超級星光大道 2010-05-14 星光6 總冠軍賽

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462 thoughts on “超級星光大道 2010-05-14 星光6 總冠軍賽

  1. [YT] 每个评审都各自代表不一样的观众群。五个人五种不一样的观感所呈现的其实就是普众口味的缩影。要适时迎合不同评审的需求,就象是将来要照顾到各种类形的听众和粉丝。单一形态只能满足一小群人,将来会很难卖。

  2. [YT] 他唱的似乎少了一些感動點~~或許不像susan 有著人生經驗吧!!!
    話說~我還真想看他跟charice pempengco 合唱看看ㄟ!
    charice 唱whitney的歌真的是很誇張的好聽…

  3. [YT] @rainybrt ??? im so confused why some ppl like to leave offensive comments here. Seriously what kinda manner is this? i hv no interest in joining ur stupid debate about whether taiwan china or mainland china got better singers so pls take bk what u said and go wash ur mouth. PEACE 😉

  4. [YT] 罗大佑的歌曲 真是华语乐坛的经典 记录时代 包含人文关怀 如今的作词作曲人 无人能出其右 华语乐坛或是华人世界的理想主义时代 都过去了吧 胡夏加油 来自德国的大陆同胞的问候

  5. [YT] @sactownboy916 这才是唱片市场扭曲的源头吧.

  6. [YT] Although I don’t like her personally, but indeed highly impressed by her voice, but shouldn’t she move onto classical singing instead?

  7. [YT] 杨宗纬这么难得回来了为什么还唱错词…哎Orz 无论过多久, 他应该都是星光出来的最有争议和最经典的声音吧. 希望他会有更多机会也要更好的把握住.

  8. [YT] 其实从另外一个角度看, 正因为其他评审是一路评过来, 伟忠哥来了也是给人情分, 找伍思凯来才会稍微避一些嫌吧, 不然还是小玲在的话大家全部走温情路线都给高分这个节目又得被媒体批也说不好. p.s. 想念张宇, 没了他评审席永远都不完整!!!

  9. [YT] @0XDoYouLoveMeX0 我就一定會買的,我從沒買過超片,他是第一個讓我想買唱片的人,沒錯,台灣厲害的人是很多,但他是我見過最真誠的歌手,單這點,就值得我買

  10. [YT] @peter60207 You also agree with me right, you see, not said I don like 伍思凱 but he is a bit over, perhaps he is a good singer but he can’t compare or judge fresh singer too highly.. not only one, he judge the rest also like this… omg so far nope of the teacher will like him like that so arrogant so action…

  11. [YT] dudu!!!!!….我是香港的朋友~因為你我第一次留言~你的表演真的是很棒!你的聲音很特別,中低音很好聽~你是我的第1名喔.!希望你都可以有美好的將來~!

  12. [YT] 陶子今天的表现实在是太棒了 这个总决赛实在是太精彩了 谢谢他们的表演 虽然也非常喜欢dudu 但是冠军只能有一个 希望将来他们都发展得很好吧 出了唱片我都会想听的 dudu很有个性魅力 胡夏的声音很感人 特别是今天的闪亮的日子 头几句一进来我的鼻子就酸了 dudu胡夏 你们都加油!

  13. [YT] @KenSam326
    不知道Faye Wong是誰?真的是假的?她是近代很經典的一位天后。

    無論是超級星光大道or American Idol 一直都在證明 Anything is possible!"<--說得很好!

  14. [YT] 郁善的表現我也覺得沒有很好,但伍思凱老師今天的講評都很奇怪。。。
    伍思凱老師不是不中肯 ,但他今天的點評重點都很怪。。。

  15. [YT] @loveyifan 恩恩

  16. [YT] WOW.. this is ONE OF THE BEST performances ever on this show (including all 6 seasons)! This is a very impressive show. I love her voice..

