美少女時代 2010-03-19 我有煩惱 該怎麼辦

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164 thoughts on “美少女時代 2010-03-19 我有煩惱 該怎麼辦

  1. [YT] Im not going to argue with you anymore, we all need to move on and stop commenting on this stupid show> after all its ONLY a show. chillax yo~ peace..

  2. [YT] hey people, look at the date on this video. 3/19
    its almost been a month, you guys r still arguing
    move on with life guys…
    from wat i see, extroardinaryx, you really have a lot to say. I wouldnt be surprised if u sat home all day holding F5 and waiting for someone to comment. thats really sad, pathetic, actually.
    ………………………….go jenn……………………..

  3. [YT] @puccanatalie you guys all telling me over and over and over and over again the same things. having no right to criticize her. well shes on public television. she will be criticized . get over it.
    and i do not believe there are scripts. if they picked on someone random lets say.and that persons answer does not make the show flow they will redo that scene. watch past mfbbt or wahsh episodes where they have episodes pranking someone. they redo scenes over

  4. [YT] well, if you had looked at what amandapandachu wrote, she said that her school is harder than taiwanese american schools because her school has APs. and so im just informing her that taiwanese american schools also have APs.

  5. [YT] @extroardinaryx yea, it’s nice to know that ur not. and no, im not either. and it’s hard to believe that someone w/ straight As would translate “is not the same standards” into easier ==

  6. [YT] who thinks jenn is prettier than anan?
    i think everyone should agree then jenn is way hotter, cutter, prettier than her….
    why doesn’t anyone criticize anan about her looks while you do about jenn?

  7. [YT] @extroardinaryx if the director were to say that there were scripts.. and they tell everyone what to say.. WHO IN THE WORLD would watch this show? what if they pick on someone random and they answered something that does not make the show flow or makes the show boring? of course they’d need it
    what gives you the right to hate and criticize someone you don’t know… you don’t even know her. you can have ur own opinions, but you have no need to talk shit on youtube
    i think you should get a life

  8. [YT] @may333999 why would i tell you what school i go to. i dont want you stalking me. and i am not being cocky with my school by saying that we have aps too. im just saying its just as hard.

  9. [YT] @extroardinaryx, wat makes YOU thnk ur school is so much better? your comments juust dnt make sense you dnt like her becus shes cocky with her school. SO ARE YOU! showing off with APS and shit, if your so proud with your school then tell ME wich school u go 2? let me gocheck your schools curriculum and see if its any btter ASSHOLE.

  10. [YT] in case you haven’t been watching the recent episodes, she IS off the show because ppl like you can’t even stand comments she made wen everyone else probably made some comments too. there is seriously something wrong with you. so you say you don’t like her attitude? you’re attitude is far worse.

  11. [YT] @Davey1103
    she is on public television. for whatever reasons she will get mixed comments and its not disturbing.
    People will judge her by the things she say and how she acts.
    if she doesn;t want people to judge/ criticising her, dont give us something to criticize her about. ( like that comment she made ) . or just get off .

  12. [YT] nope,
    im criticizing her because i do not like the attitude she has pulled off in the show not because she is bound to be judged.
    you dont see me criticising any other girls in the show and they are ” bound to be judged too” .
    its just solely because i do not like the comments she made and the way she comes off in the show. .
    i am lmao-ing because you guys have funny comments and give me something to lmao about. 🙂

  13. [YT] @meleemo lmaooo i cant believe i missed this comment earlier.
    but this makes me laugh :). i typed “you blind” cause its a shorter version of you’re blind ( but i think it sounds funnier) so thats why i typed that, but you want to grammatically correct my english. so i will correct yours as well. it is deaf* ..
    and ..P.S grammical is not a word .. lmao

  14. [YT] @may333999
    i dont hate her because she gets straight As.
    i get all As in an american school so idk where she gets the idea that school here ” is not the same standards” as school in tw. because A’s here are pretty hard to get considering all the Ap classes.
    and all of you are saying this is planned/set.
    did they mention anywhere that the girls are reading off something? if they did, i think i missed it. please tell me which minute/ part of the video that is.

  15. [YT] @may333999 why do i have to be anan or one of her friends? cant i just be a youtuber who by chance stumbled upon this video and do not like the attitude that jennifer pulls off in the show?
    not everyone has to like her. and if i dont like her it doesnt not mean im anan or anan’s friend.
    P.S when did i say i need people supporting me .. ? lol

  16. [YT] @hotpinksecrets the funny thing is im not 🙂 but are YOU?
    and i get all As in an american school so idk where she gets the idea that school here ” is not the same standards” in other words, easier than school in tw.

