康熙來了 2012-12-07 外國媳婦上菜囉!

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245 thoughts on “康熙來了 2012-12-07 外國媳婦上菜囉!

  1. I moved to LA from Singapore but I think there’s a reason why people do not like Singapore. There is certainly a mask that more and more Singaporeans are materialistic/selfish but that may be due to the Y & Z generation. If by the logic that most of you are arguing, then LA people are superficial and materialistic. Nice cars in koreatown/treat you on how you are dressed/People in beverly hills take more than 1 minute to order a coffee (low fat, no whip cream, no this, no that, more this, more that). It’s not about the country, it’s about the individuals.

  2. 看著留言真的覺得有一位叫 guest 的人實在很囉唆,節目只供娛樂,每個來賓或主持人都有自己的看法,就是特別愛以偏既概全,我看你根本只是為反對而反對,打從心底瞧不起臺灣吧,你這樣說還不也是認為中國最好,我們殺了你家誰嗎,根本沒真心了解我們就敢大放厥詞,我不認為我們同為中華民族有必要這樣吵,兩國兩國一直都是因為政治區分造成隔閡,因為已有了先入為主的想法造成不管雙方做了什麼都會被放大,可如果你有真正打開心相處,其實也就一些用語,生活習慣,觀念等有點不同,有必要一直罵我們嗎?讓人看了都以為中國人都這樣,但明明很多中國人都很好阿,在臺灣大家有沒有一直罵中國,你就像一顆老鼠屎,壞了我們對中國人的印象,沒品自己藏著就算了,少出來丟人現眼. 愛國就算了,不要隨便批評人

  3. 本人住在新加坡。说个搞笑的轻松下,印度的同事回来跟我说:Malaysians and Chinese(特指新加坡华人) don’t like each other. But they both don’t like Indians.  hahaha

      • 没错, 话是这样讲。可是,当需要填写重要的文件时,就要把身份分的清楚,什么华人,非华人,什么土著,非土著。。。。就。。。来了。。。

  4. 我是一名刚刚convert 成新加坡公民的前大马人。不是我看不起马来西亚,而是大马的治安真的是太差了。政府也以马来人为优先,大马的华人只是二等公民,为了将来,我只好放弃原本的国籍,选择种族和谐的新加坡。有人可能觉得我放弃大马国籍,就是叛徒,但有头发,谁想做和尚呢?anyway,我的兄弟姐妹也还在大马,每个人都有他自己的选择,我们得尊重。总而言之,大马和新加坡虽然分开了,但我相信不少的家庭依然有亲戚朋友住在这两地,所以我们不是敌人。千万别让一些无知的人在这煽风点火,挑拨离间。

  5. I’m a singaporean. I have visited taiwan a numerous of times, and I’ve gotta say I like taiwan not only for the food, culture but also the people. Taiwanese are generally more helpful and polite. I always felt very welcomed at taiwan. But, I beg to differ the view on singaporean are generally selfish and materialistic. If I were to compare singaporean to hongkongers, hongkongers are definitely more arrogant and selfish. I’ve been to hongkong for a numerous of times too, but never really liked hk except for the shopping. Hongkongers tend to be more rude and less helpful as compared to singaporean and taiwanese. I’ve been told off in hk at their cafeterias and eateries by their staffs because of certain nitty gritty stuffs and probably also because I do not understand nor speak Cantonese.  

  6. 陳漢典模仿很有梗

  7. It seems that Southeastern Asian people really have problems understanding the tastes of other cultures. Opposing to it, I’ve always been training myself to adapt to a great variety of tastes around the globe. I haven’t succeeded yet, though. 

    • One of my Japanese friend complained to me every day about how plain food is in Taiwan… but she meant “how not sweet the desserts in Taiwan are” while she protested that she was far from a sweet lover. I kind of suspected that she needed a whole can of sugar in her cake. 

      Is it possible the Taiwanese people are not really pursuing plainness but “healthiness”? 

      • 我想只是大家都習慣了吧 要說健康也沒多健康 炸的跟加味素的一堆 

        我剛來美國時吃什麼都不習慣, 不是超鹹就是超甜 但過一陣子就好了 
        至少不會覺得我在啃鹽/啃糖= = 所以其實人對鹹淡的程度是可以變的 

        話說我好想吃馬麻的牛肉麵…… 一年沒回去了

  8. There was a time where people that singapore won’t make it, but we did.
    There was a time when trouble seems too much for us to take, but we did.
    We build a nation, strong and free. Reaching out together for peace and harmony.
    This is my country, this is my flag, this is my future, this is my life, this is my family, these are my friends, we are singapore, Singaporeans.

