華人星光大道 2012-10-21 史上最強陣容藝人合唱

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88 thoughts on “華人星光大道 2012-10-21 史上最強陣容藝人合唱

  1. i love Million Stars!!! watching it from the 1st episode of One Million Star..
    they produce tons of talented and powerful singers every episode!!!!

    and i really really like the 14 year old girl..
    so touching and powerful!!!!!

  2. 這一集有夠爛,是藝人合唱,還是給藝人打片、上台? 選手唱沒兩句就結束,到底要怎麼比,怎麼給分,尤其是林欣甫、Noname 那一段,看了真是吐血,好像是Noname在比賽,林只能在一旁配音,還唱沒幾句,製作單位再這樣惡搞下去,大概不會有華星3 了,因為看的人會愈來愈少。

  3. 何大為這集唱得的不太好,那個高音根本就不對嘛=="

  4. Rose (劉明湘),你出唱片 我一定要買100張!

  5. 双人合唱的形式也太单一了吧?除了你一句我一句的对唱和两个人同时一个字一个字的合音还有别的形式,比如一个人唱的时候另一个用一些转音的嗯,啊来铺垫歌曲等等一些其他形式,才有更好的娱乐效果,感觉…

  6. 姚謙不好,換夕爺行不行?
    姚謙只會在聽歌時裝HIGH, 講評時一直讚好, 有什麼好看

  7. 劉明湘!!! 來救火的比原本安排的那些好聽百倍! 每次LIVE都好感動人(NONAME那段我呆了, 是不是林唱的部分被卡了阿?)

  8. noname有沒有搞錯阿? 居然叫參賽者唱合聲?

  9. almost all of the contestants sing better than gigi leung, not sure why she can sit up there & be the judge, it’s not like she has other music talents as well, sigh.

    • She released over 30 albums, wrote over 50 songs, having dozens of concerts, have the experience of being a successful singer. So out of all the judges on here, she is the most qualified to judge and give out pointers to those contestants.

      • that only prove she is a successful entertainer, as i remember, she didn’t win any major music awards to validate her singing ability/music talents. plus in hong kong music industry, you don’t need to have a great voice to release an album or to hold a concert, to your logic, they should have invite Twins to be the judge right. let me ask you this, do you really think she can be top 20 in this contest, let alone winning the whole thing?

        • you don’t like her it doesn’t mean you can say she isn’t a good singer, anyone can have their own opinion, you should respect to them. just like me, i don’t like her songs before,but now, i like her a lot. she has a very unique voice, and the way she present in the song is very touch in my heart.
          so please pay your respect.

          • i didn’t say i don’t like her & i didn’t say she is a bad singer, i am questioning her qualification as a judge, these singing rookies need someone to guide them, think about this, if you want someone to teach you singing, would to hire her as your teacher?

          • why would you question the singing ability or GIGI??   This competition has had many famous artist/ music producers on the show to be judges, like David Tao and the one from FIR.   GIGI is a music producer herself. 
            Besides, being qualified as a judge requires experience and knowledge,  not perfect singing techniques, they are only judges, they know everything about music but does not mean they have to be really good

            Let me put it this way , do you ever see a basketball coach play better than his players???  

        • Well.. most of the judges can’t sing to save their lives. It is a fallacy to say a judge for a singing competition must be able to sing dexterously in pitch perfect voice in order to be credible. In the same manner, it is the same as saying youtube users cannot critique if they cannot sing better than the singer in the video. Also, in such competition singing is a big component but not the only factor, likability and able to exude entertaining elements for example are other important considerations. 

          • youtube comments don’t control these contestants’ destiny, but these judges hold the keys to their future. all i am saying is if you want pointers on stage presence or whatnot, you go to her, i get that, but if you want pointers on singing techniques and stuff, do you really think she is the right one to go to, that’s like asking a mediocre player teaching you how to play tennis or something when there are other all star players right in front of you.

        • Not having a voice that you like doesn’t mean she isn’t qualified to be a judge. Why are you even comparing her with those competitors? Would the competitors know as much as GIGi does in terms of experience etc? You’re comparing an apple to an orange. Completely out of topic.

          • i didn’t say i don’t like her voice, & this is singing we are talking about & that’s all we are comparing, all i am asking is if she were in this contest, what would have happened. i mean how would you feel if you are judged by someone that is less talented as you are.

    • I don’t agree with you. She is one of the more outstanding judges I have seen so far in the competition, always channeling positive energy into the contestant etc. The show has been so much more enjoyable with her presence. And I think she is very genuine. 

      • she is genuine no doubt, i like seeing her in movies cuz she is a great actress & she is pretty. but when it comes to advice on singing, i just don’t think she is the one to go to, given there is other options.

  10. 這一集感覺卡卡的,到目前為止只有劉明湘一人的歌聲能夠感動我。為什麼很多唱得不怎麼樣也說很棒呢?納悶。。。。。。感覺好幾位選手為了遷就到來的歌手而被犧牲掉了。

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