超級星光大道 2010-02-12 歌手震撼教育II 15強決定賽

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201 thoughts on “超級星光大道 2010-02-12 歌手震撼教育II 15強決定賽

  1. [YT] 也不能责怪roger对她比较挑剔一些, 因为毕竟哥哥对于roger的意义是很大的. 如果今天杜不是挑哥哥的歌来唱, 他应该不会比较挑. 毕竟真的没有人能把哥哥唱追时候的韵味唱出来…互相理解下吧 .讓我起雞婆疙瘩了…

    杜小姐果然是在aus混过的, 不然北京人要有这样的广东话实在罕见. 從星光一到六
    杜的廣東話發音是最好的! 突然發現黃大偉坐在那裏好像只熊..哈哈

  2. [YT] 陈伟联清唱

    w w w . youtube . com / watch ? v =ConB2XVvEiw

    w w w . youtube . com / watch ? v = 9Df_LOfs3vM

    w w w . youtube . com / watch ? v=RiErbE86WsY

  3. [YT] 新年好! 我不是中国人可是真喜欢中国的文化和音乐! 请看一下我的MV。我唱,月亮
    代表我的心。 谢谢! (just click on my profile name to get there)

  4. [YT] 查了下资料, 荒山亮高中毕业后有去美国留学, 不过那么大了再出国英文也能唱得这么舒服, 也算不错了. 🙂 希望能多唱些英文歌给我们听啊.

  5. [YT] agreed. his pronunciation is at least better than the previous mixed/foreigner Djavan. plus he’s a local singer singing in taiwanese. this is beyond amazing.

  6. [YT] omgsh!! 这个荒山亮太正了, 第一句出来已经超级惊艳了. 舒服啊舒服啊!! 很难想象是台语歌手,风格差好远,所以更厉害! 没25分真是没天理. 小胖这辈子+下辈子都不可能唱这么好…=/

    p.s. 荒山亮这个名字真特别. 😀

  7. [YT] 说得对, 别的不多说, 起码沈品彤选歌上聪明很多, 懂得选适合的歌来扬长避短. 馮力俠这星期特别瞎…明明气不够还选sarah的angel…= =’ 悲剧.

  8. [YT] 上一part的结尾的时候说冯力侠唱的是Angel…我就知道她要完蛋了, 这歌的新气息控制要求更加较高+bmg都是acoustic的, 呼吸听得更清楚. 都别说她自身演唱的问题, 她选歌都很不明智啊.= = 然后intro一进来的notes都没很准. =[ 加油吧.

  9. [YT] 方琳没准备好啊..和阿咪默契不够, 开头的几句一直在听节奏有点off, 眼神都游离了…chorus也没放出来. 后面再一次进chorus的时候节奏又off了…= = 唱歌ok, 只是celine这首神曲对她来说太big了, 她没法很完整地control. 加油加油!

  10. [YT] 也不能责怪roger对她比较挑剔一些, 因为毕竟哥哥对于roger的意义是很大的. 如果今天杜不是挑哥哥的歌来唱, 他应该不会比较挑. 毕竟真的没有人能把哥哥唱追时候的韵味唱出来…互相理解下吧.

    杜小姐果然是在aus混过的, 不然北京人要有这样的广东话实在罕见.

  11. [YT] I agree with you
    dorifree and

    杜的廣東話發音是好的! , I am Cantonese in Hong Kong, I think Dudu’s cantonese is almost perfect and is the best amount those Taiwan singers, there were only 4 single words not as good as local Hong Kong people- however, Dudu’s singing was understood 100 %.
    Dudu Add Oil !
    Mr. Roger, we also listen to this song thousand

  12. [YT] the only flaw i could find in his version of Desperado was that he kept droppin’ the ending /s/ phoneme of those words which come with it. other than that, in terms of pronunciation, he’s actually far better than most other professional singers from taiwan.