  17. [YT] 其實評委給分是給整體表演的,不僅僅是唱的如何,還有個人風格,舞臺張力等等。

    綜合來說三帥這個表演比起黃郁善的台語歌和邊邊的表演都是比較全面和有吸引力的。黃郁善的phantom of opera 是很不錯,但是台語歌的確發揮不好,技巧和感情都不算到位,把三帥和胡夏的唱這歌來一起來看,算是很合理的分數。

  18. [YT] @vanishingnihi 其實他們的名字只是三人組,並沒有一個團名,是陶子叫他們三帥的,默默地他們也好像接受了這個稱號。

  19. [YT] @peter60207 Thanks for agree with me and I do agree with you as well 😀 but may I know actually did you like Dudu? Cos I quite like Dudu and that’s why I am angry with this 伍思凱. He think he very good ar? Although he is a singer but can he be so perfect? he sure not, if something he can’t do he better don talk big and lucky got roger encourage Dudu if not she sure will loss all her confident…

  20. [YT] @polo196720 不過實在說,這屆的台灣


  21. [YT] @jgckpot 果然不是台灣人~呵呵

  22. [YT] I love Dudu, but this song makes me think of Charice. Lols, it’s one of Charice’s signature – the aura, singing, attitude is just right on cue – always gives me goosebumps. Still, Dudu did well.

  23. [YT] 評審也是很主觀,除了走音與否,


  24. [YT] 胡夏得了冠军以后也很难发展吧,来台湾得话总是有签证问题,在内地发展真是太浪费人才了,和以前在那个超山寨的风云帮有什么区别, 可惜可惜,不过怎样还是会支持夏夏的!!!

  25. [YT] I give the Trio a lot of credit. To sing and dance live with one week’s practice is quite impressive. SJ practices for weeks on end, received prior training in dancing and singing, and has more professional dancers/stages, so to compare would be unfair.

    I think they do have much potential to enter the market despite their lack of singing prowess, especially considering how much they work for it. They remind me of the male version of S.H.E when they first debuted, and look where S.H.E are now.

  26. [YT] 其实dudu 和郁善都可以赢的,可惜第二首歌评委老师不喜欢然后胡夏弟弟又表现得那么好,太感动了,这首歌天天都要听几遍!

  27. [YT] 我似乎听到…小胖老师对杜杜说:你是最好的!(就在她去拥抱小胖老师的时候)

  28. [YT] @peter60207 but friend you know, roger is just tying to help dudu, and what he said is quite right don’t you agree? you know it is not easy to wear like this and sing and dance, hope you understand.

  29. [YT] 胡夏 那句 媽媽 我想你啦 真的是全天下媽媽最羨慕的一句話 很簡單 卻又很不容易 我要用我第一次 comment Dudu 的話……. Dudu 一定是一位個性很棒的女人 邊邊最後一首歌 唱得太棒了 雖然來的晚了一點 可是希望是未來很棒的開始 !!!

  30. [YT] 楊宗緯 一開口 管他 加拿大 美國 澳洲 還是大陸的參賽者 通通靠邊站 這就告訴大家 你夠強 就不怕眾人壓…… 看來他又回到偉忠歌的體系了 趕快把合約定一定 放一旁 多出來唱唱 才是大家的福氣

  31. [YT] 真的不知道 胡小夏有沒有人在幫他選歌 如果 都是他自己一個人來的話 胡小夏就真的前途無量 這首歌不管是內容 還是 唱的時機點 還有唱出來的 feel ……… 我只能說 經典 !!! 楊宗緯 唱巴奈的歌 這就告訴大家他唱歌是有自己想法的 好好聽喔 love it ….. love it……….. love it……..

  32. [YT] 邊邊 不錯 可是今天怎麼穿得像 Cruella De Vil ………… 郁善 真的好美 希望她能在歌路上早點定調… 小伍老師 郁善應該不太是情緒沒法控制 那應該就是 所謂的 郁善的抖音啦….. hahaha

  33. [YT] @sayakatesumi Omg, I know Lala is a good tune writer and…(I don’t have to know) But she is not enough to attract me to watch her performances again. To be honest, I like Dudu better. I think the overall feeling on stage is more important…
    Did you judge someone already??lol..Never force anyone think what you think and calm down, ok?? Hehe

  34. [YT] 嘻嘻 拿小胖來打 Charice 就好啦 Susan Boyle 是從唱詩班出來的 本來就很有料啦 小胖 汗如雨下耶…… 基本上 我覺得 小胖唱 Whitney Houston 的歌真的很棒 讚啦…….