    Indeed, singapore was part of Malaysia in the past. Those whom studied history should all know. And yes, we were later separated, No, we went independent.

    And those where the days where singapore and Singaporeans were lost and struggled. We were thankful that we have Mr Lee who has tide us over these period and led us to achieve many good years thereafter.

    It seems as though some dislike our countries law and order (including the recent HK “complaint” on how we handle the strike. But without all these, Singapore will not be a place where people will live and “safe heaven” for investors.

      • This is to stand up for singapore a country that I lived in, after being “stepped” on by others. R u sure u’re “Another Singaporean”?! Or just “Another” new immigrant. Tsk tsk tsk.

        • Sorry to disappoint, but I’m born and bred in Singapore. There ARE Singaporeans who dislike Mr Lee and their likely opinion is that the song you just quoted is seen as propaganda. That song is embarrassing and cheesy. Although I don’t hate Mr Lee and I respect him for what he has done for the country but neither him or our country is perfect. I’d rather live in a “chaotic” country like Taiwan.

  9. 真的不明白有什么好吵的@@ 我们south east asia 的国家这么靠近,早期贸易,移民还是政治什么的导致文化食物方面也有相似的地方啊~

  10. 以前這里一般都是內地人跟台灣人在吵,今天卻是馬來西亞人跟新加坡人???別吵好不好,大家同一国有什么好吵?

          • Sure, Singaporeans looked down on Malaysians but that was in the past. The younger generations no longer have this kind of mindset. In fact, I know many Singaporeans who treat Malaysians working/living/studying in Singapore as “自己人”… But I agree that Singaporeans do looked down on Malaysia in terms of their politics and security/safety. E.g. Singaporeans love complaining about Johor. But I have a few Malaysian friends who seemed to have some kind of inferiority complex and they are always comparing themselves with Singapore.

          • I think that to say Singaporeans can be too much, perhaps some Singaporeans will be more suitable??!!

          • 這還蠻好笑的。我是新加坡人而我的男朋友是馬來西亞華人。自己本身也有不少馬來西亞朋友。I don’t get why are there so much hate in the world today. Srsly.

          • 从政治条例 真正看不起马来西亚华人是马来西亚马来人不是新加坡人。

          • 不是看不起是歧视,白人歧视黑人是因为黑人社会地位不高,这里华人被歧视的原因是相反,谁叫华人能力强呢

          • 不是谣言,是历史。当年李光耀先生坚持的政治观念s是希望华人在马来西亚的地位可以被确保,就是不用看马来人的来脸色。但他的要求被马来政党反对。最后不合而分开了。这只是短短几年的事。那时候,马来西亚政府觉得新加坡只是一个连干净的水也没有的荒岛,觉得不可能有所作为。但现在证实了当年李光耀先生的看法是对的。我来自槟城。

          • 不管是不是新加坡主动要脱离大马,其结果都是马来统治阶级乐见的。李光耀的选举口号是超越种族的,除了华人对印度人也有吸引力。再加上新加坡华人人口多,对马来贵族统治阶层是一大威胁。如果把它踢走,新加坡地小资源少,对大马损失也不大,于是便两害取其轻的成事了。

          • 馬來人搞政治可是很厲害, 那為什麼沒看到新加坡的潛能? 至於獨立,我想有很多因素尚待考量;捷克共和國和斯洛伐克共和國就可以和平分裂成獨立國.

          • 眼前就是证明。。。不管哪里的人都是要和谐。。。马来四亚也不是跟邻国从以前到现在还不有争执。。。我要讲的是不管以前的怎样怎样现在就是现在,现代的人假如还要为以前的事来吵一番有什么用。历史不能改变唯有现在的你可以!

          • 我所評論的是末個人評語中的漏洞而不是針對任何國家或人,也就是對事不對人!

          • 我只是想看到馬國政府承認被新加坡威脅的確實證據, 證實那不只是民間傳說。也希望有些人在評論中避免太過主觀

          • 马来西亚人的马来西亚听过吗?泥马的搜一下历史会死啊?还要饭来张口的要我给你证据?

