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[YT] @onlymes 你說的太棒了!!! 推~~~
[YT] 胡夏is not mature enough, no matter it’s his voice or appearance.
[YT] 閻奕閣 aways give a constipated face when e judges are giving points.. ~.~
[YT] @ahfoong0429 singapore rock!!!!
[YT] 偉晉 加油 你很棒 喜欢唱歌就继续唱下去吧
[YT] @princess610317
1 . 做賊的喊抓賊….真是辛苦你了 ( oh my gosh!)
2.我們”google”見…你知道的….朋友!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^ (別裝熟好嗎?)
3.死不悔改 ?? (請問你再哪一個幼稚園當算命老師?)
[YT] @princess610317 對待幼稚的同學
[YT] @Jacobdargo 我對你所謂有教”正體”的國家很好奇….送你6個字”網路無遠弗界”…當我不再回應時….請你注意了…..朋友
[YT] @Jacobdargo 做賊的喊抓賊….真是辛苦你了…..既然你死不悔改….那麼…..我們”google”見…你知道的….朋友!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^
[YT] @princess610317 奧~你看得懂英文嘛?
[YT] @princess610317
4 . 你是算命師阿?知道我辭窮,可以幫我算一下嘛,我今年的運勢,有什麼要屢勸我呢?
5 . 我不是教你不要回我了嗎?幼稚鬼,奧!我不應該用這三個字,因為某人覺得無鞋也有錯!哀呀~你文盲阿 ?
6 . bye~ see you , cause I know you’ll reply a hundred times again .
[YT] @princess610317
1 . 真的是我先找你麻煩的嘛?可以在CHECK一下,應該不用我教你吧?
2 . 你的地球面積是只有35,980平方公里?
3 . 我不知道其他國家怎麼樣,但我們這邊也教正體。
[YT] @Jacobdargo 除非文盲看不懂…否則你的話大家都看得懂…請你腦袋清楚一點..我從來沒有理過你…是你莫名其妙回個”你太天真”這樣嘲諷的話我才有所回應….還有!!你若不是台灣人又何必打中文繁體字呢….你已經詞窮了.最好不要再回應…否則再來我就不是這麼文謅謅的”反擊”了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] 閻羅王這次真的太強了 完全控制了舞台
[YT] 星光評審真得很不鼓勵創新 之前黃美珍在水一方改編得很有自己的特色 也唱得很好 結果卻被說太前衛 所以標準到底在哪? 黃郁善臉上有許多不甘心 因為她知道自己的表演非常好 以前評審也說就是要把舞台當作表演的場所 所以現在又想要聽小朋友的詮釋方法了? 標準一直變動 難怪無法信服觀眾 其實大家都知道 黃郁善唱得好
[YT] 我也覺得黃郁善唱得很好 他有自己的想法 重點是會讓人想聽下去 踢館那位 我聽了十幾秒就快轉…因為詮釋方法都一樣
[YT] @princess610317 …我不想再理你~因為我不想學你(台)花時間研究我所說過的每一個字每一句話~
[YT] 老實說 我不是太喜歡 張心傑 的風格…
[YT] Not a bg fan of 黃郁善, but had to say, she, indeed, performed better than Kimberly this week…
[YT] @pleiadian 對呀…他的講評一向都很有深度…而且他的耳朵是出了名的靈敏…”輸不得的壓力”…..形容的真好
[YT] @Jacobdargo 第一!!!基本上我沒有隨便問候你或別人.所以不知道你所謂髒話的定義在哪裡??
[YT] @Jacobdargo 給予參賽者鼓勵多於批評是看任何比賽應有的正面態度
[YT] @Jacobdargo 結論!!!對於你這種不尊重別人的評論…嘲諷詞語的回覆 …不管哪國人都會對你反擊!!!!!
[YT] @Jacobdargo 第二!!!請你自己先回頭看自己的評論回覆,,,,,拐彎損人的回覆….嘲諷否定他人的回覆
[YT] @princess610317 @Jacobdargo第一!!!基本上我沒有隨便問候你或別人.所以不知道你所謂髒話的定義在哪裡??
[YT] 小胖每次說不要太跟著原唱的唱法,現在郁善改變原唱的唱法,他又不滿意,那要怎麼做呢?
[YT] 哈哈,这集很好看啊
[YT] xin yi zhou yin right? sounds weird at the beginning..
[YT] swatch ?!
[YT] @princess610317 滿口髒話~HOWEVER~台灣人的風格~(別在密我了~幼稚鬼
[YT] Olivia好漂亮
[YT] i do not like the song that repeat freaking 10 times, stupid, no creativity, old school
[YT] when i see these three guys i only think of how good S.H.E is…their voices aren’t good together.
[YT] sometimes the song they choose are just not right for them even if they are professionals
[YT] finally he is gone and eliminated!!!! dude he stayed longer than he really should
[YT] 我同意節目效果這個說法
[YT] side note: i wonder if tao zi knows what “kicked ass” means… she seems a little caught off by the phrase; she thought that was foul language?
[YT] 这小姑娘唱歌,我真想扇她一巴掌。。。难听死了。。
[YT] Olivia was so cute at “9:40” where she got teased by Tao Zi..!
[YT] the 3 person team is so lousy,they should be out…
[YT] @xiangxiang2615 no way!!! avatar is freaking awesome
[YT] 黃偉晉的真誠…真的會讓人不知不覺就喜歡他
可惜的是…若是他能再有天份點 加上這般努力及外表 無可限量!
[YT] @frostwen
不過的確是挑得有點太細啦= =
[YT] @onlymes
[YT] It’s really touching to see all the guys share such a strong bond. I think the girls aren’t as easy to make friends with the guys… Huang yushan seems really cold. Su zhiyu is quite young and reserved. Dudu seems to more approachable but it’s weird if she’s really close to the other guys and the other girls are not…
[YT] @lord0shawn LOL…
[YT] i agree with david… really think over the rainbow shouldn’t be made like so lasvegas…btw, kimberley didn’t sing well either
[YT] @carptino07 haha 对对!也是有吓到;加上刚刚的太后娘娘。。 =O 难道。。。
[YT] Huang Wei Jing, all the best to you!
[YT] DuDu’s 30 seconds PK is very good. Stable vocal with subtleness. She doesn’t over-stress and grab our attention very well. Good job!
[YT] Hu Xia is good. His voice has that element which is soothing to our ears and touching at the same time. He does not put stress to listeners with his vocal and that is a very good ability. Keep up the good work and be consistent.
[YT] Olivia’s voice is so comfortable and easy to listen. No stress at all. Her new song “You and Me” is very nice too.
[YT] Su Zhi Yu had improved, well done! Maybe this song can be better if she can relax a little and sing with better grooving including the body language.
[YT] Huang Yu Shan is surprisingly good this week. Keep up the good work. She is unique and dare to challenge. It makes us wondering what she will do next. Special girl!
[YT] @lord0shawn 那你是甚麼東西啊 腦袋這麼八股不會欣賞別人 你也差不多可以走進墳墓了 = =
[YT] Huang Yu Shan performed really well! Uniquely good! The arrangement was spectacularly special unlike other versions of “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” that I’ve heard. Kudos to her. As for Kimberley, I think the song was too tough for her to handle. Norah’s songs arent easy to sing. Her rendition was not jazz enough & rather awkward at certain notes. The judges overrated her b’cos at a young age, she had performed in musical, but that doesn’t mean she can handle pop songs or other genres well too.