  35. [YT] 胡小夏超可愛的 就像 David 說的 這是很聰明的表演 也像 Roger 說的 星光大道的精神 是要發覺 talented performers….. 小伍老師 ….. 沒人能一夜就成天王滴 Kenny G耶…… 從 Dying young 開始聽 哇…. 快20年了

  36. [YT] 楊宗緯 - 星光一我的最愛,邊邊六班我的最愛。一起的表演,讓我心動,也心疼宗緯的坎刻星光路。加油Aska。California Dove 支持你。

  37. [YT] 恭喜胡夏得到星六總冠軍! 清徹的聲音感動人心! 實至名歸!
    恭喜杜杜得到星六第二名! 聲音快點養好恢復魅力吧!
    恭喜三帥得到星六第三名! 認同你們的努力!
    恭喜郁善得到星六第四名! 很喜歡妳,妳是我這屆最愛的二個選手之一!

  38. [YT] 我覺得伍思凱都是站在自己的角度給分,有點想要證明自己懂很多的感覺(雖然它真地是懂很多),相較之下Roger老師都很能夠站在選手的立場去給分,我覺得這是我喜歡roger老師的原因。

  39. [YT] @yangsuzaku Well, you can say your ‘yang’ is the best. I can say my ‘cherry’ is the best. Am I jealous of you?? lol.. The world preference is of course not based on one of us. In fact whatever ppl say it always offends the others who think differently. So do not bother by what others say if you truly enjoy some particular one. You don’t have to listen to anyone. It’s just my opinion.I don’t have to keep my opinion for myself, neither do you.

  40. [YT] @jibikao I don’t like to watch Lala’s performances is not because I like Dudu better. It’s fine for you to like both of them. It’s your choice. I don’t have to understand what is good for each singer. I think the most importance for me is whoever impresses me in the beginning. Thanks for sharing!!

  41. [YT] 比賽就是比賽提甚麼兩岸關係啊?無聊
    呵呵~~真無聊 大陸人 你們能不能不要無時無刻都想著兩岸問題啊?

  42. [YT] @ericliutexas 想太多了,还不是为了赚大陆人的钱。难道你看不出来星光大道已经放弃台湾市场了么?就跟线上游戏事件一样,台湾厂商为了大陆客源不惜牺牲台湾人的权益,讨好大陆。选出大陆冠军说明台湾人已经不分你我,可你还在这提武装占领,大陆人就是这样才被觉得低等野蛮。

  43. [YT] 前三名的結果不令人意外。

  44. [YT] @jibikao 小高 是嗎
    真的不清楚杜杜 但是 她要保護喉嚨與聲帶
    我回過 只有小胖上通告 才會看 我要轉傳給小朋友 告訴大家
    Anything is possible. 我也不知道誰是 Faye Wong?
    如果你問 Michael Jackson or other Americans, 就可以討論
    我首次看超級星光大道 是小胖飆高音唱 I will always love you, by Whitney Houston. 謝謝你來

  45. [YT] You know what, I just realize I don’t really “hate” anyone in Top 5. I normally would dislike one of them a lot but Season 6’s Top 5 are pretty evenly matched. They are all different in their own ways.

  46. [YT] @cherrypinable I like Du Du a lot but to say Du Du is a lot better than La La is a bit stretched. Du Du sings low keys better than La La but what La La is good for is not just singing. She can write her own tunes and harmonizes better. It is ok to like both of them! I don’t need to trash Du Du just because I like La La better.

  47. [YT] @diorbe I agree…I am from mainland…I appreciated that there was no prejudicial judgement by the judges or the Taiwan public…People love singers because how they sing but not where they are from… never mind this “ericlitexas” , what he/she said is not the dominant views…

  48. [YT] @KenSam326 Have you listened to other Du Du’s performance? I think Du Du is the best when she sings this type of song.. smooth and deep. She hurt her vocal chord a bit and she can’t sing wide range songs, which I think it’s fine. I think Du Du has found her “style” after she hurt her vocal chord anyway. I am 30 years old and my memory of 鄧麗君 is pretty blur. In fact, I remember Faye Wong singing 鄧麗君’s songs and I like her more. 😀

  49. [YT] @st05201010
    他有的音不完全到位, 有的高音部分太單薄
    雖然如此, 我還是覺得他唱歌有感情

  50. [YT] 不錯不錯, 賽果合理, 前三名皆是我每每星期五六都必定追看的, 都很喜歡這三組歌手, 實至名歸. 都是用心, 努力的.
    加油呀, 胡夏, dudu, 三帥.