          • 再沒禮貌也不要緊或許你根本就不明白我在評論什麼,就讓你發洩一下.我當日行一善.  🙂

          • 对啊! 马来西亚政府永远想不到如今没有资源的新加坡比有资源的马来西亚富裕

          • 你们不是马来四亚人或新加坡人不懂历史或一知半解的统统都不要乱乱说话。。。。侮辱了我们的国家。

          • 我只是在想當時的馬國政府應該會給101的理由來維護他們要求新加坡退出馬來西亞的決定,而不會公開承認他們受到默默無名和華人居多的小島所威脅讓自己顏面盡失。

    • 是無知還是做小人在挑撥離間或是想從中點燃台中話題的戰火呢,既然有人以為新馬是同一國!!!???

  11. 叻沙的origin根本是從馬拉出來的,新加坡的是加了一些他們口味的改良版,別忘記新加坡几十年前是馬拉的一部份,是同一国喔,

    • 请尊重其他国家。新加坡和马来西亚虽然曾属于同一国家,但那也只是短暂的。

      • 這有什么要你那么緊張嗎?人家說的其实是历史事实.只是你自己內心一直都很抗拒跟前宗主国有關連吧.要尊重其他国家的是你才对.請不要老是自我感覺良好看扁你周边的鄰邦好嗎新加坡人.(你公開自己身分的勇氣也沒有要人家怎样尊重你?)

        • @淸猜 说话太偏激了! 没有人在侮辱什么周边的邻邦。你既自大又自卑,骄傲的自尊心才会认为别人是在看扁什么周边的邻邦。“新加坡和马来西亚虽然曾属于同一国家,但那也只是短暂的。” 这句话并没有什么不对,也完全符合你所说的历史事实,不是吗?胡乱曲解别人的话把自以为是的偏激情感强加在别人的身上只是在降低自己的人格。此外,任何人都知道不应该在网路上公开自己的身份,这是在网络上保护自己的方法,就如同没有人会在现实生活中把私人讯息给人一样。我并不稀罕你的尊重,你是否尊重我对我来说毫无意义。在我看来,“Guest”和“淸猜”都只是网络上的昵称,没有什么不同。如果你一味地强调“淸猜”起码有字什么什么的,那你就是虚伪做作。起码我不再网络上虚情假意,给自己 编造一个虚伪的假象。你这么有种,这么想要得到大家的尊重,你就公开自己的身份,报上真实姓名、联络电话、联络网址,怎么样?

      • 如果把愛國的意識形態這種東西拋掉, 讓食物回歸食物,  評比標準就會比較客觀, 有機會的話也請你嚐嚐檳城叻沙, 孰優孰劣, 立竿見影, 大家心知肚明.

        • 每一个城市、国家、种族、籍贯都有自己的美食。没有什么心知肚明,也不需要刻意地比较哪一个比较地道,那一个比较美味。因为每个人的品味都是不同的。无论哪一种食物,只要有人喜欢就行了。

        • 怎么曾加入馬不是从馬隔出來,如果沒隔那現在星馬就是同一国????不明白,有历史老師出來指奌一吓嗎?

          • 二次世界大战后, 反英国殖民制度情绪高涨。殖民地纷纷成为独立国家。新加坡是个没有天然资源的小岛所以在全岛人民投票决定与马来亚(malaya) 建立马来西亚 (malaysia)。 但是后来因为文化和思想与马来亚根本上有差异,最后双方选择分开。新加坡成为独立的国家。


      • 如果新,馬还是同一国,那應該說現在的新加坡人便可以吃口香糖还是應該說現在的馬來西亞人便不能吃口香糖了.

        • 要看谁执政,如果是不能吃口香糖的那个政党执政,马国会比现在清廉,生活水平更高,那些世袭财富裙带朋党关系狗屁倒灶的事情会少一点。唯独开车时不能犯规,因为不能再用钱搞定。

    • 加沙是擁有華人和馬來人的元素,雖然不是本源但新加坡的確有娘惹文化所以有改良或變種的佳餚並不稀奇,也因此成為了新加坡加沙就像台灣三杯雞等的當地特色。

  12. 可是我还蛮喜欢吃fish pie的耶,虽然在英国时都是去超市买回来焗烤,觉得很好吃, fish and chip 加盐和醋也很不错啊,但我也必须承认更多的时候,我都在吃别国菜

  13. 台灣人很怕fish and chips 嗎?
    之前看食尚玩家,浩子他們也說不想吃fish and chips…. 有特別原因嗎?
    英國的wellington, cornish pastry 其實也很美味的…

  14. 馬來西亞馬來西亞馬來西亞馬來西亞馬來西亞馬來西亞馬來西亞馬來西亞馬來西亞馬來西亞馬來西亞馬來西亞馬來西亞馬來西亞馬來西亞馬來西亞馬來西不是新加坡!!!