[YT] Oh no… Huang Wei Jing chose a difficult song. Very tough for him. If he picked a song that he could handle quite well, he might have a chance to move forward. Too bad he didn’t make it through. But he is a hardworking boy so hopefully he can be around in the entertainment scene.
[YT] 心杰很棒 胡夏沒得比
[YT] 很明顯? 不見得吧
[YT] 不知道為什麼聽閻羅王唱這首
[YT] @onlymes 謝謝你…畢竟我們都只是透過螢幕在看節目..無法親身體會真正在比賽者的付出與辛苦…只要能站在星光..無論是參賽者或是PK者都已經很優秀了…對吧…..替所有的人加油吧!!!!!^o^
[YT] 合聲好爛
[YT] 高的時候鼻音很悶 聽了都覺得我的鼻子都塞了= =
[YT] 林芯儀前面的音根本就走掉了而且低音也低不下去
[YT] 真的, 试问批评伟晋的看客们, 你们能做到在比赛里面知道自己是最实力最弱的那一个, 顶着自己被说是靠长相上位的压力, 还是一次又一次去努力去挑战高难度去挑战自己吗? 不是每一个爱唱歌有唱歌梦想的人都会实力满满, 伟晋的努力就很好的代表了这一个群体, 不是一定要实力过人才能有资格为自己的梦想拼搏的. 这一段真的很感动, 掉眼泪了.
[YT] @onlymes 哦。。呵呵。。
[YT] dudu唱歌完全是感情>技巧. 如果能两者并驾齐驱, 会更好.
[YT] 为什么不敢留阎罗王再次对阵dudu? 为什么? 换了个相对的没有攻击性的余超颖…
[YT] 胡夏一开始让我战战兢兢, 怕他key起太高, 不过后面高音还是很漂亮. 真的就是输在结尾音, 干嘛不撑住!!!
[YT] @lord0shawn
今天站在舞台上的不是, 你不能像他们一样为自己的梦想去努力去拼搏, 你有什么资格来说他们哭或者笑就应该去死呢? 积点口德吧.
[YT] 小胖ˋˊ你還是只會想到吃…
[YT] 蘇怎嚜有點像ELA?
[YT] 小玲和尤其林志炫讲评得很好, 也很对很有说服力. 可是小胖你这一番讲评的主旨是什么?!!! 黄郁善是表演就只能拿4分? 什么叫做小女孩找一首自己喜欢唱的歌不管原唱爱怎么唱就怎么唱就值五分?!!! WTF?!! 你真的拜托快点去shi一shi吧.
[YT] 郁善这次唱得让我有惊艳到. 对于不喜欢她的人, 为什么只要是一个外国人或者从国外回来的歌手唱国外的东西大家就膜拜觉得很厉害, 对于本土的人唱国外的东西就是看不顺呢? 她这次真的唱得很不错,除了编曲尤其那个ending是啥东西啊|| 看郁善在唱的时候kimberley都shock到了(yeah she totally should be!) 这个打分真是太瞎了!!! 小胖首当其冲!!!
[YT] kimberley真是一集比一集让人失望|| 如果她上来做会一个和她年龄相符的lion king里的小狮子会好很多的, 可惜.
[YT] @princess610317
我很赞同你的看法. 黄伟晋用他的努力说服了我他不仅仅是靠一张脸或者性格讨喜而已.
[YT] 阿貓的配樂~~哈哈哈
[YT] 姑且不論編曲,光就低音的音質及高音的穩定度而言,今天黃就比K優出許多.如果超級星光大道是要選未來的歌手,難道只讓她們唱芭樂歌嗎?曲風就必需,只能與原唱一模一樣嗎?還是這些評審太重儒家之道,來者是客,必給高分?
[YT] 林志炫很公平
[YT] Kimberly 唱得一點都不動聽呀 =__= 真的不值這麼好評吧 !
[YT] 騙鬼啊 郁善唱那麼好 黃大偉說糟糕?
[YT] @DANGersome
Lols. I think you’re getting too fired up. I did not say you were wrong, but rather you seemed a little presumptuous to say “cry doesn’t mean emotional.” I was replying to that comment and took it to mean Yu wasn’t showing real emotion, which I think she was. Now I know you’re implying her SINGING was lacking emotion rather than she was. You’re right, sometimes emoting your feelings is different than emoting a song’s meaning. However your tone still seemed to hold a bias against Yu.
[YT] 黃郁善 attitude reminds me of faye wong.. never regret and so dare also so good :))
[YT] 吳盈靜唱的很感人 我一直超愛這首歌的 她感動到我想要哭了
[YT] Wow, the preview of the next episode is great. Xiao Pang’s voice just amazing. In those five seconds or so, I’m so touched.
[YT] @jibikao 我覺得其實這首歌黃齡是唱得好的,在訪談節目里她就現場唱過很多人的歌,都很好聽。她主要是緊張了,從開頭就覺得她的聲音完全放不開,小女孩還是差點舞臺經驗啊~
[YT] 就是爲了黃齡來看這兩期的比賽的,不過確實有點失望,黃齡太緊張了。在很多訪談節目里聽過她清唱,都很好聽,不過今天的表現嘛。。。就像她自己在博客上說的一樣,太緊張了。
[YT] 余超颖哭是因为这首歌是冲着台下坐着的那一帮拉芳星光大会的参赛选手唱的 他们一起比赛肯定很有感情 她一个人代表拉芳去星光唱 很有压力 看到台下战友给她打气 就抑制不住情绪 自然流露 我觉得很感人的
[YT] 好難過噢…黃偉晉加油!你還是很棒的!!
[YT] @Jacobdargo 是喔….哇靠…你也蠻無邪的啊….
[YT] 林芯儀在聽講評時的表情,和黃郁善是一模一樣呀都充滿了無比的自信
[YT] 三帥的合聲愈聽愈不舒服
[YT] @363609358 You are so funny, You are the one being so RUDE now and you are the one who replied to my thread, so who is the busy body now!
[YT] 「愛無悔」聽起來像「愛誤會」很正常啊「曠野的玫瑰」聽起來也像「狂野的玫瑰」,為什麼就不講?
[YT] 張士堂那把是靜音吉他嗎?
[YT] 少帥靈魂又出竅了
[YT] @DANGersome Firstly, your simple English is easy to understand, but your ‘compex’ English is Hard to understand, no matter how old the reader is. Secondly, your point of view sounds crazy, no matter who the reader is! Thirdly, SHUT UP! Any normal people with reasonable mind will not argue with u anymore, And I am one of those people!
[YT] @DANGersome *thing!
[YT] @363609358 one more think, I did not say the DuDu is super good, I just say she is better in the pk. Who’s drifting the topic now?
[YT] @363609358 I am writing in simple english to such an extent that a primary school kid can understand. This means that your understanding of english is so “PROFOUND” that you can’t even understand a primary school kid english. By the way, English is no doubt not my 1st language, but I am not bad at it. So, say whatever you want about my english. Also, when was i being rude? You are the one accusing me of being ABUSIVE!
[YT] @DANGersome What do u mean on earth???May I suggest u write in ur first language, I mean I can understand Chinese. Nothing personal,OK? If DuDu is as excellent as you say, then see how she goes in the future, our words cannot change anything. Sincerely, it’s none of my business. And youtube network is to provide entertainment and communication,that’s why most of us come here . So plz don’t behave rudely here anymore.
