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[YT] 子塇幾可愛^^
[YT] 采采不錯啊.
[YT] @maya4510 帥得多了啦!!!!!
[YT] 打槍的當然會被打槍啊 因為你也不是用心選他 為什麼要選你呢…
[YT] @seng1213 誰像金城武 幾號 ?
[YT] seng1213 上次校草比今集好,起碼有一個像金城武,滿型的.
哪個像金城武 好奇唷 🙂
[YT] 子宣好美;好愛她;D
[YT] 大白不錯喔..
[YT] 想問小阿光dance 的歌好像是Rain的歌…..
[YT] 應該相反了.
[YT] 上次校草比今集好,起碼有一個像金城武,滿型的.
[YT] i am just here to stop by, didnt even wanna watch it, but 這種濫節目也會有人看 所以製作才不會進步….old school 棒棒堂 黑澀會 4 life!!
[YT] that guy looks like russell brand a bit xD
[YT] @raindy0129 Yeah from Usher
[YT] 竟然選evita,,他是瞎了吧?!-__-
[YT] 2号大白好帅阿
[YT] 子瑄好美
[YT] 庭伊很可愛
[YT] 爽到 那些男的 說帥也還好
[YT] 老大整 舒璽 好好玩
[YT] 想問小阿光dance 的歌是!?
[YT] fox的五官很漂亮@@
[YT] @Robert216104 這些單元幾好睇呀
[YT] 庭伊 choose #5 at first, doesn’t she?!
[YT] @Jackobe24 采采也不錯的~~
[YT] 子瑄<3
[YT] 只能說蔥蔥妳太有創意了!那把蔥讓帥哥整個無言!哈哈~
[YT] sushi:)
[YT] 哦!開始有開場舞啦!
[YT] ……店員比之前校草單元帥多了~~!!
[YT] 还是原来模范棒棒堂里的那个Eason帅 呵呵
[YT] 最喜歡靖倫了!
[YT] too bad Shiny wasn’t there that day. Would have been fun to see her reaction
[YT] once evita has her braces taken out, she’ll look better
[YT] what was the axe for? haha
[YT] @eminny0214 那是因為他牙齒在矯正吧 = =很多人都在這年紀矯正阿
[YT] lol I like the photo with the extra space
[YT] 世界上 真的有 倒貼 這麼好的事就好
男人 就不用 煩惱了
[YT] evita 長得有點奇怪耶…
[YT] 嗯…有幾位帥哥的確很有型,迷的美少女們團團轉哪~哈哈!
[YT] @DeNote350 大白 小阿光 哪來的小白
[YT] @DeNote350 EASON 小白 小阿光 哪來的小白
[YT] 跟之前的黑澀會一樣,又一個似曾相識的單元來啦…應該可以也算是美少女與帥哥的聯誼吧!至於帥哥們帥不帥就見人見智啦!哈哈
[YT] the second is so handsome!
[YT] 靖倫可愛!
[YT] Eason 都一般般姐…
[YT] @xrainiexwindie haha i don’t know…i’m just speaking as a girl who has never really seen anything like this…xD
[YT] is that bad?
[YT] oh god that was so funny. had a good laugh for today from evita. lmao
[YT] 小雨還滿可愛的
[YT] 選一號的正妹這麼多! 孟孟,奈奈,舒惜,庭伊!
[YT] 他們應該在美少女投票前叫那些店員選….
[YT] girls these days are so direct w/ their words…
[YT] 小白很帥!!