超級星光大道 2010-04-16 一對一踢館賽 Round 4 8強決定賽

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477 thoughts on “超級星光大道 2010-04-16 一對一踢館賽 Round 4 8強決定賽

  1. 仔細觀察一下小玲老師講評時閻亦格的表情,看得出她還蠻謙虛的,也害怕評委對她過高的評價~

  2. [YT] Kimberly這首沒辦法駕馭了 阿妹和原唱唱的好很多
    小玲老師在這段講得不錯 黃先生到是讓人驚訝 這首歌不難唱好 她唱得還算有感覺

  3. [YT] 評審老師不知道再說什麼 兩個人英文歌都還唱得不錯
    男生的英文要加強… 蘇今天讓我驚豔到 雖然高音沒唱好
    Roger本來就不懂唱歌…所以就算了= =

  4. [YT] ‘一帆’, 祝你 ‘一帆风顺’. But your button扣错了.why ‘nobody nobody’ told you?? 太紧张了?? 不如不扣了 Roger,扣子’扣错’要’扣分’hahaha

  5. [YT] 那个余超颖的幕后开声唱”你是我的眼”是亮点, 唱得是不错, 不过在原唱在场的情况下错词错得那么囧实在很有喜感. xD

  6. [YT] kimberley这周唱得让我很不舒服= =上周比较好.

    看着黄伟晋一路走来其实会很感动, 一开始会以为他是一个靠外形的选手, 可是大家都可以看到他的努力和拼搏, 小玲今天的话就是对他最大的肯定. 加油! 你可以的!!!!

  7. [YT] 周禮虎虽然英文咬字不怎么样, 不过this love他诠释的味道还算可以, 台风也很好很放. 而且说真的, 他的咬字并不是星光史上最烂的, 以前有比他烂多的了, 不明白为什么楼下那么多人挑得那么夸张= =

    不过还是喜欢阿苏!!! 唱出自己! 我们一直相信你!!

  8. [YT] 曼青的选曲和唱歌的味道都太偶像化了…以她的实力她完全不需要只唱偶像歌手的歌|| 哎, 选曲和对自己的定位也很重要的.

  9. [YT] Huang Wei Jing really improve a lot compare to when he first entered the contest! Although he might not have a naturally good vocal comapred to many others but his the efforts and sincerity is what matters the most!

  10. [YT] 大陸歌手喜歡唱英文可能是因為唱國語的


  11. [YT] @george08tw i think she’s just ok,,, Khalil is at another level.. he could do it within one single note, like in a 1/8 note,,, the guy is crazy,,, that’s so hard that even a lot of western R&B, soul singers can’t do it as well

  12. [YT] 曼青选对歌,音色蛮接近杨丞琳。

  13. [YT] 閻奕格……………………..真的是強到爆………..

  14. [YT] To Babeluv82,
    Yes, 吳盈靜 is good at singing Taiwanese song. Singing Taiwanese song is not easier than singing Madarin or English song. No one said she is good at other language and she does not have to be good at other language to be a good singer.

  15. [YT] Babeluv82, Yes, she is good at Taiwanese song. Singing Taiwanese song is not easier than singing Madarin or English song. No one said she is good at other language and she does not have to good at other language to be a good singer.

  16. [YT] nobody的吸引力



  17. [YT] but i dun understand y xing guang allow group to compete with single ppl.. so unfair.. n the 3 should leave.. seriously no offence but.. just feel tat its unfair to the rest.. n if they sing like on their own individually.. i think they cannot even make it tat far..

  18. [YT] but 吳盈靜 is gd in tai yu song only.. maybe her chinese or eng wont be tat gd.. to me lar.. she is not tat fantastic.. but voice is gd.. no offence though.. just my opinion..

  19. [YT] 黃齡這太離譜了啦!!!