[YT] 有點想聽olivia唱 don’t know why^^
[YT] @363609358 Just 2 typo errors and you cant get the meaning? My point of view is that I have my rights to say what i want. And since when was i abusive? Who is being personal right now?
[YT] @DANGersome I am sorry I cannot catch your English meaning, but I have to emphasize everyone has their right to show their view which is based on the fact not chicanery ,NOT ABUSING, and I am not here to quarrel with u. JUST STOP IT!
[YT] Just a side note. I didn’t think it was fair for 3 shuai to be there from the very beginning. How is it a fair competition if you have 3 people vs 1 person? Whether they’re good or not is a different story. They need to be eliminated along with huang yu shan.
[YT] 黃郁善did his best~ but lack of the sweet sound and not natural, that why she deserve the slight lower point. Ms K sing also not that good, but lack of the mature sound. That why she can’t perform good score too… 18 Mark is just a normal mark only~
[YT] @363609358 Since when did i do PERSONAL ATTACK? And i will throw my the exact same sentence to you, everyone has their right to like or dislike, i can say whatever I want. And for your info DuDu did not win every time. And are you out of your mind comparing a SINGER and a CONTESTANT? How about comparing Eason of Jacky Cheung with the contestants? See the unfairness if you compare contestants with actual singer? You are the one being personal!
[YT] That K girl is totally overrated. She had one good performance and every other time she just plain sucked. Last week she bombed the song but for some reasons they still gave her good scores. I thought that was ridiculous. But this week was too much. Miss Huang obviously had a better performance. This show is totally rigged
[YT] @DANGersome It’s the truth DuDu wins every time, then she should be a competitive singer to be compared, do u mean DUDU is not as good as Olivia then she should not be compare with, its extremelly WEIRD! And PLZ dont argue here for an innominate Singer. Everyone has their right to like or dislike do the PERSONAL ATTACK it’s quite RUDE!
[YT] 張士堂looks like leehom
[YT] 黃齡 唱 用情這首歌 好好聽喔 很有一種味道 且 唱歌的表情 很有感覺 很棒
[YT] 三個傻B>三少
[YT] 這次是胡夏贏了…很明顯= =”
[YT] @carptino07 對…聽到個有笑倒XDD
[YT] 胡夏聲音太棒了~
[YT] Olivia是英文歌中的一股清流~
[YT] @asd123215 每个人留言都很赞赏黄郁善的,不晓得谁的眼光比较差?
[YT] xiao pang sucks. always
[YT] @asd123215 就算不能成为一线那又怎样?她是有王菲的那种特点,每次的表演都很新颖很特别,我的眼光从来没差过的。像徐佳莹我一早就看好。
[YT] 閻奕閣一開口就驚艷~
[YT] 郁善不錯阿
[YT] 不能先預設輸贏 會造成心理暗示 而影響表現
[YT] 我覺得這屆星光的參賽者感情滿”真”的
[YT] @bearlovestw
[YT] 我很同意小玲老師說的節奏感問題
[YT] 陶子問小胖的時候表情好好笑
[YT] Olivia 唱 “move”的時候好好聽喔 哈哈哈
[YT] @bearlovestw
[YT] 印象中蘇好像也很年輕
[YT] @waynewin7
沒錯~ 才20歲 好強
[YT] 勇氣唱那麼大聲幹嘛@@”
[YT] 我很喜歡黃郁善
[YT] @bearlovestw
[YT] @bearlovestw
沒錯 真的太年輕了
[YT] @scorpio1116 哈哈哈哈哈哈
[YT] 黃大偉到底行不行= =
[YT] 楊宗緯要來喔!!期待喔!!準時收看!!
[YT] 哈哈哈 太好笑啦吧!!
[YT] Olivia will be perfect for Norah Jones’s song
[YT] I think Olivia is good just good.
have you (Olivia) tryed Chinese songs yet?
[YT] 請發片歌手對參賽者不太公平吧~他們都已經有很多舞台經驗了…
[YT] yes lin xinn yii really damn damn good! but Bian ping xian also very hardworking and improve a lot, not ONLY HER! so Bian Bian, JIA YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] 太神奇!黄竟能走到這麼遠,,,
[YT] 我對 蘇芷妤表現比較驚豔~
[YT] 余的歌唱令我動容,好感動,加油~
[YT] @princess610317 你太天真~
[YT] 適合的”合”閩南語發音要閉嘴滴…
[YT] yu shan’s performance is appealing!!!! 🙂 and hers is better thn kimberly!!! agree????:)
[YT] 又不是拿冠軍,,,,,到底要攪什麼?
[YT] 黃齡太美了
[YT] 黃齡唱癢給我們聽吧
[YT] 几个娘们都哭了。。。为什么女的反而都不哭啊。。。come on…不要那么娘
[YT] 胡夏比张听得更舒服,看得也舒服点。。。
[YT] 被黃齡那嫵媚的雙眼殺死了,,,
[YT] “祝你找个幸福的新娘…”
[YT] @v030201 well, possibly for the very fact that they did not appeal that much to the masses as opposed to him? This show is done partly for the sake of entertainment after all, the producers have to cater to the preferences of the masses.
[YT] 小胖說:今天輸了沒關係,,,,,,,,,
[YT] 哭去死啊。。。怎么男选手都这么阴柔的啊。。。大家还叫边边。。女的名字用叠字就算了,男的也用就有点过了吧?!
[YT] 陶子的『偉晉淘汰論』很好笑,偉晉就是這麼奇妙的躲過許多淘汰…
[YT] DuDu選歌很有guts, 難唱攻擊性也不強,但卻聽到她深情、溫暖的情感…
[YT] @rockjill1985 你去听4月20号的康熙嘛
[YT] 星光是長期比賽的素人選手為主,而魔王有些已經是發片歌手、或是身經百戰的海內外大比賽強手。製作單位是刻意去找魔王們給選手震撼教育(or 刺激收視率)
[YT] 陶子不愧是厲害的主持人!
[YT] 張心傑今天沒用那種沙啞嗓音唱,雖然失去各人特色,
[YT] 即便他不強
[YT] @Jacobdargo你也可以去報名啊
[YT] why wasnt jam one of the PK 魔王s??
oh wait i know
cuz he’s too good to be judged by the judges already~~
[YT] @jacklzhj
這些pk者幾乎都是經過許多歷練、比賽的 top, 所以會有星6較弱的反差
[YT] Xin Yii u r the best!! Bian Pin Xian really cant compete u, just he this week got OBVIOUS improve than last week.. so, they see the difference easier.. Xin Yii i always love u.. gambateh.. i know u r sad.. good luck..
[YT] 蘇這次有再次突破的感覺…冷冷的搖滾風
[YT] @kin313810 一定要合起來的~台語就是這樣。
[YT] 少帅被那个拥抱废了,哈哈。
[YT] 很喜歡Norah Jones的這首歌,但Kimberly真的唱的頗讓人難受….
我也以為郁善會贏,我想小胖給Kimberly 5分有點超過…
[YT] 邊邊你是對的!
