康熙來了 2012-04-17 大S代班 你從未看過史上最強才藝!!

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143 thoughts on “康熙來了 2012-04-17 大S代班 你從未看過史上最強才藝!!

  1. This is a much better show than others days. Do some things that are of depths. Not all gossip and meaningless talks.

    • He probably working on his other projects.  I would rather he not be in the show, it’s not really necessary for him to be there … it’s better for him to work on other projects.

  2. Oh my gosh~ 預告不得了啦!!! Ella 調戲峰姐, 峰姐向康永哥撒嬌, 康永哥控訴 Ella的胸部碰到他, 康熙很久沒有這麼熱絡了! 下一集快點下一集!!!

  3. oh my gosh, na dou made me laugh so much, he looks so adorable when he’s playing the piano, he’s nearly standing up when he’s playing

  4. 大S這麼多髮型, 還是最喜歡這個, 真的是從正面側面後面看都好看!
    BTW, 發現米可白這次穿的比以前都好看, 有進步, 抵讚! 特別是項鍊配得好, 這種有點土著風的配件很能夠襯托她的陽光氣息和健康膚色, 她carry起來毫無難度!

      • I do not understand why do you guys always argue about the same issues every video. I mean this is the world wide web and in case you have not looked on a map. We live on the same planet. Does it matter what dialect or language you choose to convey your messages in? There are better things in the world to argue about. Issues that are damaging to humanity or the environment we live in. Obviously the person complaining about others’ comments can read their language or just use google translate. It is unnecessary to comment about the differences in simplified or traditional chinese. Just buckle up and learn both, it will not harm you. Build up a wall of knowledge instead of hating about insignificant issues. 

        • There are always going to be idiots, in every country, but unfortunately those tend to be the lowest individuals; so you’re going to hear a lot of idiotic stuff on the Internet. I mean if you look at the comments on youtube they’re mostly pretty idiotic as well; just try to take it with a grain of salt.

    • 你知道谁最没有水准吗,那些 judgmental 自己有莫名优越感的人。散播仇恨还以为有多高级,哈!

    • 你知道谁最没有水准吗,那些 judgmental 自己有莫名优越感的人。散播仇恨还以为有多高级,哈!

    • 好啊,万能的掌管 Internet 的网络之神,我们不会在这个网站上打简体字的,因为网络的限制是你说了算。一个大家都可以上的网站因为你的无知和仇恨我们就都不会去上的。
      By the way, dog is plural, mainland is full of ONE DOG? RETARD!!

  5. 美國高中的女生正常體能標準是, ˙70個仰臥起坐與 20個伏地挺身!
    我女兒才來這裡兩年, 她做59個仰臥起坐與 21個伏地挺身, 1600公尺7分45秒,列在全9年級中後段的成績!! 


  6. whoa 米可白 is actually really good o.O also has a nice outfit. the 2nd lady is really good too. lol poor 納豆. that perf was pretty fail. and that last performance like holy crap loool so scary

  7. Aww hehe funny how ppl on the show are amused about girls doing push up. fragil/feeble asian girls =P..hehe

    Here in Canada most girls can do push ups.

  8. You know what’s funny about chinese yoyo, not a lot of people in Taiwan actually know chinese yoyo but like half the Taiwanese American guys know chinese yoyo.

  9. 蔡康永有的時候真的很討厭…納豆已經很緊張了 還一直在他彈的時候嘰嘰歪歪 連大S在鼓勵納豆說好厲害的時候 都還說納豆只會那一首 有本事你自己練鋼琴3天再來表演阿 所謂的“讀書人”一點水準都沒有 根本不懂甚麼叫做尊重 如果是為了節目效果特意這樣 那不好意思 一點都不好笑 只會讓別人越來越不待見你

  10. 導播導得真爛﹐扯鈴怎麼會導近鏡頭和側鏡頭﹖旋轉﹐拋高都看不到/不明顯

  11. 以前沒有看納豆的節目,從傳媒上只覺得他是玩家,自從看了”女人好犀利”,發覺他主持的功力很不錯,態度不卑不亢,即使他的彈奏不是一流水準,卻足以令某些高大威猛,,沒有任何才藝,只靠臉孔在混的男藝人汗顏。

    • 他之有一个 Master 在 UCLA,没什么大不了的。就算有了 PhD 也要看他发表的 academic papers。什么读书人

  12. 其實表演時背後聽到別人不斷評論自己真的很滋擾,很容易分心,主持人不懂得尊重表演者

  13. 菜康勇真的,一直都是一种嘲笑人家出丑的心态,然后说一些不冷不热的话。心态很差厄,做 bottom 做多了吧。

  14. 伏地挺身那有很難做啊~  我是女生平常沒在練都能做10幾下啊(是很少沒錯…) 那個女生其實也沒有做得很標準啊.. 大S一直說好厲害好厲害的, 你是有多弱啊… 甚麼你好厲害的話講少一點, 你”厲害”的標準這麼低會顯得你很膚淺

    • 真的,我还刚想说和我在健身一起房上课的女生都和男生一样做单手 pushup,没有在当女生对待的。 

      • Maybe it will be harder to balance…but she did it. We are talking about what 大 S said about most girls couldn’t do push ups 

      • Lady’s pushup on your knees doesn’t count as push up 🙂 A push up per second is easy but to have enough endurance to last a minute is hard, but I believe you

        • i dont do the “lady’s” pushup. i do the standard style. o well but i forgot to say, i’m in a swimming team. so now,i guess it’s not so much a surprise i can achieve that then.

      •  能不能做到要练的, 我可以做标准的20下。应该说女生很少练这种, 胳膊也比男生没力些。

  15. OMG。。班杰~~ I never saw that in my real life like that~~most of like it i saw is sort of fake.. like with fake rock.. the foam rock… but never saw it with real rock.. is it graphite??

  16. 蔡诗芸跳的时候,身型真的是非常漂亮. 尤其是结束段她向着舞伴走过去那部分, 整个身型和臀部的弧线真的是非常漂亮:)

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