  20. [YT] @amy680727 完全同意!! 我也不喜欢她, 觉得她有很自傲的感觉…还记得是百人初选没多久的时候, 有次播出她在哭 , 说自己从来没有破音过…… 从此我就对她没有好印象…

  21. [YT] @suhuanzhenck 嘿嘿~我还真看过不少他比赛的视频,不过到现在我印象里只记得他创作很好《有没有有人告诉你》,只是不是粉丝所以不敢说了解。反正现在怎么看,人都只记得陈是个创作歌手,很好的那种,他当初怎么样,已经没什么人记得了,谁在乎,也不重要了。

  22. [YT] @RadioheadTLY 只知道陈楚生拿冠军大多数是唱别人的歌,建议还是别用谁都这么肯定的词,其实刚刚说不了解快男,现在又谁都知道。所以呢,建议请不要用那些太肯定的词汇比较让别人容易接受点,从开始只是给点建议。不喜欢的话就当我没说过好了:)

  23. [YT] @suhuanzhenck 陈楚生的歌听过,欣赏的还是他的创作才华,为演唱加很多分,如果他不会创作,没戏,这个谁都知道。

  24. [YT] @RadioheadTLY youtube有很多,搜索下应该就能听到了,05年的李宇春就算了,06年的尚雯婕不差吧,建议不了解之前不要用只有这些肯定词汇好点…这样语气委婉点

  25. [YT] @suhuanzhenck 因为快男我不了解,所以没算进去,陈楚生是创作歌手,单论嗓子,不好说,05,06的超女(除掉两个冠军)排名前面的那些,随便唱随便秒。

  26. [YT] 方琳主要是走音走太多了,她自己情绪完全被影响到。这个歌难度太高,一出错,唱的人就会紧张。作为听众的,走音走太多,也会影响听觉和对这个歌曲的投入度。

  27. [YT] OMG…這周被蘇嚇到囉

  28. [YT] 有時候淘汰選手,讓人疑惑到底是選實力、還是選進步幅度、還是選未來可塑性?


  29. [YT] 從早期就超喜歡陶子的主持功力,機伶、幽默、有大將之風

  30. [YT] 閻真的證明他是可以詮釋中英文歌曲,尤其是大歌…她的技巧、表達很游刃有餘

  31. [YT] nobody中文抒情版很好聽呢…別有一番風味 (覺得比原版好聽)
    中間 rap 廣博表現很讚, 一帆在旁邊都拼了…三帥開了一條新路

  32. [YT] 星光大道真噁心..陶子也是..偏心本班的也太明顯了..每次看到給自己本班選手太低分就老問評審是不是少按燈..給人感覺是在逼評審..


  33. [YT] 吳盈靜是少數唱台語歌讓我覺得不油膩、又很有自己味道的歌手
    阿凡達可能真的不屬於這世界吧…she is in another world….ha

  34. [YT] Why are so many people saying 閻奕格’s mandarin needs improvement? Her first language is Mandarin and she’s born in Beijing and lives in HK now. She attends Boston University and sings English songs doesn’t prove she has deficient Mandarin skills. Furthermore, she sang the main theme for 大唐芙蓉園, etc when she was 15. They are all Mandarin songs with complex lyrics.

  35. [YT] 淘子姐心腸很軟,

  36. [YT] @charlenemama 我個人感覺是Kimberly她現在才15歲有一副好嗓子但是還缺少人生的歷練和過程吧


  37. [YT] 林育群他能夠有這次赴美機會,陶子姐和超級星光大道的製作單位功不可沒


  38. [YT] 堂堂’s song is actually pretty good after listening to it again today. For a new song, I think it’s very decent. I agree with 蕭煌奇. The music arrangement needs improvement though. It sounds messy on the background.

  39. [YT] @charlenemama Yup! I like 閻羅王 a lot now. She doesn’t seem cocky and she wants the audience know that she can sing Chinese songs. She knows that if she keeps singing English songs, she probably won’t get a good record deal. The first time is to “wow” us and now she needs to earn our heart with her Chinese songs.

  40. [YT] 有些人唱歌喜歡飆自己的實力另人討厭 閻羅王很會唱但不會讓人反感耶 還挺喜歡她的 感覺上她應該英文歌唱得更好吧 但是她還是挑戰中文歌 很酷

  41. [YT] @nutclusters I was talking about 曼青. Who are you talking about? 曼青’s biggest problem is that she doesn’t stand out enough and even she said that “I don’t even know if the audience knows me…”. She knew that.

  42. [YT] 吳盈靜’s high score was determined in the first 35 seconds (1:25-2:00) already. Her future will be as bright as, if not better than, that of Huang Fei, the original singer of 追追追.

  43. [YT] 你每一集都有看嗎~哪有護航

  44. [YT] can’t really understand what 禮虎 was singing without knowing the lyrics..his pronunciation is just not so good (e.g. he missed so many “s”, “t” and “d’ sounds and this changed the meanings of words.. i do love his performance though, charming voice 🙂 and yea sooo high!!