[YT] 完蛋了
[YT] 余的頭髮急需補染, 看了很不舒服
[YT] 好期待下周啊。預告里dudu和胡夏都很好聽哎~
[YT] 邊品憲的表現 終於有要翻盤的 feel 了 等這一天已經好久了 心儀本來就很棒
[YT] 胡夏闭着眼睛唱歌的样子,真的好像流氓兔哦。。。
[YT] 看到 Olivia 我總是想起 Lisa Ono Olivia 不管歌聲還是長像都好甜喔…… 少帥靈魂又出竅了 lol………
[YT] olivia唱中文也好聽捏
[YT] kimberly has really great voice… just the choice of music is not that good…
[YT] @jibikao ………. word
[YT] 伟晋是个很单纯可爱的孩子, 又努力不做作, 跟大陆来的选手们也打成一片, 很喜欢你, 希望你加油~~ 也希望在不久的将来能看到你有更多的发展空间!!
哪位制作人, 赶紧出手啦, 不可多得的偶像剧人才啦!!
[YT] 黃郁善 愈來愈有她自己的想法,而她的想法也開始能和表達呈現的方式做連結了,相較於過去沒什麼變化的風格,似乎她慢慢摸索出了一條屬於自己的道路,這是一個很好的轉變。
[YT] @scorpio1116 方宥心那有肉肉的。她这么瘦。难道该赢的是man哥?哈哈!
[YT] @FSDD2010 Why are you comparing a contestant and a person who is already an artist. Just because they are on the same stage doesn’t mean you should compare them the same way. You obviously dislike DuDu, that’s why you comment is always negative about her.
[YT] @juliaKgrl Also, I did not mention DuDu was more likable or what, but in DuDu’s 30 sec pk, i really hear that she really want to see this person, which is related to the song. She sang with 层次 and 画面. Don’t get me wrong, 余超颖 is a good singer, but i just don’t think she did enough to win the pk. And I don’t really think the show is very unfair.
[YT] @juliaKgrl First, its my own opinion how i feel about her. Second, you also don’t know her personally, how can you say that I am wrong or what you think about her is correct. I agree that the she is touched by her fans, but i don’t hear this emotion in her 30 sec pk, all i heard was just that she almost cried but she controlled it. Is that really considered as an emotion to her SINGING? in my opinion, its just visually touching, but vocally, i don’t hear it.
[YT] @angie521 恩 很真诚很努力不做作,可爱的人
[YT] 胡夏!!! 声音太好听啦!! 天籁之音啊!! 加油!!!
[YT] 边边今天超棒啊!! 是进步很多啦!! 太感动啦!
林芯仪今天看起来好像生病的脸, 可能是化妆的问题…
[YT] @jibikao
Contrarily, I think a person’s ability to sing/perform live, unique expressions, and diversification of their talents is much, much, much more important than a person’s “recordability.” Of course, the market may reject such “artists” – but maybe that’s what you meant by your comment?
Perhaps, my fickleness is part of the problem – can’t seem to retain attention on those who can not expand their talents, uniquely express their viewpoints, and possess enlightened spirits…fast enough.
[YT] 期待张心杰出专辑! 太喜欢他了! man哥!
[YT] @DANGersome
I think she really was touched by her friends and fans’ support. After all, she is human – just b/c she isn’t as “likable” as DuDu doesn’t mean she is faking for sympathy.
[YT] 黃偉晉很单纯的一个男孩。。超喜欢的
[YT] 每一屆星光不都是這樣,踢館的永遠都最強,但是當他們也變成星光的人,就會變弱了!感覺真的是噱頭…..,重點是英文歌技巧本來就比較多,真的厲害叫他們唱中文,真的是夠了!!
[YT] 我覺得應該要規定只能唱中文,我再看魔王會有多強….切
[YT] @NyxChiron I agree
[YT] @DANGersome She is not that fake, however , it just alludes to a feeling of how unfair this show is !
[YT] 吳盈靜這次造型不錯
[YT] 那个什么什么节目过来的这批人为什么不让胡灵来比而是余超颖?
[YT] 爱胡夏
[YT] @SpellTube 每個人都可以表達對音樂的喜好度,你沒辦法接受你所認為反面的意見…就做人身攻擊…..對於你這種人我本也不該浪費時間回應,但到此為止.
[YT] 小胖这次评论还是客观的!!!
[YT] 好美的眼神!
[YT] @Rocklobsterport That’s a sign of a good “recording artist”. Du Du is no longer a “contestant”. When I watch this show, I watch for “recording artist” and not just typical “good” singers. Good singers are everywhere. 余超颖 is a great singer but she is not a good recording artist yet.
[YT] @dripple2002 goodbye by air supply =)
[YT] linsinyi第一句真的走音啦
[YT] dudu唱的真的让我好想入睡了,很舒服很稳健的台风。
[YT] 大家知道历届星光冠军,如一班的林宥嘉,二班的赖铭伟,三班的徐佳莹,四班的方宥心,五班的孙自佑,都有一样的一个特征,就是肉肉的!
[YT] Kimberley’s voice conflicts with the background music. dont know why she still got high marks.
[YT] 芯儀的努力,實力,大家是有目共睹的
[YT] olivia is GREAT!
[YT] huang is obviously much better
[YT] 偉晉給我們學到的,就是那孩子般純真勇敢的精神,雖然自己實力不足但每每還是挑戰難度極高的歌曲,把握每一次能在舞台上比賽的機會,我認為,就在這個點,他比任何的選手都還來的更有勇氣,他堪稱勇氣大師,鋼盔小王子,不是浪得虛名!!
[YT] 林志炫,不装B能死啊!
[YT] 对啊!!! 奇怪,芯义哪可能输,最多平手????!!!!!
[YT] 胡夏唱得很好,不过好像每次层次都不够,冲出来太快了。
[YT] 這次是黃郁善唱得好些, 改編得不錯, 怎會得16分咁少?
[YT] 奇怪,成音的是bass手嗎?吉他手明明有上班啊!
[YT] 一帆哭起來很baby, 可愛!
偉晉很努力, 不要難過, 你有你的誠意, 有前途
總會不捨, 不竟是比賽, 加油呵六班.
[YT] 有沒有能力往製作方面走,是可以看得出來的。
[YT] good one!
[YT] 張士堂怎會唱成這樣 太可怕了
林憶蓮的原版 好聽太多了
[YT] 感覺好像在聽Olivia的演唱會 聲音真的好舒服 很適合配咖啡哈哈
氣質 每首歌的味道都能唱到心坎裡
不過其實三帥的趕路也唱的很不錯 和諧 也是很舒服的聲音
加油 支持Olivia 支持三帥 !!!~~
[YT] I wonder if david give that more score because he felt insulted by 小胖老師 comment…
[YT] @s0s5433 有同感.. 對她的打擊會很大吧
[YT] 黃齡~光是外型就會迷暈很多熟男了!!聲音更是…….0.0
[YT] noooo!
[YT] the contestants shouldnt self-blame too much…it’s really not their fault.
[YT] David老师是看着六班成长的,所以会因为品宪进步了很多, 多给了一分。不过如果抛开其他的, 今天这两首歌听下来,芯儀不应该输得。最多也是平手。(芯儀是非常要强的,现在心里跟定超难受)
[YT] some pk-ers are really very humble and polite.
[YT] 張勛傑感覺唱錯表情了 說謊應該是要真的在”說謊” 眼是自己的心痛 唱的太苦情就不是說謊了
[YT] 黃郁善’s pronounciation in English is not bad! 🙂 Jia u!
[YT] really unfair….黃郁善 really sang better. They should at least get the same marks!
[YT] 他真是很努力的。。。
[YT] 伟晋加油!!!你很棒 🙂
[YT] 余超颖的清唱真的比較好..
