美少女時代 2010-06-04 美少女指定素顏PK賽

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179 thoughts on “美少女時代 2010-06-04 美少女指定素顏PK賽

  1. [YT] 小草那裡有差很多啊 平時她在節目都是這樣的啊 蠻好的 只是好的自拍比較有點不同而已 可是還能看出是小草吧…….差最多的應該是曼曼吧 無語= =

  2. [YT] The difference are only because of the photo. But when you know the people from the program then there aren’t really difference besides the skin and eyelash

  3. [YT] well without makeup there aren’t so many difference by 陳馨, but I still think she is not pretty. her charisma makes her seem silly. her skin is very good but her set of teeth ist so big.
    Mika is not pretty also with makeup…

  4. [YT] i dont think any of them looked that bad… if anything i would say mika looks the worst….. and 小草 doesnt look that bad without makeup.

  5. [YT] 誰會素顏跟化妝沒差的? 不然化妝來幹嗎=,=? 而且又要把額頭露出來,,又要穿那麼醜的衣服,, 誰會漂亮呀-3-? 愈來愈覺得製作單位在欺負小朋友…. 倒不如素顏,可是可以把自己打辨得漂漂亮亮,,再選最美的那一位就好了-0-

  6. [YT] 小草還真的還好…

  7. [YT] 小草和那张夸张的照片真是差很大,但是和平时的小草差很小啊

  8. [YT] 我有去小草的無名看過啦,沒化妝照片一大堆好不好 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  9. [YT] Thought 宣宣 would look worse. Main thing is her teeth (but makeup doesn’t help that anyways)
    Emma and Mika from last time were much much worse than anyone from this episode 🙂

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