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[YT] 我愛的2NE1給她這樣用….痛心T_T
[YT] FX裏不是只有amber才是中性風嗎…
[YT] 對安安非好感!!!
[YT] 哈哈;
[YT] 花花美;$
[YT] 感覺他們快吵起來了… 宣宣好醜
[YT] 佢地月做月假-.-
[YT] @ahhpris not this part. is part1 6:11 xdd
[YT] @nanabibi14 0:58 其其的名牌明明是寫其其啊, 那來的娃娃? 其其進來時就用 其其了, 我記得沒用過娃娃
[YT] WTF with the 髮片???
[YT] 乾脆把錢拿去賭博算了XD
[YT] 討厭宣宣.
[YT] 究竟現在安安的姐姐是叫”其其”還是”娃娃”?
[YT] what song is that in 09:16 ??
[YT] so fake!
plus that is totally not f(x) style
[YT] 明天可以看鲔鱼啦!!!
[YT] 前不見了真的很假耶…
[YT] 安安的姊姊比較漂亮啊! XD
[YT] 我覺得小草很好,雖然她不是很美,但她有個性呀。
[YT] 哪邊像我家B.E.G啊.
[YT] 美少女的定義在哪裡?
[YT] 吾見錢果到真系勁假囉..
[YT] 完全與F(x)無關
[YT] 好爛的梗!安安演好假。有錢亂花的梗已經不流行了,還演那麽假,梗破光了拉
[YT] 1000+減到210
[YT] 是其其還是娃娃啊?
[YT] 其其 好像青蛙
[YT] 像f(x)嗎?
[YT] 宣宣好像馬= =
[YT] 好佩服小草xD
[YT] -_-set得太假了
[YT] @vicky199788 如果的事
[YT] 兩姐妹唱歌都不錯嘛
[YT] @cherrychanchauying 對= = 一看就知道
[YT] 安安好白痴哦.講話有點怪怪的;以前已經很討厭她!娃娃真可憐-o-!娃娃唱得蠻好聽的^_^
[YT] 其其好像是渥凱那個選秀比賽上一屆的冠軍…!
[YT] 唉呀老闆挺帥的啊
[YT] 安安雖然任性,但挺醒目嘛hahahahahaha
[YT] emma 的髮片也太明顯了吧=-=
[YT] 安安也夠白痴的拉!又不好看!怎麼可以這樣!太討厭啦!
[YT] 舒墨去那??很多集沒她
[YT] 安安唱的歌叫什麼?
[YT] f(x)沒這樣露吧…完全不像-.- f(x)都不是這風格..
[YT] emma’s hair is so obvis that it’s fake hair.
[YT] 一D都唔似F(X)=.=
[YT] 好笑=.=把板子上的after school 都打上馬賽克…偏要改成f(x)
[YT] 明明1500的是After school …為嘛抽完後的那個是寫 f(x)…
[YT] 白痴安安…
[YT] wa….好set哦~ =。=
[YT] 明天好看:) 鮪魚也玩xd
[YT] 一開始抽到的是after school 為什麼變了F(x)
[YT] @glittersandicing 還好啦
[YT] 蔥蔥 is so fake…
totally set up ahhahahhha
[YT] 好討厭emma
[YT] 其實安安也不錯呀
[YT] 55,安安很討厭
[YT] the necklace is so ugly….
[YT] 這樣看小草臉圓圓的, 宣宣在小草身邊臉看起來好長
[YT] what’s wrong with emma’s hair..
[YT] 不過蔥蔥樣子本來就不錯
[YT] 不喜歡安安!!她很討厭~~
[YT] 明天是魚XDDDD好帥haha
[YT] 小草 group nice..realli good..managed to get so much stuff for onli NT$500 which is about SGD$ Singapore cfm plus gurantee chop cannot.. the clothes and all shud cost about $50 which is NT$1k at least
[YT] Wtf, xuanxuan fake like shit.
[YT] 1d都唔似少時
[YT] 小草 group not bad… 500 dollars is less than S$25… its so crazy! I cant believe they managed to pull it off. and it does look quite cute. i feel that the stocking can be another colour though.
[YT] 好set -.-
[YT] @daibman 真奇怪
[YT] 0.0
[YT] 安安真的很討厭!!
[YT] 不是露得多就是性感吧 .. ?!@@
[YT] 其其蠻斯文 漂亮的呢~ 他們真是姐妹嗎 ? 一點也不像! 其其美多呢~
[YT] 我真的還滿希望小草能多多留言…
[YT] 小草好可愛喔~~!!
[YT] 鮪魚很樂。美眉們很怕。
[YT] i want to see the next episode X]
[YT] clashing…. too many colors
[YT] f(x)美好多好不好
[YT] 黄靖伦帅!
[YT] 咦~還是韓系單元啊
[YT] 小草很拼, 太厉害了!
[YT] although 小草 may seem really funny right now, in the future, i have a feeling she’s gonna regret saying some things that she shouldn’t say…
[YT] fuck the fakeshit
[YT] soooo fake..好set罗。
[YT] 小草好白痴喔….哈哈
[YT] it was SO fake when the money was stuck under her shoe. that only happens in dramass! that was SO FAKEE!
[YT] 小草組我覺得襪子的顏色還有鞋子吧! 襪子的顏色可以淡一點 鞋子不夠有特色!
[YT] 太不像f(x)了!!! f(x)都穿很多很多顏色的…這太單調了~
[YT] 要穿出BEG的味道真的超難的吧 = =因為他們都很妖豔…美眉們都長得比較像小女孩 = =
[YT] ya the best group is the best
[YT] poor xiao cao… lol
[YT] @yuksui 她們只有500
[YT] omg the money under her shoe = = so set up…
[YT] disgusting.
[YT] 瞎
[YT] emma唱歌真的好難聽
[YT] 小草組比較醜吧==
[YT] 安安姊姊究竟叫其其還是娃娃??
[YT] 安安很討厭-_-
[YT] 其其? 為什麼牌子寫娃娃呢?
[YT] 第1組挺2NE1的,第2組沒什麼感覺
[YT] 這件背心要790-0-!我覺得300都有喇!
[YT] 小草 真搞笑
[YT] 小草 lol
[YT] 偉琦 looks good in anything