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[YT] don’t know why but 安安’s smile makes me wanna punch her light out. oh and i agree with cyberhaha on that list of ugliness. except you missed 小草. she’s mad ugly too, u know what i’m saying
[YT] @roxyluvspups i meant *in* my skl
[YT] jennifer’s my skl…mangacrazy r u jess???
[YT] @sapphirekat shes not canadian
[YT] mico不錯啦.
[YT] 安安噁爆了!
[YT] 安安不醜阿= =笑得好甜
[YT] 不喜歡小ka…常常說自己唱歌很好聽.
之前還有破音.. 唱得時候好像是扯出來的==
[YT] 球球唱得很不好…
有破音 音不準..又有落拍..這首歌不易唱= =
[YT] mico looks japanese.. ^__^
[YT] i think evita looks better with her hair up…
[YT] go jen
[YT] jennifer 长得像菲佣。。。
[YT] wow jennifer is both 13 and 16 years old..
[YT] i still think Jenn’s da best.
[YT] Jennifer is 13?!!
(time: 8:11)..???????
[YT] Jenifer’s gd
shes got potential n i like the splitting part^___^
[YT] 安安~~~表現得不錯阿~~!!滿有自信的!!
[YT] 小KA好強喔~~!!
[YT] 球球的聲音好甜好好聽阿~~~!!雖然有點小差錯…..~~~~!!
[YT] @sosick128 a few episodes before, she said she went to an american international school in tw.~
[YT] I like the way mico sings, but she needs to work on her 假音~~
[YT] @cyberhaha 安安沒那麽差把! 我覺得她很可愛!
[YT] i think qiuqiu should have chosen a song thats not too low or too high.. rainie’s songs areee suuuuuper hard to sing which means rainie is prooo! (:
[YT] 好喜歡安安的表演; 超有自信耶 ^____^
[YT] 好喜歡安安的表演; 超有自信耶 ^____^
[YT] 我很喜歡球球的表演; 但我覺得那首歌很難唱.
[YT] 我很喜歡球球的表演; 但我覺得那首歌很難唱.
[YT] yui showtime
[YT] @sosick128 She goes to an American school in Taiwan.
[YT] 請問yui跳的舞那首歌的名字是什麼?
[YT] 小ka唱得好好聽`
[YT] is jeniifer an ABC?? she has american accent…
[YT] what the hell… how in the world did 安安 get 10? her singing sucks and yeh like what weichi80ify said.. 難不成想上裁判? And jennifer should have gotten like wayy better than 安安…
[YT] noo. jenn doesn’t live in america, she lives in taichung, taiwan. american school , and shes super smart.
[YT] wo anan is slutty
i can see her underwear!!
[YT] does anan go to the same school as jenni?
jen’s accent is totally canadian!!! never heard anan speak english though
they should make them speak english more make this show look more international
[YT] Jennifer太緊張…英文感覺蠻好的 讀哪?
[YT] 安安跩什麼 扭腰擺臀的向妓女一樣 難不成想上裁判?
[YT] OMG EVITA IS 14!!?!
[YT] 5:02明明是yibi 出了yui= =
[YT] 雖然是分組比賽,但是大部分美眉都是啦啦隊…
[YT] 參加表演賽的美眉應該再多一些的…
[YT] i feel like asianann22 is an an. XD
[YT] 球球不錯呀,唱之前可能要warm up聲音會比較好
[YT] naw she is pretty fluent in english and chinese…just sumtimes its wierd when ur suddenly required to pop a few lines of english
[YT] 球球選錯歌
[YT] yea…jennifer’s english isnt that good at all -_____-
she’s so freakin annoying -_______-
im pretty sure she won’t get into stanford…
[YT] jennifer’s accent is totally ..canadian, i do no hear any chinese accent, im pretty sure she’s lived in america or canada….total cbc…canadian born chinese lol
[YT] jennifer does seem fluent in english…when she said “poker face”
[YT] i don’t like anan either
[YT] XD i love the narrator saying she speaks fluent english
[YT] anan sucks.. why did she get a 10?
[YT] 個人感覺,,安安,evita和焦糖瘋的樣子真的比其他美眉差..
[YT] nice jenn! 🙂 HAWT
[YT] jennifer ftw
[YT] no..I don’t think so..I guess that she’s just “realli smart”
[YT] 沒了hanna嗎?!
[YT] I think she just stayed in the US for a long time? She’s still got a Chinese accent though >.>
[YT] is jennifer american?
[YT] Jennifer dance doesn’t even have any moves,,,,,the only good part was that she can split
[YT] 本來很期待球球唱的說
還有一點就是 帶我走伴奏音樂沒有什麼起伏 所以要靠聲音的力量來撐起整首歌 而且音準一跑掉馬上就聽的出來 球球的聲音不夠厚 所以唱這首歌沒有層次感 建議她唱羅美玲的 愛一直閃亮
[YT] 楊丞琳這首歌就不好唱嘛 range很寬阿
很多人唱楊丞琳的歌就指因為她們覺得楊丞琳不是實力派 所以歌很好唱 這點會真的讓我很生氣 明明丞琳的歌就越來越難唱 之前試鏡的時候也是超多美眉唱她的歌的 結果勒 最後整個把歌唱壞 球球的聲音適合亮一點的歌 而且她唱的帶我走根本就不是原版的 感覺想要r&b 導致於前面落拍超級嚴重
[YT] dangg, go jenn!!
[YT] YUI頭髮有點太厚….呵
[YT] dont’ like jennifer
[YT] ya, she is probably the best in 美少女!
[YT] 球球本身音色很棒!!
[YT] Yui!!!!! Amazing!!!
[YT] Mico was good=D
[YT] Wow Xiao Ka has a good voice!!!