  51. [YT] I think it depends on whether the judges think the dancers are helping him in boosting the overall visual effects of the performance; or whether they are stealing the limelight away from him…

  52. [YT] 一路长追的星光6终于在完美的句点中画下了句号,真有总依依不舍的感觉..虽然不曾跟他们说过话或跟他们接触过,但是不知什么的却跟他们有了感情…他们的喜怒哀乐我看了也会跟着笑跟着哭真的好温心.. 虽然舍不得但还是希望他们加油,在以后的日子会更加成功..再会了星光6..

  53. [YT] 伍思凱给分都给得那么刻薄,难道其余的分数可以拿回家吗?

  54. [YT] 黃郁善的最大恩人就是 Roger…………… 自從有了這個感人的 “造型” 她各種不同的tone調都 make sense 了………. 這段太精彩了 哈哈哈…… 桃子太逗了 公雞都來了 LMFAO

  55. [YT] 哈哈哈…… 桃子太水啦 Dance Flow 是一組非常彩色 也非常有活力的團體 讚 !!! 偉忠哥有跟郭董學到精華 他在藝能界的白銀帝國 已經很亮眼了…… 佩服

  56. [YT] @cherrypinable you don’t like Lala performances? that’s too bad..i think her voice and talent are really good. well, the world preference is not based on your opinion though..if you don’t like it just don’t watch her performances and please keep your opinion for yourself..you just offense other fans and show us your jealousy

  57. [YT] lol…. i just realize tat, siti nurhaliza really goes international ord o…..@@..wow… haha

    and she not only know her wor.. some more got “SUCH” a lots of her album ler……wow….:) malaysia “still” can 1…….

  58. [YT] 一帆虽然我不认识你也没跟你说过话,但是我就是想看到你。。。我会很想你的,你保重。。加油一帆 。我永远爱你!

  59. [YT] 運氣來了擋也擋不住 海外才是他大展身手的地方
    也許下一個登上國際的 就是你!

  60. [YT] I still like Youyou(season 5) more than anyone else. And I like Dudu too. Dudu is much, much better than Lala. I never want to see Lala’s performance.
    I like season 1 and season 5 better. Season 5’s final was exciting and wonderful.

  61. [YT] 很喜歡杜杜,但最近杜杜表現不知是受喉嚨影響還是評審獎評影響,覺得沒有以前動人。但希望杜杜以後喉嚨養好後,可以有更好的表現!

  62. [YT] @lovelly010 是的 尊重你的意見
    有機會到美西玩 沒有地方睡 但是 會帶你看看這美國 或世界第二大城市
    這裡交通很發達了 又比台北便宜 保證不會有倒退嚕的地鐵或捷運

  63. [YT] @KenSam326 不能這樣說阿…大陸也很多會讀書就窩在家裡讀書 不用功的迷網路的人阿…只是剛好分了一些會唱歌的人來吧 所以台灣也有很多有天份的人 只是欠缺勇氣和自信吧…^^

  64. [YT] Besides Lala, Du Du is my 2nd most favorite female. I wonder if she would start her career in Taiwan? I can’t imagine her having a career in Australia.

    You know what’s funny? The Top 3 were all born in China! LOL I bet we’ll see more and more contestants from Mainland.

    I have to say, Season 6 was REALLY exciting. I got a bit bored in Season 5. Season 6 really revived the show IMO. I hope Season 7 is just as exciting!

    Thank you Sugoishows2!! I watch your show on every Friday!

  65. [YT] I hope next champion will be taiwanese as people who had the first three prizes are from China. There must be a lot of good singers in Taiwan! Hope to see them in next term

  66. [YT] @jibikao
    是哦 也許欣賞口味不一樣 不過 尊重你的意見
    我看超過一百場美國的演唱會 他們個個都很拼命 場場都讓觀眾值來回票價
    華人歌星 我還是 Stick with Teresa Teng, 也只有她的歌 我每首都會唱
    超過三十年 沒聽其他華語歌曲 只有永遠的鄧麗君
    只有小胖有表演時 才會看這個節目

  67. [YT] @KenSam326 I think Du Du did really well. She is very suitable for this type of song. Her pitch is very good. She can catch your attention right away. Some people may think it’s boring but I like it.

