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[YT] i like smelling those paper too XD
[YT] 每個人都有怪癖呀 有些人說小草噁心,其實他們自己也有這樣做呀
[YT] ferrero rocher chocolate is not expense…
[YT] 至少小草聞的是自己的月經
[YT] 我覺得小草很真, 起碼她都敢把大家都覺得嘔的東西說出來吧.
我喜歡她的為人, 夠真,不做作. 不假. 還有節目效果.
而且說真的怪癖大家都有啊. 有些還更嘔心的.
[YT] 我覺得只是為了凸出一點..所以..先說自己這麼嘔心
[YT] 我們可能會咬不會吃好嗎??
[YT] 我還是喜歡黑澀會~~
[YT] hahaha this is so funny…lol
[YT] 濕紙巾可以致癌的!
[YT] @zzriel ferrero rocher.
[YT] 也有人喜歡聞天拿水= =”(那是吸毒啦= =”)
[YT] @kababii
對喔 不是每個女孩子都是這麼的不衛生
因為真的很噁 我就沒有咬過手指甲
不要只因為你是女孩子 就覺得其他女孩子也會跟你一樣做同樣的東西 這真的很噁了!!!
[YT] @Samarrashan
對喔 不是每個女孩子都是這麼的不衛生
因為真的很噁 我就沒有咬過手指甲
不要只因為你是女孩子 就覺得其他女孩子也會跟你一樣做同樣的東西 這真的很噁了!!!
[YT] 對吼 她已經長得不討好了
[YT] 我覺得shiny有很多很奇怪的小動作…
[YT] Shiny 唱歌樣子怪怪的.
[YT] what brand is it?
[YT] 小草真的蠻鬼靈精怪的
頗有趣 很好笑…
[YT] 舒玺 is really fake. Even her weird hobby also must act untill like very elegant. Most people yar as 小草 says, bites, not including eating eat. 舒玺 Acts so elegant and keep saying its disgusting. Being fake is more disgusting than anything.
[YT] @Samarrashan 不會吧= =可能真的沒有 我也沒有耶 超嘔心的!! 超髒的好不好 嘔心死了
[YT] 舒璽有d似tvb 李詩韻啊!!!
[YT] haha老大好好笑~~~哈哈哈3:48
[YT] @AsianAnn22 It’s 2 days now… and they didn’t reduce the days because of that, they reduced it because the ratings were poor I think… And also they need new blood, some of the ppl who are there are now too old to be “girls”…
[YT] i think shiny just wants to be clean.. like she would wipe the desk maybee because of bacteriaa?
[YT] I get why Shiny does that but it might be bad in the future because if she doesn’t have any napkins or wet cloths to clean herself, she won’t be able to take it.
[YT] ohhhh so is that why they made hsh only one day now?
[YT] 拜托,那牌子的巧克力出了有多久啦….maige!
[YT] 舒璽跟我1樣-v-
[YT] hahaha…you are so right…
[YT] Well the programme is played at night, but the programme is edited and not live… so what they do is they record a whole week of episodes (5 episodes) in one day… so they go into the studio at like 9-10am and then they could be recording till over midnight… Some of the girls in 黑澀會 couldn’t record so much because their school wouldn’t allow them to take so many days of leave…
[YT] shiny’s expressions was so funny LOL and she’s kinda bad at singing.
p.s. y is so of the girls so ugly and can still be on the show?
[YT] that girl at 1:59 is pretty ugly
[YT] old route of 黑澀會? ahh, oh so the program isn’t at night?
[YT] @XDXDoxo Why her head so big?
[YT] Before that chocolate was introduced to Taiwan, how did Sushi survived?
[YT] Shiny’s one also not guai pi -.-
[YT] Walao, Yu Tu & Xiao Han from HSBBT also prettier than ALL of them.
[YT] 她唱得很差==”
[YT] 0:02
[YT] 我的很烂的小被被 和黑人老大 的遭遇一样!被丢 整个 发火。
[YT] 很多人喜歡聞估價單
[YT] 小草蠻好笑的XD
[YT] shiny has funnny expressions when she sings~ it’s funny~ XP
[YT] I think so, cos they’ve taken the old route of 黑澀會, which means they’ll keep rotating girls (cos have to let them go to school)..
[YT] 咬腳也太辛苦了吧。
[YT] 咬腳也太辛苦了吧。
[YT] 小草有那麼噁的怪癖-_-
還有人喜歡她嗎= =?
[YT] 小草有那麼噁的怪癖-_-
還有人喜歡她嗎= =?
[YT] 小草 is so funny ahaha but that doesn’t mean 舒玺 is lying……..i don’t do the stuff 小草 does either..
[YT] 你會不會太以偏蓋全了?
我會咬手皮,但我也不會吃鼻屎和鼻涕阿 !
[YT] 黑人辣到語無倫次了(笑)
[YT] 支持小草 舒玺也太假了吧 没咬过手才鬼了叻
[YT] 黃太太們會生氣喔!
[YT] 聞估價單,跟吸毒有甚麼不一樣?
[YT] i wonder if this show knew about their weird habits before casting them on this show…
[YT] 辛曉琪的味道
[YT] 快遠離她!!!!!!!!
[YT] 吃得辣多就會麻木,越吃越覺得不辣。覺得這個還好。
[YT] too many girls @___@
[YT] when they smell those chemical products they get high and that’s why they have to smell it. They need to be informed about this as it could cause harm to the body.
[YT] Hands up to 小草, for actually being brave enough to confess these things on national TV. Those other girls are totally lying when they say didn’t.
[YT] I think that there are too much they rotate them.!??!!
[YT] is there like new people, cuz each time i always see different names, like i never seen alice (chinese name) before
[YT] dislike it!
[YT] 小草講完那個..應該其他美少女都很怕他吧!! 呵呵