美少女時代 2010-04-29 校花美女大集合

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156 thoughts on “美少女時代 2010-04-29 校花美女大集合

  1. [YT] @siuwakwong 話不能這麼說 想想看每個人又不能生出來 就控制自己的長相 即使不OK 我們應該給予鼓勵 何況她們也是被節目找去的 或許她們只是想展現才藝 每個人都有長處 看看就好 別太認真

  2. [YT] 這個節目真的讓台灣女生丟臉了 台灣滿街都是正妹 可是為什麼學生選出來的校花校草都沒有很正阿?感覺就像普通學生阿 沒有校花的feel…校花選拔大家是怎樣?都是投人情票嗎?

  3. [YT] 看似她們是日本morning 娘 跟 akb48的翻版。

    I’d say these Twainese girls are not distinguished enough to be called a band, and somehow they just look like a group of bitches singing together.
    Personally, I much prefer to purchase the CDs of AKB48 or Morning Musume.

  4. [YT] 其實是不是又想打造一個黑澀會…..

  5. [YT] 這不就是標準台妹… 沒有惡意 台是不會怎樣!台也沒有錯 但是!以她的年齡 看起來也太過艷&成熟了 即使一開始出來時 的確是有讓人驚艷的感覺 但是不耐看 看久就反感 感覺都靠化妝-.-.. 很想看卸妝是怎樣lol 而且那個baby第二階段才得2票 一點都不意外 現在的男生感覺比較喜歡清純不做作的(看豆花妹就知道了) 而這個baby她給人的感覺太..假了 O_O

  6. [YT] the first one ist ugly and very unsympathic, the second one is ok, but she always smiles and it makes her sympathic.

    but the “talents” are just bad

  7. [YT] .. #1 isn’t pretty.. and she sucks at dancing… don’t understand why a whole bunch of girls always try to do like sexy type of dancing when they can’t even fully express their dance movements and looks awkward and looks so uninterested in dancing…

  8. [YT] .. #1 isn’t pretty.. and she sucks at dancing… don’t understand why a whole bunch of girls always try to do like sexy type of dancing when they can’t even fully express their dance movements and looks awkward and looks so uninterested in dancing…

  9. [YT] Wow congrats to Apple for making the show?
    So does that mean the girls on the show get to bring their friends to audition to be on the show?
    What the minimum amount of votes they need to make it on the show?

  10. [YT] It’s kind of awkward. They’re popular because of their personality but the guys have to rate them on their looks and their talent. Not to mention they have to also measure up to the other 26 girls in the room.

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