超級星光大道 2010-04-02 一對一踢館賽 ROUND 2 10強決定賽

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321 thoughts on “超級星光大道 2010-04-02 一對一踢館賽 ROUND 2 10強決定賽

  1. [YT] @jibikao 他们的问题不是唱英文还是中文 他们的问题就是不知道怎么唱得真打动人 中英文歌皆细腻动人的宥嘉就是最好的例子 如果有人英文能唱这样好 我也愿意听啊

  2. [YT] @v030201
    LOL just by comparing Kimberley’s &曼青’s performances, I do think Kimberley deserved that 21 more than 曼青.
    It is a big and hard song to perform, and yes Kimberley’s abit too naive to express it emotionally. But she did knock 曼青 down by her technique and I dont think there’s anything wrong with that.
    If Kimberley did a good job on emotional expression as well, then she wouldve got 25 but not 21.
    It is a fair mark.

  3. [YT] @onlymes did u read and understand the lyrics?
    You think she described what the song is about?
    Or did she just hit all the notes?
    This song requires much experience to perform, not every song can be a American classic.

  4. [YT] 这是我第一次看胡夏演唱,不知怎么地,听胡夏唱歌瞬间见到了林志炫的感觉。。!吓人。


  5. [YT] 失敗是最好的經驗;如果進去踢館個個都差裡面選手一階,那這節目也沒看的必要,實力不夠,不能怪對手太強;拓展自身能力,才是正道。

  6. [YT] 我也有看第五屆。不知道別的觀衆如何想?這首歌有被星光五的成員唱過。我個人比較喜歡劉明湘詮釋的 “Saving All My Love For You”.

  7. [YT] I am more concerned why Zeng Zhi Hao was handpicked to PK with his dad? I got this thinking that just becos his dad is a celebrity, they wants to guarantee him a spot in Top 10! The PKers might have drawn him instead and he probably will be out. Although he is out this coming week but to me this is unfair to other contestants, maybe Chen Yi En would have got into Top 10 instead.

  8. [YT] I am more concerned why Zeng Zhi Hao was handpicked to PK with his dad? I got this thinking that just becos his dad is a celebrity, they wants to guarantee him a spot in Top 10! The PKers might have drawn him instead and he probably will be out. Although he is out this week but to me this is unfair to other contestants, maybe Chen Yi En would have got into Top 10 instead.

  9. [YT] @littlebreadw
    I totally agree with your statement..just like “charice pempengco”!!
    She’s from Philippine and yet she got a huge name being created in the States by the assistance and nurture of Oprah Winfrey and David Foster =)

  10. [YT] 不只澳洲…在全球都有報導==
    而且新聞報導他登上全球搜尋第15名…反倒是台灣新聞完全沒在播,該說台灣不知道自己有塊寶,還是外國人太誇張呢?不過事實小胖是紅了,打上Lin Yu Chun會搜尋到他的影片…不到一天已經累積20幾萬瀏覽率了,而且國外到處都是他的新聞跟討論…

  11. [YT] @fishbelly 他有上美國yahoo的首頁新聞, 標題是台版蘇珊大嬸。報導說他的聲音和原唱幾乎一模一樣……… 不覺得他會很難繼續發展, 眼光不能局限在台灣而以, 我想。

  12. [YT] hey 這個 clip 剛剛在澳洲新聞有撥耶!!!

    我在洗碗忽然聽到 “…A boy with amazing talent singing ‘i will always love you’ on a Taiwanese talent show…” 就跑去電視前看了一下!! haha go Taiwan!!!!! 😀

  13. [YT] 刚才看下面大家写小胖我还以为是袁惟仁..吓死我, 想说袁惟仁什么时候唱很强了.hahaha. 阿苏加油加油!!

    阎罗王现在看着要比alisa更有杀伤力啊. K王争霸美国区那边的选手都很赞啊, 阎罗王是冠军. 她唱的这两首christina的歌之前她都有唱过, 都是拿出看家本领来杀啊.

  14. [YT] 胡先生很会唱, 毫无疑问的. 可是连续两周唱萧敬腾唱过的歌影子还这么重容易会让人审美疲劳的. 还是创出自己的风格比较好. 高音实在很能叫, 爽.

  15. [YT] 看到下面的一些comments我不知道为什么有些人就这么反感从小training唱歌的孩子, 他们有错吗? 你们怎么知道他们就不喜欢唱歌? 赤裸裸的嫉妒. 下面说kimberley cannot handle this song的朋友更是有够funny, she did hit all those notes. 嗓子不够厚不代表她的power没有够, she’s only 15. and whitney cant sing this piece now, just go check her live performances.