  17. [YT] QH@extroardinary- you do no tha your the only jen hater right now? im suspicious of you being anan or one of her friends.

    those who support jen post ‘ i support jen’ on youtube now.
    and those who hate @extroardinary for it’s gay mean comments post ‘ i hate extroardinary’

    lets see how many ppl support you. suck your dick. dick face

  18. [YT] @extroardinary im not a huge fan of jennifer, but i don’t htink she deserves what you said of her. why do you hate her so much? because she said she gets straight As? you can’t be that SMART to not know that alot of these stuff those girls said on the show are planned. and the host just HAPPENED(SUCH A COINCIDENT) to pick on her and asked for her opinion..?! smartie.

    second! i can call you watever i like ‘HONEY” just like what you’ve said about jennifer. i SUPPORT her, so shut your ass mouth.

  19. [YT] @extroardinaryx
    yer i noe sigh…ther must to be a lot of ppl like you out there. ugh a lot of ppl like you, thats disturbing but true. you can make that better by stop judging or critcizing her. its not like ur better

  20. [YT] oh and also i currently go to high school in the us, however i’ve also been to a very prestigious high school in taiwan i actually found classes there to be easier since here we have stuff like APs ^-^

  21. [YT] @extroardinaryx, is that y you’re up here commenting all these nasty things?because she’s “bound to be judged” anyways? thats ridiculous. and you shud stop “lmao”-ing because frankly, i see nothing to laugh about wen you’re saying all this bullcrap about ppl.

  22. [YT] @may333999 and do not call me honie . thats sick coming from you. lol
    2nd of all, if alot of people like her, idk why theres so much mixed comments about her here.
    you don’t see me criticizing ( for ex ) 舒璽. i’m not jealous of her and alot of people likes her.
    and where do you get the idea that hacking into my account can see who i really am? what the hell? thats a first. lmao

  23. [YT] @may33399 do not tell me who i shouldnt hate. i dontlike her attitude on the show and thats MY opinion.
    for ex;when jennifer told everyone shes gets all As,& the other girl wants to let ppl know she gets As too, jennifer goes ” its not the same standards” seriously? thats lik implying your shit aint the same level as mine and mine are harder to get.if its As. then its As. let the girl feel proud for getting As. how does she know that the girl’s school is somuch easier than hers?

  24. [YT] @Davey1103 sorz. i think i missed your comment. i cant find it D:
    but if she doesnt want to be criticized i guess she shouldnt be on the show?
    lets put it this way. shes on public television. theres bound to be people judging her. she should know and if she can’t handle it/ or her friends like you people can’t handle it i guess she just gotta get off.

  25. [YT] @extroardinaryx
    hey. im just wondering. u replied like to all the comments, except for mine. Or mayb u haf nothing to say to my comment, cuz its totally true. You don’t have any right to criticize her. And dont give me shit like saying oh, i just made a comment about her being cocky and stuff like that. Calling her cocky is criticizing her already. You don’t know her in person, how do u noe if shes cocky or not? So shut you ass.

  26. [YT] @extroardinaryx , you are just so weird####
    you don’t even know her @.@ are you jealous because alot of people like her? IMAO
    my point of view, stop going around hating people
    normal peeps like us, don’t go around trying to find peeps to hate.
    only peeps like you wth problems do that.
    honie all you need is luv

    maybe we should hack into your account, and see who you really are. bitch.

  27. [YT] @extroardinaryx who are you anyways? anyways, i dont think i quite specified YOUR friends.. rather anan’s friends.. oh wait, or are you anan? hah. that’s funny.

  28. [YT] @meleemo where do you get the impression that the people that left nasty comments about jenn are my friends? you are pathetic for thinking that way. not everyone has to like her you know?

  29. [YT] @MangaCrazy24 i’m a jenn hater because i called her cocky? thats a first.
    and second of all, all my past comments are directed to pathetic people like you. i think its rather fun to see you guys so upset over a comment i made. i guess i do have a big impact. and i keep replying because YOU guys keep replying, simple as that. dont want to seem rude as to not replying to your comments nameeen?