  45. [YT] wow, 禮虎 such a 台客, does not look like a English singer, but not bad, i mean his stage charisma not bad. Or say both of them not bad, wow, so high~ this is what we call a real show

  46. [YT] excellent “nobody” from wonder boys!! hehehe =P
    specially the last part where Lee starts to rap at 10:29 ^^
    clap clap hands!!! (though…why so few points ah?!?!) o_o

  47. [YT] I love this round! The guy’s voice is perfect for the Maroon 5 song, and he got me grooving (:

    The girl has improved too. Yes, she didn’t hit that high note and her very last ending note could have been better, but who cares? She’s learning to relax and let go more, which is very good. Smile more Su!!! (:

  48. [YT] @altocirrus wow..that’s a pretty rude and childish comment.
    Firstly, most people wash their hands after using the restroom, that is pure common sense. I don’t know what kind of mindset you have to come up with such a question. Secondly, germs don’t get passed just from hands to hands or like you stated, by touching the same object. Thirdly, normal people would sympathize with Yifan’s condition on that day, yet you have come out with some surprisingly rude questions and assumptions there.

  49. [YT] wow at those PKers next week! this is what making 超级星光 the toughest and the highest singing contest in Taiwan and maybe some Mandarin-speaking Asian countries. Compare to this one, 超级偶像 is rubbish.

  50. [YT] 陶子姐的暗淡销魂饭也太好笑了吧!! 这一定不是先排好的啊!! 看星光, 其实有很大一部分是看陶子姐!! 没有陶子姐的话, 不知道还要不要再看下去呢~~

  51. [YT] 我觉得他们在给kimberley一个错误的观念,从第一周她来,他们一直给她高分,让她真的觉得唱歌是这样的。 一直飙高音,好像很厉害,但因不准不稳没控制的高音是乱飙好吗!! 基本的音准都没了,干吗还一直去闯高音阿,一首歌里头不止高音的部分重要,整体都要顾到,如果任何一部分没办法驾驭,就别唱。真的是看不下去了。评审们是懂音乐的人,还不修正她的观念。

  52. [YT] People who “can’t stand” Xiao Pang..what is the problem? o_o
    I am in America, and as soon as I saw him on the news I was SO PROUD of him, representing Taiwan as the “New SuBo [Susan Boyle]”~!!!
    AMAZING job Xiao Pang~ amazing~

  53. [YT] kimberley 不算是魔王吧….haiz…喜欢看星光的原因就是因为他们注重唱歌的情感,细节,而不是像一般的歌唱比赛大半在听高音,技巧。 很多所谓的魔王都是因为一直飙高音,好像很厉害,但因不准不稳没控制的高音是乱飙好吗!!想不到星光竟然会这样

  54. [YT] Kimberley nailed the high pitch, it made me fainting, but the ending was just horrible I just felt like eating a delicious meal and the aftertaste was so stale. :S

  55. [YT] Bien Bin Shien~ don’t be so harsh on yourself…
    looks like he really made hard work but the judges haven’t seen it..?? =S
    Add oil Bien Bien~!!

  56. [YT] I don’t like 苏芷妤 more and more, especially her 態度 (manner) up in the stage, and she’s just stucked with her being so pressured in this contest, I think she should quit before she goes wrong.. :S

  57. [YT] loved this part!!!
    Su is so much more open and she enjoys a lot~ just the public =D
    I really “can’t take my eyes of you” Su!! hahah
    like your voice a lot!! keep the good work up!!
    Jia Yiouuuuu~~~~!!

  58. [YT] LOL that guy was very smart, he ran out of breath and covered it with “EVERYBODY COME ON!!!” XDDDDDDD
    Same old trick singers would do while performing live, when they ran out of breath they’d ask audience to sing with them XDDD

  59. [YT] @relevation

    不。。會。。吧。。。雖然我喜歡方琳,但是14分和24分的區別,還是蠻common sense能區別出來的吧。。。。方琳那個跑調,斷氣很多啊。。。

  60. [YT] 潘小姐这整首歌那个眼神是什么意思啊?我的天~~好像都没睁开过眼~~ 晕

    边边唱得很好啊!! 就是还是不是太投入, 再放开点就好了

  61. [YT] Ms. Yan’s range is really great. I love the third sentence where there is a super low note at the beginning. She handled it very well. I love that.