[YT] 拉拉的版本真的令人動容,她唱的時候還是表演不是比賽呢, 但她還是很認真
[YT] 黃郁善的聲音我很喜歡,她的聲音變化很多!
[YT] 胡夏的中音真的很舒服。
[YT] @roc29 shut up bitch!!! 你趕快跟林小胖上床把!!! 豬豬豬!!
[YT] 要給黃偉晉的態度一個大大的掌聲!!
[YT] 偉晉很努力很棒很可愛!
[YT] Whenever I hear her sing,it simply puts a smile on my face. Olivia is really sweet.
[YT] Whenever I hear her sing,it simply puts a smile on my face. Olivia is really sweet.
[YT] 林志炫说话的问题在于,他每次说完话之后都抖一下,等别人来接话,说得对。不过我倒是不反感他,看他在康熙被亏挺逗的。
[YT] 好巧 ,哈哈 這是美麗的巧合 五月十四號總決賽, 也是我的生日!!!
這是大大的禮物 哈哈 開心!!!
[YT] 黃郁善今天表現很好
[YT] 杜华瑾唱歌不错~还是很喜欢她的歌声的~不过如果想红减肥是必须的了~这么小的个下盘就如此厚实
[YT] 好感動喔….
[YT] @jibikao Olivia is excellent, but DUDU is ABSOLUTELY NOT!
[YT] 我心目中最強8個pk係 老蕭,文音,olivia,林心儀,閻奕格,Alisa,林育群,林健輝
[YT] 偉晉 bye bye………… 你的未來絕對不只這第8名 從一個很普通的小伙子 變成讓人注意的黃偉晉 YOU DID GREAT……
[YT] A Lin的歌真的很好聽,而且很難唱!!她真是天生歌姬阿!!
[YT] Love the Piano playing in the background…
[YT] @matthew314314 第八名是魏如昀. 黄美珍第7名.
[YT] I like the backgroun paino while they are voting.
[YT] 芯儀就敗在頭兩句有點瑕疵,但如果計算整首歌的平均分,還是應該是芯儀勝呢!因為除了頭幾句外,其後是沒可挑剔的!唱得非常非常感人!
[YT] 黃齡 20分,真的是被低估了,應該也有23~24才是
[YT] Yan…… The One!!!
[YT] 這次邊品憲真的突破了
[YT] @ahfoong0429 yeah man! Go singapore! =)
[YT] 說謊這歌就難在,
[YT] Huang Lin…. power……
[YT] 黃郁善現在是有把以前的超不自然抖音隱藏掉不少,但她還是沒到很好的程度啊
[YT] i thought huang yu shan sang better than kimberly! maybe she lost due to the change in melody arrangement.
[YT] 黃偉晉第八名= =
[YT] Dudu is overrated
[YT] 被邊品憲感动了
[YT] @v030201 i agree with u!
[YT] kimberly is a good singer but she shouldn’t try norah jones for now … she needs more time to grow up to get that kind of laid back attitude… agree that if olivia sang the song it would be more suitable..
[YT] 還是林宥嘉唱的好聽
[YT] 最近都是來看踢館的人的= =
[YT] 強強強!!!
而且非常謙虛 厲害!
[YT] 很羡慕他们的友情!
[YT] 我覺得女生唱的比較好聽 男的就路人 平平
[YT] 黃郁善 should have won, BIG TIME!!!!! David is the worst judge ever! He loves ABC singer….so out of touch….am angry!
Kimberly picked a wrong song, no emotion.
[YT] @1011123 我也是~~很喜歡她 感覺他很有想法 如果 來做唱片 應該會很精采
[YT] @0arksage0 拉拉唱的版本,雖然有破音,但仍很吸引!
[YT] 真想看她跟alisa PKㄝ
[YT] 听这首让我想起徐咏琳,听徐唱这首歌时我哭了,很感动!
[YT] @frying0stingray 竟然有人會認為郁善會成為一線歌手,我都笑了。連要成為歌手都不可能吧,還一線,不過要當註唱歌手是有幾會啦。時間會證明誰眼光差。
[YT] 黃郁善今天表現很好ㄝ!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] 少帥怎麼那麼爽 純情小男孩
[YT] 黃齡 真是人美 又會唱
[YT] Olivia超有氣質 是三帥亂了軍心吧 ㄏㄏ
[YT] 閻也才20歲,她是天生唱將 小胖聽的時候笑得好開心 他在康熙唱中文歌也超好聽
[YT] 边边的嘴巴终于张开了!!哈哈!!
[YT] 黃齡真的來了阿…他不是癢的主唱嗎…被康禎庭唱紅的那一位…黃齡呢…我有沒有聽錯…真能唱呢…
[YT] @v030201 很憂鬱才對
[YT] 歌改得好難聽
[YT] 很难得roger在听歌的时候会脸带笑容,他大多数是没什么表情的,可见阎奕格唱得很棒
[YT] 吳瑩靜也算魔王,算小卒還差不多。
[YT] 邊品憲真的有進步
[YT] Can’t Kimberly sing some Chinese songs? Sick of listening to it….shouldn’t come if she doesn’t have the gut to try something different, always stay in safe zone! So sick
[YT] 好可惜!沒閻跟吳聽了/.\隨了安東尼,蕭大俠,閻跟吳也會在我腦海中印象深的pk選手
[YT] 張心傑太強了 一開口就吸引人
[YT] 黃郁善 我超愛她唱歌的感覺
[YT] @chonghqh
[YT] Dudu 每次唱歌 就好像在時空中畫了一個框 然後變成一扇可打開的門 聽眾就進去她表達的意境中 yeah………. she’s full of magic.
[YT] 我覺得黃韻玲很適合演戲~~
[YT] love her!!
[YT] 咦…… 心傑唱自己的歌 好好聽喔 胡小夏今天的中氣特別足 看來身體養好了 怪了 ps 我愛你 居然讓我想起劉康祥,,,,,
[YT] 聽張心傑唱歌是一種享受 讚啦 !!! 胡小夏每一歌都唱得好乾淨 唉…. 比啥東東 聽好歌呗……..
[YT] 邊邊~聽起來好像該編
[YT] Olivia will be more suitable to sing that norah jones song!!!
[YT] 這是我聽過邊品憲唱得最好的一次
一進一退 分數算合理啦
[YT] 林志炫又開始廢話了…..
[YT] 星光六 其實是 1到3名 已經很明顯了 3名以外都不會很突出罷了 魔王本來就應該強 醬子大家才會有進步說……
[YT] 剛剛小叮噹抱頭卡通你面也有~~卡哇伊
[YT] 不喜欢kimberly这种唱法
[YT] 閻奕格 好大氣喔 she is not competing, on the contrary, she just put up an excellent show for the audience….. coooolllllll
[YT] 黄郁善唱得超好听的好不好!! 攻击力也很好啊
[YT] 节目效果。
She is the better singer.
[YT] 我覺得林偉進該淘汰了
[YT] 堂堂的表演方式真的很職業水準耶…….. 非常喜歡
[YT] @v030201
well the number of people has gone down..
if they did something like this with all others before him then it’ll take wayyyyyy too long..
[YT] 開頭好俗喔~~~
[YT] 这集真的令人超紧张的!!!!
