康永哥失憶耶 他看到漢典模仿胡迪->問他為什麼是哈林的演法->所以你現在已經延伸到..
    這一連串的對話  之前就有過了 一模一樣XD

  19. 米可白的问题是屁股不翘,所以穿起jeans来就没什么体现. 其实男生女生都一样,如果穿比较贴的jeans都是屁股翘才好看. 这也是为什么很多爱运动的人穿jeans一般都很好看.:)

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