  13. [YT] argh why is 馮力俠 still on the show??!!!
    she got the lowest mark today and she has been doing badly for the past few weeks already, but she never gets eliminated, it’s starting to rlly annoy me. She haven’t improved at all comparing to all the other contestants, i think 沈品彤 did better than her and works harder than her!

  14. [YT] I fell in love with his voice the very first time he appeared on super star… can never get enough of this voice… his album was really worth the buy… 偉聯 ROX!!!

  15. [YT] 馮力俠沒有找到自己唱不好的原因,每個星期都一樣小心翼翼,反而沈品彤在選歌上比較能夠引發共鳴。或許一開始大家對馮力俠的高音印象深刻,但是久了之後會失去新鮮感,因為她沒有新的東西也沒有修正自己。

  16. [YT] Roger was so right commented on 胡夏, that’s exactly how i felt bout the song. Felt sorry for 品彤. Even xiao pang couldn’t bring himself to turn her down… But 馮 will be eliminated very soon i think.
    Can’t wait for next episode ^ ^

  17. [YT] 馮力俠 is pretty and sings OK but will never make it to be a popstar. Simply there are plenty of similar yet better female singers in the market already. 馮力俠 is nothing special. Feel sorry for 沈 I think she sings better than 馮力俠 but unfortunately that’s not the only thing that matters in this competition.

  18. [YT] Yes, Lala and the Trio! With Lala’s diverse composing talent, their collab is going to be awesome. Oh, the Trio are lucky, Lala is going to give them more ideas of diversifying their harmonies and singing style. And Hu Xia dancing? Cute!Can’t wait!

  19. [YT] You are just jealous!

    I am happy for him to appear on this show. What is wrong with you? I am listening to him while typing this.

    STF bitch. Fucking “blonde”.

  20. [YT] The first girl is good, but there is something sounded weird during her first “ahhhh” …… 小胖gave a 5?!
    What are the odd~~~~

    Dudu canto is really good!!! Usually when people tat aren’t canto and sing canto songs, there is something weird about it. But Dudu pronounication is good!

  21. [YT] 李匯晴 song is not bad but her lyrics are so….. not good. Not just this songs, all of her songs have pretty good but they are weak lyrics.
    Her lyrics usually don’t have a deeper thought into it, maybe there suppose to be one, but it doesn’t show in the lyrics.
    The lyric doesn’t touch people heart.

  22. [YT] 李匯晴 song is not bad but her lyrics are so….. not good. Not just this songs, all of her songs have pretty good but they are weak lyrics.
    Her lyrics usually don’t have a deeper thought into it, maybe there suppose to be one, but it doesn’t show in the lyrics.
    The lyric doesn’t touch people heart.

  23. [YT] Alex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I used to be in the same singing contest with him! We were in 2000 Vancouver New Talent Singing Contest. He and I did not win though. We were on TV Top 8. I am glad he is doing fine in Taiwan. I’ve given up my singing dream a long time ago. lol

    One of his most favorite singers is Sky Wu. I am sure he is very pleased to hear his positive comment. In fact, the song he sang during Final is 愛的牧羊人. 😛

  24. [YT] One of the Trio looks so different now!!! He looks so much more handsome. It’s the guy with “handsome” in his name. He looks like another person and it is a POSITIVE change. Great job Roger!

    I think Trio did very well this time.

  25. [YT] 這三帥真的很不錯!!! 每個人都有自己的特色,又都長得不錯!!! 一般來說這樣的團體總會有一個特別突出,可是他們三個都好~ 又不會被同伴給蓋過!!!



  26. [YT] I thought the female pk sounds great. Her low keys are good.. very hard to hear good “low key” singing from the young singers.

    Wow, her cantonese is great! I bet one of her parents speaks cantonese! She really looks like a star now! She has the cute look and can sing and she is not afraid to show off.

  27. [YT] The first girl is pretty good! I like her arrangement of the old song.

    Oh..I don’t know she knows guitar! I like “blacky hair” line but I think she tried to add to many English lines. I think just the first two English lines is good enough and the rest can be Chinese.

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