[YT] @2662156
[YT] Don’t know why 這首歌在我的認知是一非常 NYC local atmosphere + 坐在0.5樓窗口自談自唱 紓發情緒的歌 Kimberley 唱得油了一點 比較像上流社會的無病呻吟 黃郁善每一次的表演中都會有片段片段非常 unique 的東西 可是這 unique 的東西 每次都落單無法成局 所以總會被批評 其實 郁善很厲害的 就看怎麼琢這快樸玉了
[YT] 很难的,选手唱歌时Roger竟然笑了!
[YT] fucking good
[YT] 小胖裝可愛!!!!
[YT] @ChuppahCrunch ok, i don’t understand cantonese, pls explain to me what ‘pk’ means in canto, thank u..anyway, i don’t have malicious intention~.i just feel the name calling of ‘阎罗王’ sounds offending~if i’m her, i’ll feel quite uncomfortable.
[YT] 三帥什麼時後才會被淘汰
[YT] 堂堂唱的不错!!
[YT] 我觉得星光这几届有个共同点 踢馆的都比选手好看。。。真的是选不到好选手 靠请这些高手来增加收视率啊,这几届红的有几位?
[YT] @ybmcgrady1987
[YT] 邊邊拚了~~
[YT] 我覺得余超穎有一點趕拍~不是說沒有在節奏上,但是如果比較拉拉唱的版本和余超穎的比起來,拉拉比較從容,有掌握整首歌的感覺。余超穎如果心裡的讀秒慢一點點,就會比現在更好~~
[YT] 黃齡唱得很好 是不是歌的本身太黏了 很沉重喔 !!! 偉晉好像是選這首歌來自我了斷的說 不過 偉晉的觀眾緣應該很好 將來 很有 希望
[YT] Olivia is really sweet n relax…killing them softly with her song……….
[YT] 黃郁善…..很不喜歡她的抖音…..每次都快轉….她居然進5強..omg!!!請還我蘇芷妤!!!
[YT] Is Olivia a Eurasian ?
[YT] 噢噢張心傑唱錯詞了~我覺得這首歌張心傑還是沒有唱出自己的感覺~胡夏唱的就還滿有層次的~加油!!
[YT] 張心傑唱ㄉ好苦情~
[YT] 張心傑唱ㄉ好苦情~
[YT] @f06141
[YT] 邊品憲有很明顯的鼻腔共鳴,很好聽
[YT] @chonghqh
[YT] hate avatar! weijing should get at least 7th or smth!
[YT] 为什么要人身攻击?他很可爱很讨好啊, 大家甚至外国人都喜欢他是有原因的,不要看不得人好好吗?
[YT] i rlly like 黃偉晉, he improved SO much and is so hard working, such a likable person, i rlly hope he gets the chance to enter the entertainment industry maybe act in some idol dramas and sing in the future 🙂
[YT] 凱莉克萊森真的很可怕~愛死她!
[YT] 吳盈靜今天唱的很好~真的很有畫面感~看到一個為愛傷心的女孩哭著在阿嬤懷裡聽阿嬤說以前的故事和自己青春時候的愛情。很感動~~
[YT] 黃郁善16分太低了吧
[YT] 黃郁善16分太低了吧
[YT] 余超颖有点假。只是哭了,但这不代表有感情,有画面。
[YT] @v030201 cry doesn’t mean emotional!
[YT] olivia唱歌好舒服 心情一下好起来
[YT] 为什么少帅一直呆呆地傻笑,他真的被Olivia迷倒了吗?哈哈好可爱。
[YT] 芯儀嬴
[YT] 谁说没有代表人物,DuDu 和 胡夏啊。苏zhiyu也不错啊!
[YT] 星光6成員現在對節目的價值就是讓pk選手有pk的對象而已,可憐~
[YT] I like Hu Xia better. Listening to him sing is such a joy.
[YT] 我觉得郁善才是市场的需要,有亮点、有特点、有外形条件,音乐走向对的话将会成为一线歌手,谁还会迷恋只有包装没有实力的歌手,这就是华语市场的通病,永远不是歌声走先,第一届的Yoga不见得是纯偶像,他有辨识度及特色。
[YT] 阎罗王厉害!!
[YT] 黃齡真的很美~又會唱歌!!!!!!
[YT] @pisce16 我也覺得是,朋友告訴我說這屆星光很好看,我就連看了兩周,不過只是節目做的更好看了,這屆選手水平真的是還好,都9強了,居然還有三帥這種連pitch都不准的選手沒被淘汰,而且完全沒有一個代表人物
[YT] haven’t cried this long for someone leaving for a while now. love 黃偉晉!!
[YT] 对呀!我觉得郁善很好啊!如果在美国偶像里这就是他们所追求的出彩&原创!!真不懂那些老师怎样评!!有够烂!!Kimberly的声音也太不受控了吧!黄大炜及死胖子到底会不会评啊!?郁善竟然会输,真的不公平!!!
[YT] 黃魚山!你應該走!不喜歡你 你是最做作的一個!
[YT] yoga版的較有感覺,man哥的聼起來很疆
[YT] why did he have special coverage after the show lasting like five minutes?
what about all the people who got eliminated before?
They didn’t get any extra time except give the speech when knowing that the got eliminated.
I just don’t see why people like him so much.
[YT] @QueenJCLN 同感,她明明就是在喊歌,和唱這個字沒什麽關係
[YT] @woanyun dude, u’re nobody, she performs whatever she wants. if u dont like, dont watch it.
[YT] 爲什麽我覺得黃玲那個地方的轉音很好聽?莫非這就是路人和專業評審的差距?= =
[YT] during the 30 sec i thought DuDu wasn’t that good, the other girl showed emotion
[YT] KELONG, obviously WEUIN is better THAN that STUPID AVATAR GIRL. She never improved at all~ should have been out long ago. ANCIENT AVATAR.
[YT] 六班虽然唱得没那么好,但感情是最好的!!!
[YT] DAVID WANNA KICK 小小胖 ASS . give a full point. david give full piont 2 time todays
[YT] 選錯歌了 宥嘉個人風格太強了
[YT] 这几个掐起来了!
[YT] 感覺到陶子姐也為郁善不值才質問小胖
[YT] 星光魔王 PK 星光 魔王
[YT] 钢盔小王子!
[YT] @ahfoong0429 yea proud of her.. was from from my sec sch
[YT] really well-perfomed!! Good job 邊邊
[YT] @jibikao why Taiwanese market? She’s not taiwanese though..
[YT] 胡夏好帅!! Hope he gets champion
[YT] A-LIN的歌太好聽了
[YT] I don’t know why I did’nt come 应该翻译成:我不知道为什么没有达到高潮。
At 15, I don’t think she understand the feeling of this song.
She came across sounding contrived.
Don’t Know Why
I waited ’til I saw the sun
I don’t know why I didn’t come
I left you by the house of fun
I don’t know why I didn’t come
I don’t know why I didn’t come
[YT] 感謝大大PO上來!!
[YT] If I was her, I don’t think I have the face to stay there……. she suck ! =:X
[YT] 黃郁善抖音太多了啦!!!!好不舒服啦!!!應該被淘汰的是黃郁善吧……… 超吊lo! alot of people don’t her for long long long time, Why she still here!!! kick her fuck out !!!!!!!! hate her!!!!!!!!!
[YT] who else can sing so good without adding the high notes like olivia
[YT] 哈哈~~ 少帅干嘛啊? 上次也是这样 ! 好好笑!!
[YT] 不可否認黃郁善的聲音跟唱法都很有特色
君不見目前從選秀出來的 比較紅一點的都是星光而非超偶?