  15. 英国菜是出了名的……难吃!最大问题是他们根本不会用调味品,食物几乎都是原味,连盐都不放~~~~
    只有甜点类有一些不错的,比如trifle,apple turnover~

    • 文化背景,生活習慣,國家氣候,個人品味等等的不一樣可以造成外地人不適應當地的口味是很常見的。調味料有時是可以提高食物的味道但不見得原味就一定難吃。

  16. 在東南亞 ,口碑最佳的叻沙, 不是新加坡 ,而是馬來西亞檳城,  許多國際美食家(包括出路身自新加坡的蔡瀾)形容它是全世界最銷魂的美食.  融合的香料,  大膽而詭異 ,充滿光怪陸離的想像力, 比較起來, 反之新加坡叻沙則缺少冒險精神, 口感平平無奇….    

  17. 下集有黄寇氏,真心不喜欢她,烦她,成天我寇乃馨怎样怎样的,谁管你寇乃馨怎么样,黄国伦也不是很喜欢

  18. what the…@the singaporean lady, youre a sporean chinese (as am i), there is NO reason for you to be only hai hao at using chopsticks, what is WRONG with you

    • some singaporeans use fork and spoon more often than chopsticks, therefore lacks practice in using chopsticks. what’s wrong with YOU?

      • its not the singaporean thing, fair enough if shes not chinese, the same way i suck at using my hands to eat indian food even though i love doing it, but in what universe could you be living in as a chinese person in singapore and not be able to use chopsticks really well, i dont know a single singaporean CHINESE person who cant use chopsticks well, even people who cook food at home more than eating at hawker centres or wherever and who always use forks and spoons at home are brilliant and comfortable with chopsticks, this is not like riding a bike or knowing how to swim, all acceptable if a grown person says they cant do it, but chopsticks?? its such a prevalent and easy part of our culture its just pathetic not to be able to

        • umm? i’m a singaporean chinese and i won’t say i use chopsticks really well. -.- what’s with you being all so judgmental about people who can’t use chopsticks well?!

