超級星光大道 2010-03-12 一對一逐對廝殺 13強決定賽

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287 thoughts on “超級星光大道 2010-03-12 一對一逐對廝殺 13強決定賽

  1. [YT] @shizukashiawase i totally agree yr view,she is one of the top host in taiwan,she is excellence!she is excel how to humouring in appropriate timing,among the top host in taiwan,she is the one mostly fancy by me!

  2. [YT] send the china band kids back to china ……….
    seriously they’re the worst compare to the others. I can’t believe that girl got kicked out with 16 points and the china band kids only got 15 from the judges and they can stay …
    wtf …… judges probly wanna go back to mainland china someday thats why they let the china kids stay.

  3. [YT] I actually laughed when Fei had to comment on 伟晋’s singing. Her voice just turned so much more gentle and of course she had to suddenly do her hair while commenting.


  4. [YT] 黃郁善雖然唱歌蠻穩的 亮度也夠 但缺乏厚度 所以聽起來會有點壓力 有兩個小缺點 最困難的ALL沒有到 和後面的all to you 的to沒唱上去 不過整體來說還不錯^^

  5. [YT] 邊’s song is hard to sing. Damn, his voice is so high. But I want to see more emotion.. scream, yell.. it’s ok!!

    黃郁善’s voice is a bit similar to Celion Dion’s. I think she did better than I thought. She just needs to reduce her little vibration a bit.

    I think this two are the best pk so far.

  6. [YT] 很久沒上來看…一看到曾治豪…輸掉了…哈哈哈…你居然輸掉了…慘了你…會被爸爸笑拉…爸爸不要看了…真修死人…還好我不是爸爸拉…

  7. [YT] 新歌 能消化成這樣 真是有天賦 好好聽尤其想到伊能靜離開哈林  哈林的心酸和落寞  
    不過 我倒覺得他最後一句沒撐好 唱壞ㄌ

  8. [YT] i think 匯晴 is using her piano to bring her into the song and through the keyboard her lyrics brings out more of her emotions than if she just sings on her own. It’s like the piano is part of her.

  9. [YT] yes definitely….i mean look at her make up…so heavy and she still looks like a pos…
    im sori 4 being sad….i hav nothing against ugly ppl…its just the way she does things…i seriously dunno where she got the confidence from man….*puke*

  10. [YT] 伟晋的表现太讚了,和以前比起来,简直是判诺两人!陶子!爱死你了!哈~哈!你的主持功力让整个节目的素质更上一层楼!曼青的声音也蛮好的啊,加油!

  11. [YT] 有發現小胖不在的幾集,整個過程還蠻順暢的,評審講評都很實在、有建設性…

  12. [YT] 這大概是我第一次有被邊品憲感動到,之前都覺得他唱歌雖蠻穩,但沒什麼感情….(男的陳曼青… XD)


  13. [YT] 其實馬的技巧、表演能力真的不錯…實力有10強的水準

  14. [YT] 評審是瘋了 幹嗎給他24
    安抓 你是同性戀喔? 怎麽愛這個愛麥風騷的胖女人

  15. [YT] 一直以為被淘汰的是曼青….
    呼….好險小胖沒來 不然他一定會保護力侠


  16. [YT] 辳辳 今天這首歌唱得像音樂玩喀 很讓人enjoy………. 曾治豪 我很喜歡他的歌聲 戴著耳機聽 一恍神 覺得有張學友的影子 可是今天中氣很不夠的樣子喔 要好好保養一下

  17. [YT] 10:44 以恩阿姨~~ 唉..
    以其说冯力侠漂亮, 还不如杜杜来的自然, 怎么看都不腻…只是这次是选错歌了啦~ 没什么杀伤力. 加油!!

  18. [YT] 陶子姐只所以比其他主持人好,是因為她可以用台下看的觀眾的心情在台上和小朋友說話。。。很可愛,不會悶~


  19. [YT] 本来我有点担心黄伟晋在将来的比赛会越来越弱, 今天看了他的演出, 就不担心了, 除了他唱陈晓东的心理游戏, 今天这首歌是我第二最喜欢的了! 他的外型是很有潜力做偶像歌手的呢, 不行的话, 也是可以去拍偶像剧啊, 包红!

  20. [YT] 看见马小姐的台风我就想吐了~~ 曾自豪说在她旁边很小只, 还真的是啊!! … 马小姐还要在这个台上骚到什么时候? … 看这个情况, 好像要把她留到10强呢! wtf!!!

  21. [YT] 蘇芷妤 sings amazingly awesome~~
    I can’t stop listening over a over again this song she sings~!!
    Go 蘇~ u’re in my “top three list” =D

  22. [YT] 黃偉晉唱得好好喎!
    陶子姐做主持功夫真一流, 由節目開始到現在,所講的評語十分恰當好處,其他音樂比賽的主持跟本比不上!

  23. [YT] I hope 三帅 will get better and stay longer in the competition. At least, they are creative in forming the group to compete and come all the way to Taiwan. Cha Yu!

  24. [YT] 我看到下周胡夏的造型就笑出来了胡夏现在喜感越来越多了,哈哈哈,dudu跟黄伟晋还是走搞笑路线啊,不过dudu从后面蒙住黄伟晋眼睛的时候真的是看着很心动啊期待下个礼拜!!

  25. [YT] 我覺得陶子很偏袒她喜歡的選手, 介紹時就特別誇張他的優點, 這樣很容易影響評審的判斷. 而且跟Dudu 講話連措辭都很客氣, 什麼”不好意思…真的不好意思”

  26. [YT] 三帥的蔣一帆高音一向就唱不上去, 為什麼安排他唱高音? 雖然他長得比較帥, 但是主唱還是讓牟少帥唱會比較好聽.

  27. [YT] 黄伟晋这首歌选的很不错啊,蛮适合他的。曼青选了一首很难的歌,是那种会显示歌唱技巧的歌,但是我听到后来有点压迫感

  28. [YT] dudu有一种可以把什么歌都变成她自己风格的能力. 可是对我个人来说, 并没有很被她的风格吸引. 相对平凡了一点…无论是声音特质还是唱腔技巧处理. 感情是比较出彩一点的, 可是没有像胡夏那么直达人心.

  29. [YT] 觉得曼青今天的表现有点不如人意…一开头的时候声音特别挤, 不知道是不是想模仿小宇靠前的声音= =’ 听着不舒服…后面的pitches也没准. 幸好遇的不是实力坚强的, 不然估计会难看…Orz

  30. [YT] I LOVE this song by Xiao Yu, always loved it!! Man qing’s singing is really great! But… I also LOVE Huang wei jing! He improved tremendously and I hope the judges see that

  31. [YT] 曾志豪被马小姐point到的时候表情很搞..可爱版的”wtf?!”…

    要说马小姐”sings very well”那是有点夸大的, 只能算普通ktv里会唱的, thats it. 其他选手比她实力坚强多了. 不需要一个来卖弄风骚的占名额.

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