[YT] man 哥 – -这音色,好限制这首歌
[YT] @522sing I agree with you! Huang Yu Shan should leave! She is the odd one among the top 8… she should left long ago!
[YT] 淘汰黃郁善吧!!!!
[YT] 那个转音我觉得很好听啊。志炫哥我记得满爱炫技的啊。
[YT] 蘇的眼神很rocker
[YT] 其实今天苏芷妤有表现得很好啦, 只是她刚好就对上同一歌路而且又那么强的对手, 她就吃亏点啦, 如果今天她对上的是唱抒情歌曲的, 她就有胜算啦!! 加油!!
[YT] 黃:就 全部都怕啊
[YT] @myramelle in fact I think she did even better than Kimberly. I think the judges just wanted to give the PK-ers some “face”, honestly.
[YT] 星光一班的兄弟情深今天六班再現。好久沒這麼被感動。星光兄弟加油!
[YT] Wow how did Xiao Pang give Kimberly’s performance 5 points? It was so obvious that she chose a wrong song. She lacked the depth and soul for it; that Norah Jones song is supposed to be jazzy and easy on the ears. Kimberly’s rendition just made me cringe.
Huang on the other hand surprised me. They should at least have gotten the same points. She wasn’t worse than Kimberly!
[YT] 吴盈静唱得好好听哦!!
[YT] 对不起, 不喜欢黄郁善~~ 她的台风(特别是她的左手~~)更不敢恭维~
Kimberley今天唱得不好耶~~ 不过15岁我觉得很不错啦!
[YT] 超喜歡Olivia
[YT] Peach's new hairstyle not nice..新发型不好看!
[YT] 很吊啊都
[YT] Those who criticise 林志炫 are just being childish. He’s a great judge who delivers very constructive comments since the past seasons.
黃齡 didn’t do very well today. Face it! She even got breathless towards the end, it was pretty obvious.
Personally I think the PK-ers are more stressed than the contestants, ’cause everyone expects them to be crazily good. But even the good ones get nervous and have their not-so-good days.
[YT] 伟晋已经很不错啦!! 加油!!!
[YT] i dn’t really like 黃郁善 but i think she did a rlly rlly good job this time, and the way she changed it was awesome too, how did she lost when kimberly sang so “monotone”-like during the entire song…i like kimberly better to be honest, but i think 黃郁善 should’ve won this time
[YT] @roc29 说的好噢 !
[YT] 伟晋好可爱!!! 好喜欢他!! 希望他 会去排偶像剧之类的!!
[YT] hahaha~ xin jie last part zhu ni ZHAO ge xing fu de xing niang?? is he gay? he also sang wrong lyrics in the first few lines.
[YT] 下星期沒閻奕格了
[YT] @yzlinpan Are….you sure she wants to be called PK queen, even in Hong Kong?? You must know what pk means in canto right?
[YT] Huangs performance was much much better than Kimberly’s.
[YT] 這根本就是打歌嘛!
[YT] @dreadlord200X
你可能因為其他原因不喜歡他, 但他說得很中肯也有道理, 這樣的評審應該多一點
[YT] 一帆蛮可爱的,长相也很精致
[YT] 直接跳过林志炫的废话
[YT] @dreadlord200X
是嗎? 林志炫說得還不錯啊
[YT] 其實這屆星光真的很爛
[YT] 很喜欢像伟晋一样很单纯很可爱的人,今天是哭大法了!!!
[YT] I also donno why u didnt come
[YT] 雖然我不喜歡黃郁善, 但不可否認, 她唱得比kimberly好聽= =”
[YT] 林志炫的唱功是没话说, 但最好连他本人也没话说(闭嘴)
[YT] 小胖很明显是想找个台阶给芯.
[YT] I agree. music and performance is a form of art. there is people like it and there is always people against it. Even a vegas show is entertaining enough for audience like me. So, what is important? Isn’t it putting up a good perfomance is equally important? can’t understand the judges thou…..
[YT] Why does he have to leave? I think huang yu shan should’ve left a long time ago! this sucks =( He’s the same age as me, seriously sad to see him go =/
[YT] @jibikao hahahh i know right?? he finally become ”alive” again. ^^
[YT] 小胖 is right here!! Totally agree what 小胖 said here!!
[YT] 9:56 他都已经问了究竟边边能不能为六班拿下首胜呢?” 也就是说蘇蘇输了嘛…那么就算不看part6也知道成绩….
[YT] @superman2011 人家林小胖也是媒体在炒作消费他啦,没有必要侮辱人家。我想说的是每个人都有追求梦想的权利,但是不一定唱歌有技巧就一定要当歌手,听歌主要听的还是诚恳和情感。太过炫技会让人觉得有压迫感。
[YT] kimberly声音颤成那个样子音也不准,居然赢!什么世道啊!
[YT] dudu 的清唱pk太好聽了!!
[YT] 就是對不起曼青嘛….呵呵
[YT] @brigittefoxx 对不起,其实我觉得PK时,还是dudu唱的有画面些。
[YT] 胡夏的音色真得很迷人 很舒服~ 跟olivia一樣~
[YT] 实话说跟yoga比差远了
[YT] hu xia sang SO WELLLL
[YT] 字幕組人員~~~
[YT] 不提谁在放水,我觉得胡夏唱的更有感情而且声音没有压迫感,非常舒服。小胖虽然是制作人,但是不能说你本人对歌曲的诠释就一定适合所有的歌手和所有的听众。
[YT] Shocked but glad =)
[YT] 林肥豬去豬肉店吃豬肉拉!!!! 不要再大家面前公開消費熱量減肥!!!
不只是地上在油連我的身體都開始油滴滴了 太噁心了…
[YT] The word “Lau” at 1:30 is so good!!!
[YT] OMG…黃郁善 lost…impossible…her voice really incredible…
[YT] 黃郁善did a very good job! She’s much better than Kimberly…WHY?
[YT] 不知道為什麼總覺得星光的評審都不喜歡林芯儀
[YT] I have to say Season 6 has turned out to be very exciting! I love how they start with 4 teachers choosing the students. That part was so exciting. And now this PK round is just as exciting! Good job, the producer!
[YT] 直接跳過偉 實力太懸殊了啦
[YT] kimberely murdered that song for me……it’s jazz little girl, not pop, and definitely nothing like Christina…..goodness….
[YT] It’s about time 黄伟晋 leaves the show. Peach has helped him pass so many rounds but 黄伟晋 is really not that good. I think he should at least go for acting. He has the look.
[YT] 吳 is good
[YT] Wow…. Du Du did really well!! I think Du Du should have won. Of all the singers in today’s show, Du Du and Olivia handle the “minor parts” the best. Du Du doesn’t have the range but Du Du’s singing is very “delicate” just like Olivia.
[YT] i luv the texture of her voice
[YT] This girl from China actually sings very well. This type of song fits her better but she made some mistakes… she still looks too nervous.. and that very last note.. ugh.
[YT] yeah, afraid to take out 20 thousand
[YT] 我覺得林說的不錯阿
[YT] 虽然林志炫是比较自恋,但是他演唱确实有实力。
[YT] 怎麼沒5/12,6/12,7/12 ??樓主麻煩一下/.\好想看耶謝謝謝謝感恩
[YT] @JjJj9280 This is 胡夏’s best performance in the PK rounds. FINALLY!!!! I was really disappointed in him.
[YT] @zorroxin Why not? He is a judge.