  19. The Path – February 1888
    THE LESSONS OF KARMA — Charles Johnston
    “There’s a divinity that shapes our ends, “Rough-hew them how we will.”
    The idea most usually attached to the word Karma is, a power, inherent in the nature of things, — by the action of which good deeds are rewarded with happiness, while evil deeds bring suffering and pain. According to this view, Karma becomes a sort of moral police, continually adjusting and correcting the errors and extravagances of the human race, and vigilantly providing that none shall trespass on the domain of another.
    Karma has been described as an application of the Law of Action and Re-action to the mental forces, and its spirit has been summed up in the words: “Whatsoever a man soweth, the same shall he also reap.” And all this is undoubtedly true; and these ideas, when displacing the belief that occurrences are merely accidental and fortuitous, are of the highest importance; but though true in itself, this idea falls far short of the whole truth; for when examined scientifically it is found to be aimless; the continual action of this compensatory law, its perpetual adjusting and correcting, is mere temporising, it goes nowhither. It is nothing more than the endless swingings to-and-fro of an isolated pendulum. The pendulum is merely mechanical, and, when detached is unnatural; for all nature has a purpose, and moves ever onward. Nature is organic; much more so is super-nature.
    If the limited view of Karma be compared to a pendulum, its true action might be represented by a tree; (1) and its rewards and punishments may be compared to leaves, produced in spring only to fall in autumn and again produced the next spring, only again to fall. But the tree is better than it was a year ago; the pendulum merely does its work to undo it again; but not so the tree. It has added something to itself by every effort, it has assimilated to itself an enlarged territory won from the inorganic world.
    The force within and behind the tree works forward, and for definite ends, and this fact makes the tree a fitting emblem of the law of Karma.
    Observation of life teaches us that beyond the mere rewarding, or compensatory action of pain and pleasure, they have another use; this deeper use is for discipline — development. In the light of subsequent insight, events which at the time seemed quite insignificant and objectless appear in their true light as teachers, and the lesson which they have taught — and for which and no other the learner was ripe, becomes evident.
    By what appears at the time mere chance, one may meet a certain person, or group of people; conversation on various subjects may take place; various views may be expressed, various feelings manifested: the necessary nourishment which the learner’s growth demands may be received quite unnoticed; and years after, a sudden necessity or circumstance may reveal the purpose of that meeting, and may turn a beam of light on the grain of gold unconsciously received. This is true of all events, but chiefly of persons, the greatest of events.
    Persons are the great teachers, the greatest revealers in the lesson of life; we may learn through another what our single sight might never have perceived.
    Amongst the lessons to be learned from persons, perhaps the most important are those to be drawn from Sex.
    Nature has grouped all human beings into two great classes, — sexes; each being complementary to the other, and this being true especially on the mental plane. Every peculiarity of each sex, each feature which differentiates it most notably from the other, is a further perfection of this complementary character, an additional attraction to bind the two sexes together in mutual harmony.
    And when the highest perfection of this mutual harmony is attained, in complete good understanding and perfect sympathy, what lesson is learned?
    The more perfect the sympathy — in its best sense, of sharing another’s life, and penetrating it with filaments of love, — the more clearly this truth is apprehended: — that, far deeper than any difference between the sexes, lies a radical unity and identity; though masquerading under very different appearances, the soul of man and the soul of woman are the same, the same in the laws which govern their life, in their nature, and in their divinity.
    It would seem that Life, the great teacher, having brought the evolving souls to vivid individual consciousness, and despairing of ever teaching them sympathy, of ever illumining for them the inner spiritual nature of each other and revealing to them their identity, had organised this charade of the sexes, had invented these masks of man and woman, male and female.
    Besides this perception of identity, there is another lesson taught, another object subserved, by the complementary nature of the sexes. A poor cramped egotist enters the arena of life; all things seem to look bitterly upon him; a cloak of perpetual misery seems thrown over him; he seems tied and bound with iron bonds, so that in the presence of others he can never even be himself; he feels frost-bitten and crushed, and he knows that if by some miracle he could drink a deep draught of elixir and burst his bonds, he could at last walk upright — a man among men.
    He is an egotist, an unfortunate, not sufficiently developed to learn the grand lesson of sympathy, and this through no taint of evil, but because the stream of life is half congealed within him, awaiting some miracle, some angel to stir the waters into life. By and by the miracle happens; the great teacher brings him face to face with another soul, qualified in all things to supplement his deficiencies. At once he feels an infusion of supernal power. In the presence of this elect one, he feels thrilled with warm waves of celestial vigour; a part of the infinite promise of life is realised, one of the prophecies of spirit is fulfilled in joy. At last the poor egotist can burst his bonds; he tastes the divine sweetness of sympathy with another soul; he learns that threads of gold bind soul to soul, that soul traverses soul with ethereal arteries conveying to each the life of the other in addition to its own. And he learns also one sublime lesson — the divinity of renunciation. Through giving he receives; through self-sacrifice he inherits his kingdom.
    And the lesson by no means ends here, in sympathy with a single soul, — great and notable benefit though that be. Gaining such large good from one, he learns to credit others with the same excellence; his faith extends in an ever widening circle, till at last he embraces all humanity in holy bonds of love.
    If harmony teaches great lessons, great also are the lessons to be learned from discord.
    All strife produces pain; as great pain to the oppressor as to the oppressed, — perhaps greater. Seek to tyrannize over another, and not only does that other rise against you, but within you rises a truer self, and takes the part of the oppressed. My every tyranny against my brother is at once punished by this truer self, with a corresponding weight of fear.