  68. [YT] @0XDoYouLoveMeX0 第二名有第二名的標準 第一名有第一名的條件 歌手除了歌聲 舞台的掌握之外 還有個性的呈現 至少在最後這一點上 星光所選的第一名是比其他人要鮮明的

  69. [YT] 好感动.太为三帅高兴了.这是我最想要的结果. 可惜苏没拿到前五名.在我心里苏是第四名.不知为什么从来就没有喜欢过黄郁善.虽说胡夏唱得很好, 但我觉得相对自佑(五班)来说他的歌声特色不是很明显.

  70. [YT] 就在这次的表演, 我才会欣赏黄郁善的歌声, 老实说, 一直对她都有偏见, 不喜欢她, 可是无可否认, 今天她的表演很棒!

  71. [YT] Congrat 胡夏第一! I knew since the begining of this show n can’t wait for ur release cd. Good thing that the award check that u recieved is not cashable cuz it was readed 5/14/1999 n we r in 2010.

  72. [YT] Roger老師也太妙了吧
    本來我以為他要說 我真的沒有看錯你 你很棒 之類的稱讚
    怎麼會接 你果然怪怪的 XDDDDDDDDDD

  73. [YT] @iTObeME 真的!!! 陶子真的是獨一無二!!! 若他明天就退出演藝圈,還真找不到另一個像他這樣幽默風趣又有深度的女主持人! 訪問外國人又可以這麼輕鬆自在!!!

  74. [YT] @crankynutcase I agree with you. On his last performance when singing Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On”, he was great; but it was not original. It felt as if it’s the same style and tone of singing, just a different person.

  75. [YT] 星光大道 is getting more and more lame…. those mini video clips of the contestants giving those speeches are so gay and lame… 超級偶像 is much better

  76. [YT] 不知道 為什麼 從開場到現在 唱的快歌
    每個選手唱的 全部都沒精神
    總覺得 好像 為了 第2段 的慢歌 怕花費了太多體力或精神
    該吼出來的地方 沒人敢吼
    全部裡面 大概只有dudu 比較讓人 有感覺吧

  77. [YT] 三帅这个临时班底竟然混到第三名 我无话可说 希望星光7能够有点改善 否则跟其他选秀节目的差距就越拉越大 光靠陶子一个人撑是不行的 需要有好的candidate来撑 首先 舞台要改造 感觉是很大但是不够集中 旁边的几条蛇型柱子实在应该拆掉重新做 还有很多说不完 大家补充吧 希望节目能像第一第二届那么好

  78. [YT] He didn’t do this song justice, but that is mainly because I am too faimiliar with this song. He has a lot potential though, but his voice is obviously not strong enough.

  79. [YT] 其實 台灣還有很多小胖林育群們 都有很好的歌喉 就是 躲在屋內 愛啃書的人 就猛 k 書 不用功的人 就迷網路 應該學中國來的胡夏與三少帥 多多參加歌唱藝能活動 展現讀書以外的天份與才能
    阿幸 我們家的小胖 太郎 你們要勇敢的去追夢

  80. [YT] @crankynutcase I really don’t think “wide” is his problem… lol Emotion maybe.. or maybe his own style. But “wide” is the least he needs to worry about.

  81. [YT] @lovelly010 Actually, 伍思凱 is the only one that actually tells the truth. I don’t like this performance much. This song doesn’t fit him at all. 19pt is about right.

  82. [YT] Mmm, I am not so sure if I like his performance. I think he looks a bit too “weak” for this type of song. Just look at the background dancers. They were REALLY punching, pounding every beat while he looks kinda soft. It’s a weird song choice IMO.

  83. [YT] 太好了~~三帥第三, DuDu第二, 胡夏第一~~這也是我想要的結果!!
    胡夏太棒了~最後的那首歌也太感人了~~胡夏, 趕快出唱片!! 永遠支持你!!

  84. [YT] 胡夏很认真很诚恳地唱歌 所以让人喜欢他

    他的声音好是天赋 但是如果没有好的个性再好的声音也没有感情


  85. [YT] @titicacabdwm 你是對的
    幸虧 整體結果 並沒有因為他的出現 產生大翻盤
    基本上 我肯定胡夏的歌藝
    也讓那些刷掉小胖的人 大跌眼鏡
    人家五月要為 LA Dodgers 開球唱歌

  86. [YT] I like Dance Force! This opening is a lot better than previous seasons! I don’t like “Come on, come on”. i think they are better than this type of song.

    I am so happy for Lala! I bought her album from Taiwan! My friend mailed it to me.

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