  30. [YT] @extroardinaryx
    the point is that u dont haf any right to criticize Jenn. are u more talented, better at English, or better looking? i think not. so stfu

  31. [YT] @extroardinaryx … see you have no grammical skills either. wow, if you’re blind, death, AND suck at language, what can you do?? ahh.. its alright.. i sympathize you..NOT.

  32. [YT] I’m apologizing for what I said about Jennifer; I didn’t know Jennifer goes to a school in Taiwan that teaches English [I think…?]
    But how was I supposed to know? Plus, she actually seems like a genuine American when she spoke English…so…

  33. [YT] @extroardinaryx Hmm.. lets see.. didnt the director of the show tell jennifer to lie too? Than how in the world is she cocky? And no.. shes just my classmate and I already have a girlfriend so why would i want her to lie on me? @the people who thinks jennifers ugly Go fuck yourselves bitches.. if shes that ugly than how did she make it to this damn program?

  34. [YT] @extroardinaryx Hmm.. lets see.. didnt the director of the show tell jennifer to lie too? Than how in the world is she cocky? And no.. shes just my classmate and I already have a girlfriend so why would i want her to lie on me? @the people who thinks jennifers ugly Go fuck yourselves bitches.. if shes that ugly than how did she make it to this damn program?

  35. [YT] Jennifer is Special the way she is. no wonder what all of negative people think, in our school and among ourselves she is the most special. we all like her the way she is. good job jen. keep it up. 🙂

  36. [YT] all u ppl calling jenn ugly. consider ursleves b4 calling others ok? only decent looking girls can get on the show, and jen is probably the hottest on the show 🙂

  37. [YT] XDD HAHAHAHA omgosh, mel, you’re totally spamming!! yeah, i guess i can see that you’re replying to other ppl’s comments. XD i look on this page and suddenly this whole page is full of your comments.

  38. [YT] @extroardinaryx
    it looks like your pissed at everyone and at her.
    but lemme say to everyone of you who are against her.

    she is a wonderful girl. For us who go to the same school as her, shes one out of the 500+ students who stars on one of these shows. SEE HOW SPECIAL IS THAT FOR US? it is special, and we are all proud of her. one thing i would like to say to you guys if you think shes not that special or cocky. LETS SEE YOU TRY THAT AND BE ON A SHOW THAT IS WATCHED BY SO MANY PEOPLE.

  39. [YT] haha. richard? emotional? that is the FUNNIEST thing ive heard all week. hmm lets see.. you posted.. idk how many negative comments here? you’re the emotional one.. bashing peoples videos just because your jealous. fucking retard. oh and btw. your english sucks.

  40. [YT] anan is a stupid liar.. doesnt kno anything.
    “oh i came back to taiwan and i cant understand anything..”
    shes speaking chinese, isnt she?
    this show is sad

  41. [YT] HAH now THATS funny. you’re mentally ill. go see a doctor, slut. she DIDNT ever go to the US for school, okay. get your facts right before you go bashing people. if you didnt hear, she went and goes to an international school in TAIWAN. oh wait, are you deaf too? im surprised you didnt figure that out yet.

  42. [YT] oh and i forgot to add.. just because you’re pissed at her (you know who you are) for being prettier and better at something than you, you dont hav to go telling all your bitchy friends to comment on her vid just to bash her. and JUST cause you’re jealous. she was reading off a shitty script and cant do anything about it. this is the MOST retarded show ive ever seen in taiwan. half of the stuff said on the show isnt true. why? cause they just hav PREWRITTEN lies prepared for girls to say.

  43. [YT] she’s more than a million times prettier and hotter than you retards so i dont think you guys hav the priviledge of saying that. same with the stupid girls in the show.. this is the most fucking retard show cause somehow they end up with the UGLIEST girls in taiwan and call them 美女..except for jennifer. at least they got THAT right.

  44. [YT] @iverson3g where do you see that i’m pissed at her? she is nobody. for me to be pissed about. i just made a comment that shes cocky. P.S your getting a little too emotional. this is just youtube. you gotta chillax
    its not like you gonna get laid once she knows you stood up for her.
    and i know that extroardinary is spelled extraordinary. i just like the roar in the middle. is there a problem? lol

  45. [YT] to all u fucktards hu dun care about wt others think. jenn’s just reading off a script, u cant really blame her for wt shes saying. so just stfu and mind ur own business

  46. [YT] extroardinaryx… sry to say but you’ve got no hope… just look at your name.. extroardinary!? Do you even know how to fuckin spell? And why are you pissed at her? Just because she is better than you in english? Go fuck yourself bitch.