  16. [YT] kimberley身上涌动的都是天赋啊. 太灵动了. 完全看得到她演lion king的样子.= 3=
    唱得好人也长得漂亮, 绝对是可以签一签发一发来挽救歌坛的料.

    每次听曼青唱歌都觉得她属于比线上那些偶像女歌手演唱实力要高一些可是又没达到很实力. 偶像影子还是很重. 加油加油!

  17. [YT] 我一开始也很不喜欢曾治豪,会先入为主觉得他是要仗他老爸来搞潜规则. 可是随着比赛的进度, 一次一次听曾治豪唱, 看他舞台上的态度, 觉得他还是蛮诚恳的. 而且他真的有自己的实力, 如果因为他是贺一航的儿子就无视他的实力也未免太不理智不公平了.

  18. [YT] hopefully 張宇 will be there next week,
    remember when he left as a team leader, 陶子 asked him to come back when there is ten contestants left
    I think 張宇 is probably the fairest judge 星光’s had, other than maybe 小虎

  19. [YT] 以恩講得非常好 發自內心的一段感言我們都有收到
    比起以恩講的 黃郁善講的都是一些公官的話 看都不想看

    希望胡淮浪跟孫亞東能在唱一次 因為他們唱中文
    特別胡淮浪有很深的功力 只是可惜

  20. [YT] 黃偉晉進步我很替你高興
    假如一個人一場唱得很爛下一場有進步 只是還是很爛 這樣會給高分嗎?

    陶子又很誇張了 “哈哈哈 你有17分耶” 這什麼意思?

  21. [YT] 芷妤高分很替她高興..只是22分真的過高


  22. [YT] 胡夏又忘詞了…今天唱了一首我很喜歡的歌

  23. [YT] Kimberly is unable to handle this song, she does not deserve a 21
    曼青 sang well, she is starting to put more emotion and love into the songs.

  24. [YT] totally agree with @jibikao What you said really make sense. Chinese show sing english song….and this episode is like…..totally crap…more than 50% of either the contestant or pkers sang English Song….

  25. [YT] 能唱的人的确很强,但是我觉得英文歌的唱法本来就跟中文歌不一样,就好像怎么不去找唱京剧的人来比~~他们也挺爱唱的~~要是找唱美声的来唱,他们估计也会觉得唱流行的人,实在。。。。

  26. [YT] @vanegaop I am just saying that the Producer on the show shouldn’t allow that many English songs on one day and that I want to be impressed by Chinese songs more than English songs. And I am looking forward to next round because I am hoping more of them would choose Chinese songs. Most PKers are so good and yet “boring” and that is a problem that they need to figure out. Ex: Alisa did poorly on her first album.. T_T

  27. [YT] @MrHuangtong Sorry I don’t know how to type Mandarin. I haven’t learned that and it takes forever to type a paragraph if I try to find a program to translate the whole thing. The problem with those “awesome” singers is that they are just “awesome” but nothing special (yet). They are so good at singing and yet boring… I don’t mind listening to English songs but more than half are English songs and it’s ridiculous. We will see next round!

  28. [YT] 閻羅王果然厲害, 根本就是外國歌手的唱法, 那種 rythem, 那個 groove, 很少亞洲歌手會做到

    另外胖子應該很難繼續發展, 歌路不廣

  29. [YT] Kimberly can sing…but very obviosly she cannot handle this song…AT ALL

    the pitch keeps jumping up and down…..having great deal of trouble stying in line…

    but she has tremendous talent tho, gotta know what suits her voice next time

  30. [YT] @vanegaop 抱歉,我是朋友推荐说好看才进来的,所以对星光六班的人选没什么感情。收视率就是这样,进来看的人觉得好听自然会看下去,不好的话以后就不会再看。我了解你们粉丝们的情感,但既然是比赛就需要拿出最强的。我和你一样喜欢真挚的声音,但有待进步的声音却不奉陪,没有观众想陪着走上一年半载的,那倒不如转看乡土剧 ^_^

  31. [YT] @jibikao
    you speak my mind, amen to this! Come on, sing some chinese songs, what’s with a chinese program singing English? No offense though, they’re awesome in their ways. But impress us with Chinese, please

  32. [YT] @MrHuangtong 哈哈 你说的好!不过我觉得jibikao虽然对唱英文歌有点偏见 但是也有说的有道理的地方:来挑战的人 虽然实力都坚强 但是能真正打动人的却不多 所以才会让人boring 比起他们 我还宁愿听六班这些有待进步 但是更真挚的声音