  62. [YT] @isabelleleeng 拜託 你是有沒有看過蘇珊阿…他的髮型哪有這樣…而且 你能夠唱成這樣嗎?他這樣的聲音或許之後會被找去唱Opera,揚名國際…你能嗎?你賺得到這麼多錢嗎?他只是想要有個表演舞台而且它也真的有那個實力阿…不要隨便批評別人ok…

  63. [YT] 小女生高音漂亮,可是中低音濁濁的…尤其飆完高音後中低音很不穩也~ 算很棒了,可是5分?Perfect? 不至於吧。

  64. [YT] @Oxlip36 wow..she scored 22 for that? …. i think i’ll agree with you, her voice was pretty unstable, i thought she wouldn’t do better than lu xuan who sang “listen” last week… plus i didn’t even get as much emotions as when i listened to lu xuan…

  65. [YT] Agreed with u,,, DUDU really nothing special all while. but always score high? Just bcos in this team there isnt really outstanding singer… however, backroom somehow need to push 1 or 2 contestants high up to show excitement in the contest. she is somehow selected! Nothing really superb on DuDu… her appearance is so so… body shape “short and round” and her “dudu” mouth…… =( haha

  66. [YT] 的確!!! 星光之所以優於其他的選秀節目在於陶子姐的"用心"!! 感覺他不是把星光當作節目主持,而是把它當一個家在經營!!! 也因如此,星光是個很有"感情"的節目。小朋友們的"家教"都很好~ 即使唱歌實力相較其他選秀節目來是不是最強的,但每個唱歌都很有感情,也很受觀眾喜歡!!!

  67. [YT] 因为六班PK成功的会继续回来,要不然如果历届PK最强的回来,萧敬腾,梁文音,Alisa, 林芯儀,林鴻明,張心傑,倪安东,閻羅王,那就更好看了

  68. [YT] 在李宗盛的演唱会上他有唱过林忆莲的铿锵玫瑰,唱了辛晓琪的领悟。。。但是这首为你我受冷风吹他是给梁静茹唱的 可能有他的原因吧。 也很少有男歌手或是比赛的男选手唱这首歌。副歌那段澎湃的感觉对男歌手来说是不容易表现的。

  69. [YT] 我认为胡夏唱得不错 是他正常的表现。 中低音的部分有做细腻的处理。我是第一次听男生的版本其实胡夏的声音已经很纯粹干净了 他已经尽量唱出了层次和张力,但是这歌天生是为女人写的,女声可以很轻易的进入感觉,男声真的比较难。

  70. [YT] @jibikao
    If Yan is “forgettable” then who is non forgettable? she is very powerful and I for sure will not forget about her. don’t sound you are like a judge here. Yan is at a different level as compared to other students here. give me a break.

  71. [YT] no way~, 22 is way too high for kimberley this time.
    Her vocal was pretty much unstable, especially the ending “there you’ll be” was quite a mess………
    If it’s me, I would give 3 stars at most.

  72. [YT] @bigvivikins I agree! I think at this point, it’s not about “winning”. It’s about growing and growing into a “star” that we’ve been hoping for! I have to say I am disappointed in 小夏 the most.

  73. [YT] @ttchanel Oh fuck!! Next week is crazy. I feel sad for season 6 students but you know what, I also think they will grow the fastest. I think the only one that season 6 students have a chance is against the first Lin.

  74. [YT] 原本小胖林育群的髮型還好,但他是乎為了制造型像和歌聲的衝突, 頭髮剪像蘇珊大嬸。有點做作吧。也許林的歌聲真的佷好, 但他的image (男身女聲)有點難接受。但然這是我個人的淺見。

  75. [YT] I think at this point, they are just kicking out students that just don’t “stand out”. I actually think she did well but she is “forgettable”.

  76. [YT] I can also feel that 閻羅王 really wants a good album contract. She has shown that she wants to sing Chinese songs well on this show (unlike Kimberley). She picked a good song. I think her English style in A-Lin’s song is a bit too much. I would give Du Du the “crown” tonight. Du Du needs to improve her range more.

  77. [YT] 閻羅王 .. after listening to her, it makes me realize how difficult it is to sing Chinese songs well. A-Lin’s song is surprisingly difficult. 閻羅王. I think her big problem in her Chinese singing is her pronunication. I think if she can improve that, she will be very successful in Asia. I think 閻羅王 can learn a lot from Du Du. Du Du doesn’t have the range and crazy skill but Du Du can get the FEELING right and not just her singing but pronunciation too.

