華人星光大道 2011-07-17 生死激鬥一對一PK賽 (上)

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65 thoughts on “華人星光大道 2011-07-17 生死激鬥一對一PK賽 (上)

    • 唱台語的不只台南,唱得是不是美女也不是重點吧- -” (而且你所謂唱台語歌的都好醜,我不知道是指這你單純指這次選手還是,還是你看的歌唱節目太少, 導致看過唱台語歌的人少才會這種奇怪的評價)

  1. 說句實在話….小胖太嚴格但其他評審分數給得太輕鬆



  2. frankly speaking, most of the participants are still not good enough,
    and basically i think we cannot deny that xiaopang’s comments are sometimes are more closed to reality one… most of us do not have music background… we can identify good voice of course, but sometimes we only select certain songs from certain singers just because we think he or she ‘s more “comfortable” to look at or listen to..

    sorry for the comments…

    • lol but honestly, those singers who are successful in the music industry are either pretty or handsome. this is reality.

  3. to xiaopang: please remember! this is a singing competition, you judge player only by their voice, not by their pertty face or beauty girls!!!!!!!

    some player may be ugly as zhaochuan but can not deny their gift voice from god just like zhaochuan as well.

    • but you cannot deny that… he’s a typical representative from the reality world…the real world got so many “him”…

  4. the 1st pair e winner like dun even how to control..eventhough e other one sings nt so good too..but is actually much better =.=!

  5. 台灣選手:英文歌唱得亂七八糟

  6. 那个胖子怎么还在啊,一点内涵都没有的评审,赶快让他去死吧,太讨厌了他,像个农村的大婶

  7. 小胖: 林夕 人多的時候你就少說兩句.
    林夕: 我自己就可以單挑你啊! 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈  

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