  47. [YT] @MangaCrazy24 does your comment even make sense. isnt that what i said? she went to school in the U.S . first you say she never went to school in the US and then you say she might’ve. doesnt matter if it was a long time ago. if she been to school in the US who the hell cares at what age she been there. your comment is so contradicting. read it before you post it douche.

  48. [YT] iluvchili1314, we al know that there are alot of slack schools in UK, international schools are quite hard to get in. so stop bragging about you living in the UK, rich kid.

  49. [YT] this show is a lie. didn’t ANAN said she goes to an american school but she never mentioned that she transferred out. what a liar, still saying you go an american school huh? at least evita and jen can speak OKAY english. the rest….tsk

  50. [YT] @extroadinaryx uhhh. dude, she never “WENT” to the school in the US. she might’ve like a super long time ago, but she goes to an AMERICAN school in TAIWAN. but everyone keeps saying she goes to school in the US. get your facts straight.

  51. [YT] this show is one of the worst shows ever, they made Jennifer lie, and other more things.
    1. MCA is not part of stupid TAS.
    2. MCA is not harder than other schools.
    3. American’s are not stupid.
    4. There is both smart & dumb people in all countries.
    5. Einstein is not American.
    6. The video has a lot of lies,
    7. MIT and Stanford are not IVY LEAGUE Schools!
    Jennifer is a good girl that is smart, and she should not be cussed at. and all of you stop thinking wrong.

  52. [YT] this is just bullshit, i go to her school too. i see her every single day… and i can tell you that she is NOT cocky or a show off.. this is just plainly what the show wants them to say..they have SCRIPTS to read off of… so all those who are watching this show, don’t make comments about some girls personality or what they because it is all fake.

  53. [YT] cummon ppl…… all she was doing was reading wat they tld her to say…. it their way of making money…. it puts a spark to the show…. all of you who don’t know her well… you should think before you post crap on her video…… GO JENNIFER!!

  54. [YT] wtf why you guys all critcizing a person you dont know shit about? people who knows jennifer knows that she is one heck of nice person, nd shes not wat u guys say she is. Shes hot, cute, nice, friendly, considerate, so stop being haters nd bullshitting all over this video. Love you jen =] jia yoo mwuahs

  55. [YT] there’s not only one international girl, most of them are. that’s the point of this show, girls from all over the place, and some are mix. like german, japanese, korean, and american.

  56. [YT] guys~ there’s nothing wrong w/ speaking english…if speaking english is cocky, then we’re all cocky ==
    and if getting straight A’s is so easy…then everybody would be getting straight A’s…
    this is just a show, the’re allowed to say watever’s on their mind…u guys dun haf to criticize jennifer for her answer.


  58. [YT] omfg, why are you stupid people arguing over this stupid show?
    all these comments are for 節目效果SAKE! you guys are just supporting this show by posting so many stupid comments.. and making jennifer looks all popular and shit. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

  59. [YT] gosh guys! Jenn goes to my school, okay? and she happens to be super nice and there’s nothing fake about it!! MCA is a christian school, and she’s only answering the questions they ask her! so wat if she’s proud of her school and proud that she goes to an american school?! i’m proud of it too. sheesh, and she’s super pretty if you see her in person.

  60. [YT] omg jennifer, even through lots of ppl in US watches this show doesnt mean you can show off ur English & another girl wants to mention tat straight As is easy n you were like saying ur all better n shit, geez. stop freaking showing off.

  61. [YT] she thinks shes special among the girls on the show because she went to school in the US. well like most people watching this is actually living in the US right now, so she isnt any different. straight As are not hard to get if your devoted. and Jennifer has to stop using English. it doesn’t make her seem educated, just cocky.

  62. [YT] Can’t stand Jennifer =___= Straight A’s don’t mean anything for colleges if you don’t do well on the SAT and stuff like that. She’s acting so cocky just cause she went to school in US =___= School here in the US is not that fun either O___X

  63. [YT] haha, ya i was about to say that. Einstein isn’t American….lol

    i mean she is probably right about hard to get straight A’s in her school, but don’t need to be that cocky….

  64. [YT] Singapore don’t allow students to dye hair too. And girls with hair longer than uniform’s collar must tied. So wtf.
    Fringe must be pin up, guys cannot style hair.

    For some school, its a must to plaid your hair unless your hair is short.
    Dk what are the rules for, it won’t affect studies anyway -.-

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