康熙來了 2012-10-01 不可思議的省錢妙招!

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Tipster Rednimer

117 thoughts on “康熙來了 2012-10-01 不可思議的省錢妙招!

  1. 謝昕那個方法省了車位卻付出了更多油費.而且油費更貴.再加上坐捷運走路去目地地更浪費了時間如果像她說他要去東區逛街那又要走多久才能到.也要時間多才有辦法像他一樣提前去”勘景”

    • 誰說男生就不能省錢﹖ 什麼爛話

    • wow, you know we are in a recession right? which means we are experiencing a deflation?
      where did you get inflation from??

      you probably just took an introductory economics class, and you think you know the world.


      • uh, i dont think inflation/deflation has any matter to do with recessions or not.

        if you read the news, you should know everyone is perturbed about inflation being the ramification of the latest aggressive open-ended QE3 where more money is printed and inoculated into the economy. read more..troll less <.<

        • dude, the inflationary rate is usually low during recessions and high during booms. the guy was right about a possible deflation in a recession, but he was partially wrong about that since we don’t currently have a deflation.

          when there is a recession and the inflationary rate is still high, then it’s called a stagflation. it’s normal to say there’s deflation during a recession.

          and you could just speak normal everyday English, there’s really no point to use a thesaurus to find uncommonly used words…. just to show off.. lol?

        • DURING RECESSIONS there is usually small inflation rate
          SO people are in fear of a possible DEFLATION
          that is why we are printing money, to keep prices up so to avoid a DEFLATION


        • the QE3 (Quantitative easing) you had mentioned:

          “Quantitative easing was used unsuccessfully by the Bank of Japan (BOJ) to fight domestic deflation in the early 2000s.”


          “Quantitative easing can be used to help ensure inflation does not fall below target.[6] Risks include the policy being more effective than intended in acting against deflation – leading to higher inflation”

          indeed, inflation/deflation DOES have to do with recessions. learn more..troll less <.<

          • forgot to add: Bernanke just suggested to double QE3, because we are in a recession.
            he wants to fight a weak economy by injecting money, and it also ensures no deflation.

  2. 台北的马路是人开的吗。太恐怖了。。。看到黄靖伦也住这么小的房子,屌丝我也内心平衡很多了。。。

  3. 瑶瑶家很小,但感觉她平常通告也不少。台湾房价非常贵吗?那个房子感觉在美国 400 元就可以租到的感觉

  4. 遙遙說的31度是室溫嗎?

  5. 謝昕開車的坐位也太矮了吧, 居然駕駛盤剛好在鼻尖高度, 而且駕駛座也調得太前面了, 整個人擠在前面,  錯誤示範!

  6. 遙遙那段。。。 
    电风扇好像开大或小,耗电是一样的。原因是开大或小只是换了电阻器, 电流其实是一样的。 ^_^

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