  33. [YT] 来这里是想听好歌,不确定一些人是怎样,但挑战者来自不同国家不同母语,用上自己熟悉的语言唱歌无可后非,音乐无国界,唱的好非洲音乐都可以感动人,输了就赖语言,但LV包包还是要带个-___-“。还有就是不想听英语歌却用英文稀里哗啦的一通评价,让人想屏遮也不行,我来看中文节目的,想看英文评论我想上美国偶像的评论会比你写得精彩些说,闷。。。b

  34. [YT] 這次pk的都很強,很多屬於比賽型的,就是一出場很嚇人
    星光6比 4.5 班好看多了

  35. [YT] 蘇芷妤今天唱的好細膩,也重回以前的穩定度
    感覺得到她放了更多感情在歌曲裡,”open your eyes” 動人呢

  36. [YT] @xdxhahaha what’s the point of finding pkers that can only do 18-20? The whole point of the pk contest is to let the contestants see the reality that they need to improve if they really want to become sucessful singers in the entertainment industry. In my opinion, if they can’t even beat the pkers, they shouldn’t be the winner of this contest.

  37. [YT] @Faithpang945 That’s why Anthony is so good because he can impress us with his very ABC accent and when he sings English song, he sounds just as good. I won’t judge the PKers yet (those who sing English songs) until they’ve proven that their Chinese songs are just as good. I am just surprised that the Producer of this show allows that many people sing English songs. Sorry I can’t type Chinese (don’t know the spellings).

  38. [YT] @seto1123

    Well, hopefully the PKers can all sing Chinese songs next week and we’ll see how well they perform. I guarantee most of them do a lot worse than this week. It is easier to impress the audience with one song. The students have been judged for several months. They are competing against themselves and against the judges.

  39. [YT] 雖然蘇芷妤輸了,但卻是這集最高分的星光參賽者,踢館者真的很強(但個人覺得大部分踢館者除了會唱之外就沒別的特色了…)

  40. [YT] 好變態耶…3勝8敗,不是參賽的弱,而是挑戰的太好,不過就是這樣才好看, 要不然請太弱的話,羸了沒難度,而且還可能會令參選的認為自己很棒.
    其實要邀人來pk,就是要給參賽者成長,吸收別人的長處,還有專業跟業餘的差別. 下一集會更好看囉~~

  41. [YT] pk全部高過20分 參賽者不是萬能 應該遷就他們的水平~ 好像這次3勝8敗~之後那些呢?0勝10敗? 應該找一些18-20分的選手pk

  42. [YT] 小胖很棒呀! 這種年紀能唱到這種水準就不錯了,而且還是個男的。沒有必要去挑剔太多了吧? 畢竟原唱可是女的,而且還是Whitney Houston ^^

  43. [YT] @jibikao totally agree with this..all the PKers sing well,but none of them sing a chinese song..ANTHONY in xing guang 5 can even sing a extremely good chinese song although he is an american,but why these PKers can’t?looking forward their chinese songs..

  44. [YT] 大家一直说胡夏是冠军人选, 我想给了他很大的压力……. 他有很动人的声音, 有种无形的穿透力…. 胡夏,加油!! 大家都支持你!!

  45. [YT] 曼青 very smart at picking song that suits her, but I was dissapointed when she didn’t have that braveness to fill the ‘blank’ between melody before the second refrain arrived, 07:42 to 07:75 just sounded so blank when she could’ve done some improvizations. :S

  46. [YT] OMG, I love 边品宪 a lot, I just don’t know why everytimehe sang a song, it sounded very nice to listen, song that I don’t really like turned out to be very good, apparently his voice complimented every song he sang. He is my fave this season!

  47. [YT] Yeah, PKers sing well but they are boring. No offense. I am not sure about you but when I choose to watch a Chinese show, I actually want to hear Chinese songs. I am waiting for one PKer that can impress me with a freaking CHINESE song. Yeah yeah yeah.. Whitney Houston… if I want to listen to English songs, I’ll watch American Idol.

    The PKers sing great but boring. I fast forward 2 of them.

  48. [YT] 黄的歌声真的很美,但是不讨喜。 她尾音处理的总是过于匠气, 缺少人味儿~感觉不到她的诚恳度, 总觉得她想要表现的无法传达给听者!!!

  49. [YT] 我真的很喜歡父子之間的那種感情,男人之間很多話說不出口,但是從行為中可以感受到父親對兒子的愛,雖然不斷開玩笑,製做節目笑果.

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