    At last I learn the lesson, that one cannot be harmed without the harm reacting on the other, on all; that the well-being of one is inseparable from the well-being of all. I throw down my arms, and make amends by generous dealing. At once my brother’s attitude changes, from enemy he becomes friend. He has been waiting for this opportunity to acknowledge me as brother; and once again the great teacher teaches the lesson of sympathy. Henceforth my brother’s life is a part of my life, and the power we command belongs to both.
    And thus the most ordinary events, and even our own errors, are turned to benefits. A firm hand, a power that sits above us, and whose secret we cannot command, guides our evil to wider good, and turns our erring energies into right channels.
    Every event in life teaches its lesson, consciously or unconsciously, to us. If we are dull learners it may have to be repeated twice or many times: if we aid the teaching by ready perception, it may be taught but once, and then we can pass on to grander problems and higher themes.
    Since every event thus bears for us a secret and spiritual value, and we cannot guess beforehand the nature of that value, is it not futile in us officiously to take on ourselves the direction of the lessons, with a grand assumption of omniscience; saying “To such a life I shall devote myself; such and such things shall I perform; and from such and such I shall abstain”; like an unskilled pilot without chart or compass, steering in the dark to an unknown land.
    Were it not better to drop this pretence of wisdom which we cannot make good; boldly to face events as they meet us, and with good courage and resolution to dare and endure all things, so only that the golden lesson hidden in the events be not lost?
    It has been hinted that those who seek wisdom should abandon all their present occupations and live the life of a desert ascetic; and some have even thought to draw down on themselves the gifts of divinity by a mere mechanical walking away from their duties; but not thus is life’s secret to be surprised, by turning the back on our appointed duties, and more important still on the lessons they contain for us.
    The books on wisdom are written in cypher; the true ascetic is he who, without abandoning his duties, renounces all selfish aims, and leaving behind his animal nature, takes refuge in the secret place of his soul.
    Much more than this is allegorical, concealing a spiritual nature within it; perhaps, amongst others, the saying that earth’s greatest sages dwell on her loftiest mountains is an allegorical picture of the truth that the divinest souls are those who have raised themselves furthest from earthly things to the peaks of purity, forever embosomed in the serene azure of spirit; for all things in the physical world have thus their inner vital meanings; though doubtless, were we to search earth’s loftiest summits we would come face to face with the stately forms of holy sages, for as the spiritual fact is complete so also must the earthly picture of it be complete.
    Life, the great Teacher, has thus designed his lessons. For those whose sight is gross, the teaching is framed in physical pictures, in faces, in trees, in mountains, and in the broad bosom of earth; but those whose sight is finer perceive within each of these a deeper and truer fact, for which alone these have their being.
    These externals, forests and hills, the restless ocean, the everlasting stars, are ever eloquent sermons hymning the divinity of spirit. The life of the world says, with the Erd-Geist in Faust —
    “Thus at the roaring Loom of Time I ply, “And weave for God the garment thou see’st him by.”
    The great teacher brings to us person after person, event after event; from each, as we are able, we learn its lesson; from each, as we are able, we wrest its secret, a value unknown and inscrutable until we are face to face with it.
    Though at first the lesson may be bitter and unwelcome, we learn at last that what seemed bitter was in reality most sweet, and that what seemed hurtful was pregnant with healing; in our highest moods we are one with the teacher and perceive his ends; in our moments of deepest insight, we perceive that the teacher is our true self; and though we may writhe under subsequent sharp lessons, we are willing to endure; certain that the suffering is for our ultimate benefit.
    These considerations teach no indolent and idle acquiescence in the tide of events; our duty and advantage is to throw ourselves on the side of the teacher and to check all perverse tendencies which else would thwart and neutralise the lesson. Let those who esteem this an easy task, try it conscientiously for a single day.
    Since all events and persons have thus an interior and unapparent value, since all are intimately related to our development and lasting good, we infer that this truth holds for others also; and we are thus able to perceive dimly the mighty power and beneficent directing energy which lies behind life, turning the good and evil of each to the welfare of all. Let us therefore cast ourselves on Truth and work out our divine destiny without fear; this is the truest good for ourselves, and as surely is it the truest good for all others.
    By working out our own divine destiny we gain the power of well doing, for he alone who has access to the heart of good can do good to his neighbor. Such laws as these teach us a noble carelessness of petty ends and events, and forbid forever all sordid taking thought for the morrow.
    Perceiving the swing of these grand laws, we can boldly take in hand the game of life, with a heart for every fate. And so we find the first and last word of Karma to be discipline — development. But discipline to what end? Is it for the great prizes of earthly life? to glorify our three score years and ten?
    Far otherwise is the tendency of these mighty laws; they lead not to wealth so often as to poverty, not to praise and fame so often as to contempt and obloquy, not so often to the throne as to the scaffold.
    And thus, — unless we are bemocked by a lifelong illusion, unless we are the fools of a never-ending nightmare, — we have, in the sweep and tendency of these majestic laws, an intimation of our higher destiny and a sure certificate of our immortal good.
    “Then first shalt them know, “That in the wild turmoil, “Horsed on the Proteus, “Thou ridest to power, “And to endurance,”

  20. think about the first time you tried a cuisine that was out of your usual repertoire that really changed you, even if you were really young at the time, for me its japanese food and spanish food that really shook me and made me feel love for the country even though i didnt know anyone from there. i cant name a single british dish that will truly blow anyones mind or change the way you think about food, the way it CAN taste and SHOULD taste etc, but i will say its really really good comfort food, i LOVE fish pie, bangers and mash, a good english breakfast, none of these will make you wobbly at the knees but when youre craving it and manage to get a good hot one, it can make you feel really warm and happy inside, so i totally understand their reactions


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