[YT] why the fuck Huang Wei Jing always acting so innocent for?
[YT] Oh my god!!! This is why Peach is the best host. She is so smart to even make jokes on the “song titles”. “PS, I love you” and then “Don’t love me!”. LOL That part is so funny. Peach is the best!!
[YT] what’s wrong? part 5(5/12) , part 6 (6/12), and part 7(7/12) are missing? @@
[YT] Wow, this part is pretty touching. Go Brian! He actually has the best skill among the students. He just needs to let it go… be wild on stage. He needs to worry more about touching people’s heart rather than singing that highest note or the perfect pitch. Go Brian!
[YT] 林志炫 is one of the fairest judges amongst 子鴻 and 游鴻明
[YT] DuDu!!!! yay~~ xD
[YT] 芯儀’s first two sentences are too low for her and Brian did surprisingly well. I think this is why Brian won.
[YT] @firenoodle Yeah, the first two lines.. she wasn’t ready but after that, I thought Lin is the most emotional of all. The preview made me think that she did really bad but I thought she did quite well after the first two lines.
[YT] Olivia has improved since last time I saw her on this show!! How is her album doing in Taiwan?
[YT] 胡夏!! 加油加油! 聲音真的很好聽啦! :]
“肌肉?” 哈… xD
[YT] omg. first 2 line too low for her
[YT] 黄伟晋加油 相信你未来的路会更好 真的知道看到你的努力 加油
[YT] Oh my god, the Trio chose a song that I was going to suggest them to sing! I swear!!! I even saved the video in my favorite. This is from Wu…
[YT] @0XDoYouLoveMeX0 In a small interview, 閻羅王 said she definitely wants to focus on Taiwanese market. She did really well today.
[YT] @zorroxin I agree!
[YT] quality so so 🙁
[YT] like huang’s performance!
[YT] 沒聽過原唱 黃郁善改編的版本剛開始覺得不錯 但是後面感覺有點改的太離譜了 聽到後面真的果然不愧為覺得跳tone女王 跳的太遠了 林志炫真的說的沒錯 唱好了半首歌
[YT] @hsiaobugo I totally agree!!!
dont like these judges!
[YT] @chia0302 Oh oh.. I have a feeling the show wants to kick out 黃郁善. I thought she did pretty well. Yeah, I know it’s too fancy but I thought she presented herself really well, better than Kim.
[YT] 我也很喜歡郁善。只是她改了以後也是為了嘗試阿!認為是原唱的版本太深植人心了
[YT] 黃郁善有差成這樣嗎?不懂
[YT] Damn, Kimberley still won’t choose a Chinese song? Oh come on, this is like the 4th time on the show? I think she can try to sing a Chinese song! She is too young to sing song well. She seems to be worse and worse. The first two times are great but after that, the 16-year girl sounds better.
[YT] @0XDoYouLoveMeX0 Actually, I think 林志炫 is brave enough to criticize or at least give some negative comments. Just because the PKers are great, it doesn’t mean they are perfect. Whether you agree with 林志炫 or not is different story. I am a bit disappointed in 黃齡’s performance. I don’t think this song fits her.
[YT] @0XDoYouLoveMeX0 為什麼林志炫沒資格~黃齡才出到幾年才3年多而已~林志炫都出到幾十年了
[YT] 這個得畫面比1/12還要差一點呢…
[YT] @otokorashiionna I actually agree with 林志炫 a lot this time!
[YT] 黄伟晋的精神状态很好 无欲则刚
[YT] As I predicted, Lin did the worst… she is in trouble? She hasn’t improved much after season 3.
[YT] come on guys.. kimberley’s not that bad..
she’s young and needs more training..
but her voice is really good for her age..
seriously.. stop criticizing her.
she’s good..
[YT] 余超颖前面一首歌输了 但是30秒清唱绝对赢 不晓得评审在怎么评
[YT] 對於林志炫的語調沒什麼意見,可是講得蠻中懇的
[YT] Olivia某部份很像卡本特
三好 好漂亮好好聽好喜歡
[YT] 閻奕閣英文比中文好聽
而閻羅王這名字 我覺得很有創意
[YT] Huang sings much better than Kimberley. Big hands for her!
[YT] 张很不错呀:)我喜欢这个表演和这个表情~~:)
[YT] 芯儀 唱這麼好聽, how come
[YT] 林先生,你好好唱歌就行了,好不?别出来说人家了~
[YT] 我倒是覺得黃郁善今天唱的很好,有突破唱的很不一樣!因為他今天就是要唱的很拉斯維加斯很像一場秀!
[YT] Miss K pls dun sing Norah Jones’s song…you dun have that quality as Norah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] 其实阎亦格长得挺好的,为什么叫阎罗王呢,多难听啊~
如果我是她,一定听着不舒服~叫pk queen也好一点啊~
[YT] 唉~ 魔王們都走了 誠實說參賽者中我都只有看Dudu的表演和魔王們的…
林..下禮拜林又要來了 唉…
[YT] Olivia的氣質好好~
[YT] I’m so glad that Olivia is from Singapore. I’m so proud of her~
[YT] dudu 贏了 好高興~!!
[YT] 閻奕格you also kicked my ass..^^
[YT] 越來越多人唱a-lin的歌了 ^^ 每個禮拜都有人唱~
[YT] 林志炫專說廢話,不用太在意
[YT] no fuckkk 芯儀超努力的 = = 不可能會輸阿~! 唱的那麼強 為什麼評審要多一分 應該給同分拉 唉 芯儀真的很有實力 可是每一次都沒有運氣
[YT] 心儀怎麼輸了
[YT] 我依然很喜欢kimberly,15岁的孩子有这样的唱法,努力的态度,我相信她还是很有潜力的。只是 还需要时间磨练~
[YT] 为什么老师都不喜欢黄郁善. 我挺喜欢她的,她只是攻击性太强了.
[YT] 那個咬字要合起來也太挑了吧,感覺怎唱都合不起來= =
[YT] 這首kelly clarkson的歌超難唱的 至今唱這首歌的人沒有不敗的 = = 閻羅王真的是太強了 加油~ 出唱片我一定買啦
[YT] 三段重复一定会被说无起伏。为什么加一段转音就算败笔?
[YT] kimberley好像沒剛出來時的自信笑容,不知道發生了什麼事,k小姐的高音部份真的不錯,但低音真的要練一下,感情就不能作準始終經歷有限
[YT] @QueenJCLN 蘇芷妤唱得很好聽 可是聲音沒有18歲的感覺
我非常喜歡kimberly的唱法 因為妳還聽的出那種小女孩的誠懇 那種很純的聲音 請妳不要對15歲的小女孩留這種言 有這種勇氣上台去比賽就已經很強了 而且他完全沒有覺得自己是大魔王的感覺 只是陶子覺得的
[YT] 黃齡的聲音真的超棒的拉 聽不出瑕疵! 這集還沒開始就已經超好看的了 林志炫真的應該沒有資格講黃齡吧..跟他一樣等級的歌手 = =
[YT] 虽然总是觉得林志炫讲话的腔调不是特别招人喜欢,不过他说话还真的很到点子上啊: 用求败的心情求胜,说的真不错。
[YT] 谁來告訴我K小姐是憑哪一點稱得上”魔王級”? 聽他唱歌好不舒服喔…..每次都唱大歌卻一點感情都沒有…pitch不太好又抖來抖去的…蘇芷妤頂多大他個兩歲,唱得好太多了!