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[YT] 條友想抽水
[YT] 是我自己錯覺,還是什麼,那個kevin不斷在女生身上弄東弄西的!
[YT] 8:41 小ka妝很恐怖
[YT] 球球超可愛的
[YT] Evita樣子好奇怪.
[YT] 已經有好舊了… 不是嗎?! 雙眼皮貼
[YT] 畫得挺趕的 所以有點醜
[YT] i think they all dress too matured…aren’t they only like 13-18ish??? wearing high heels is too much =.=
[YT] Kevin老師一開始有說,這是屬於濃妝類型,所以跟另一隻眼相比之下顏色難免深了點;可是不可否認,這個妝真的畫的很好,完整時在雜誌、鏡頭上會很亮眼..
[YT] 這幾個女孩走秀走得不太好,都彎腰駝背看起來不太有自信
[YT] evita is 13, why does she goes in high heels??
[YT] kevin 好做作好煩-_-
[YT] now she really does look like she’s been punched…..
[YT] 這一集是美少女 in house!哈哈!
[YT] 美少女卸妝起碼有一半很醜
[YT] 娜美個part,襯得好難睇
[YT] 下回來個素顏單元好了~看誰素顏後依然正!哈哈!
[YT] qiuqiu is sooo cute^^
[YT] 乾脆下回做個美少女素顏單元好了!
[YT] looks like she have dots on her lower lashes…. Weird…
[YT] the natural eye looked better xD
[YT] i thought it looks pretty good
[YT] kevin好噁
[YT] i don’t think it looks that good…
[YT] they do look better than when they’re wearing the uniform
[YT] 怪怪的 XD
[YT] 做個卸妝單元好了,讓全部美眉沒有一種幸災樂禍的心態。
[YT] 超怪的。。。不好看诶