  78. [YT] Wow.. I thought 黃龄 would look “old”. Damn, she is HOT. She has “model” look. Her style is either you like it or hate it though.

    I think our “Avatar” student probably can learn a lot from her. lol

  79. [YT] His song is good but I think the music arrangement is a bit weird in some parts. I like Part A a lot more though. The girl from China. I actually like her voice. She has power and her low keys are much more mature.

  80. [YT] @kevin0300526 黃郁善’s voice is very “old school” and I think it actually stands out in today’s music market. Yeah the key was a bit too high but she really knows her voice.

  81. [YT] 黃偉晉加油!你整個人超有觀眾緣,雖然歌唱技巧沒這麼好,但是越來越有自己的風格,而且聽起來不油不膩沒有壓力!繼續衝阿!

  82. [YT] @yccyfxx2006 When I watch this show, I watch for future “stars”, not just 唱的很. I think this show is beyond 唱的很. 唱的很 is not good enough to be a star. If I just want 唱的很, I can watch other singing contests that have contestants that can sing really high and have perfect pitch all the time. In fact, this is Brian’s problem…

  83. [YT] “There You’ll Be” sounds so stubborn to me. This song is way above this kid’s age. She sang it too hard and couldn’t go down enough. BUT she is very impressive for 16-year-old. Too bad we never get to hear her Chinese singing. She can speak Chinese right? Well maybe some American record companies are looking for an “asian” star. I just know she won’t have a bright future in Taiwan which is sad because she can really sing. I just won’t buy her English album that’s all.

  84. [YT] 黃郁善高音是很好聽 可是低半個key a段有些高音聽起來可以更感動
    至於高音好聽的例子 她有另外一首-再聽一次 到現在都餘音繞我心

  85. [YT] I was expecting more “power” from Brian. I was worried ’cause he is always so “careful” about his singing. Every note needs to get to that perfect “level” but it lacks power and emotion. I have to say.. I was a bit disappointed with his performance too. I was expecting more “rocker” style.

  86. [YT] 黃偉晉a段聽起來拖泥帶水 讓我煩悶 b段聽起來情感不夠 撐不起來
    這應該是技巧沒辦法帶出來 小玲老師講解完就是宣判黃偉晉掰掰了..
    18分 算是新高了

  87. [YT] Mmmmm, I think she picked a very bad 30s PK song. That song is terrible.. I can’t even remember the song at all. If you gonna do 30s PK, you must choose a song that is very popular and easy to impress people.

  88. [YT] @hanamayhong Yeah, I think 老虎 did really well. This song is very very very hard to sing well to get that feeling right. He is by far the ONLY asian I’ve heard that can sing this song well. Most people either suck at English so bad or the grooving is too stubborn. I think he did very well but I do agree he was nervous and sang a little bit “hard”.

  89. [YT] @Jackobe24 Yeah I have the same feeling too. I thought 曼青 did pretty well. It is pretty clear they want her out. I think she did better than 15pt easily.

  90. [YT] She sounds more professional than the guy from China. The dude from China was too nervous. His beat was too unstable. You can tell he can sing but not ready.

  91. [YT] @yccyfxx2006

    Depends. If you compare her to the likes of Celine, Whitney, Mariah, or newcomer Charice…No, she’s not comparable to these singers when they were 16. But compared to other 16 yr olds, she’s really good.

  92. [YT] @yccyfxx2006

    Depends. If you compare her to the likes of Celine, Whitney, Mariah, or newcomer Charice…No, she’s not comparable to these singers when they were 16. But compared to other 16 yr olds, she’s really good.

  93. [YT] 不是 聽楊丞琳現場唱就知道 她起伏很大 而且前奏其實超難唱 因為伴奏是很輕的 所以聲音不夠厚不夠有power就會很聽起來很乾 感覺曼青只是把一首歌唱完 贊成評審的話 其實大家聽應該會覺得還不錯 可是這首歌我聽了有差不多一百次了 所以只要音準拍子一跑我就會聽的出來

  94. [YT] 我要笑死了 黄龄要演唱的那首歌 就是當時四班的康禎庭選的 小胖只給康禎庭兩分 還說 “我覺得選歌很重要 不好聽的歌當然會影響分數” 要是媒體把小胖當時說的話調出來 那不就超級尷尬

  95. [YT] 黄玲真的超厉害 而且唱法太特别了。。。要是八十年代 可能会是巨星哦。 不过这个nobody倒是这几周他们唱的最好的一次 唉 换个人PK就好了

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