超級星光大道 2010-04-30 積分賽I 第7名決定賽

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341 thoughts on “超級星光大道 2010-04-30 積分賽I 第7名決定賽

  1. [YT] @altocirrus
    I see Su’s efforts and hardworking in this contest, she improved from 1 singing style/tone to more varieties, and challenged herself in unfamiliar areas.
    As for personalty, many artists were not born as outgoing person, they get trained to become better. And still some singers keep their introvert personalty, but as long as they can touch people’s heart, they are attractive.
    At the age of 17, I am surprised about her ability to bear the long term pressure during the contest.

  2. [YT] @altocirrus
    i think u probably misunderstand what Su said about the 2nd song. What she meant was when she sang the 2nd song she didn’t want to be influenced by the 1st song’s low score, so she freed herself in the 2nd song, which made herself out of control. She tried hard, but just b/c of lack of experience and control, she didn’t do well on the 2nd song, which is also a very challenge songs picked by judges.

  3. [YT] @kittencat1983 哈哈,別激動~我也很喜歡她

  4. [YT] @jykstock Lin’s errors in pronunciation are common for Taiwan learners of English. I am an American and have been teaching English in Taiwan for 15 years, so I am familiar with these mistakes. In everyday conversation these mistakes are unimportant. For a rising star like Lin, who has international appeal, these mistakes must be corrected. I am confident he can improve his pronunciation, but first he must become aware of the mistakes. I don’t think anyone is helping him in this area.

  5. [YT] 怎麽覺得dudu從上次開始聲音就沒有以前穩定了?以前她的聲音絕對不會漂的,這兩場明顯有很多音不完全准。還有就是我覺得她以前的聲音雖然有點啞啞的,但沒有現在那麽沙。是不是唱太多了有點傷到嗓子了?

  6. [YT] I must say they’ve assigned 張士堂 with a very difficult song. Not many singers are suited for R&B and the judges still gave him that song knowing it might end up in a disaster…

  7. [YT] Remember Su, it’s not only good voice that makes you a star, it also takes personality, effort, hardwork, and luck, but it seems you don’t have the first three mentioned, you’re not the only one who has good voice!

  8. [YT] I don’t like Su’s personality for sure, she couldn’t bear the pressure and what it takes to be a star, she rarely smiles and even if she does, you can see the bitterness, althou she’s not the underdog but she just couldn’t bear with it.
    The most dissapointment is that she let go the second performance for the reason that she got the lowest score in the first one therefore she LET IT GO instead of keep trying to do the best, what a loser!

  9. [YT] the trio can make it this far because it’s power of THREE not one like other contestants, which I think it’s unfair to include a trio while the others are solo, and now the Judges are SMART enuf to implement some experiments for them and discovered that their solo skills suck big time!

  10. [YT] this girl arr, wants to be like Gary, and Gary sings with 101% emotion, and this girl just sang it so flat, the only good part was the ending, but it’s all too late!

  11. [YT] 胡夏跟三帥本來是一個團體 (就是風雲幫)
    是王偉忠 (星光的製作人) 叫胡夏單飛, 他們三個組成團體來比賽的

  12. [YT] 不知有没有前十强敗部复活赛象前几班那样. 应该不会有.都已积分赛了.苏太可惜没进前3名. 我觉得苏与dudu的声音魅力不相上下. 但苏不常有笑脸( 不讨喜).

  13. [YT] 胡夏看上去不象1.81.象1.75米左右. 有的人就是不显个. 可能他还是个小孩脸. Jerry Yan 1.80米, 但他看上去比胡夏高得多. 是不是?

  14. [YT] @MrJimmyJimmy2010
    Maybe you’re right, “the” sound “duh”, I watch his mouth, he has sang this “the” sound, but his Tongue seems too short , ha…

  15. [YT] @MrJimmyJimmy2010
    I Know some American English is not same English. maybe that is your problem, right?
    ex: Apple, I know someone say “e”pple, someone say “a”pple. which is right?

  16. [YT] 不趕相信一直在強調選手未來性的超級偶像會把他淘汰…
    I cannot believe that the super idol which always emphasize the future development of competitors would eliminate him….

  17. [YT] @BabyPunyTiny Sorry, but Lin’s pronunciation isn’t perfect. When he sings “I believe that the heart does go on” his ‘the’ sounds like ‘duh’, and he fails to give enough stress to the ‘d’ sound in the word ‘does’. I only mention this because I am a fan and think he’s a brilliant artist. But, this is correctable with a language coach.

  18. [YT] 最好他的偶像是小胖,有需要這樣演嗎?

  19. [YT] ㄜ…

  20. [YT] ㄜ…

  21. [YT] 苏芷妤始终是我的前三名, 无论今天的结果如何!! 从初选, 张宇就知道她是一块璞玉! 今天她的离开, 并不代表她的失败, 我相信她会有更好的未来!! 今天她的表现是不如理想, 她输在她的年轻, 她的抗压力, 可能她并不适合比赛~ 始终她是独特的!! 她才17岁, 我17岁的时候还不知道在干嘛, 还不知道什么叫梦想呢!! 所以, 芷妤, 加油!!! 向你的梦想出发!! 你很棒!!

  22. [YT] 苏芷妤始终是我的前三名, 无论今天的结果如何!! 从初选, 张宇就知道她是一块璞玉! 今天她的离开, 并不代表她的失败, 我相信她会有更好的未来!! 今天她的表现是不如理想, 她输在她的年轻, 她的抗压力, 可能她并不适合比赛~ 始终她是独特的!! 她才17岁, 我17岁的时候还不知道在干嘛, 还不知道什么叫梦想呢!! 所以, 芷妤, 加油!!! 向你的梦想出发!! 你很棒!!

  23. [YT] 唉~~ 评审们给苏芷妤这首歌还真的很不适合她啊, 何况, 王菲的歌谁能唱的好啊!~ 也太难了吧~ 而且我觉得苏芷妤今天真的很不对劲, 都没有发挥自己的优点, 从初选到现在, 她都是我心目中星光六的前三名, 太可惜了啦!! 加油!!!

  24. [YT] 黃幾乎整首歌都用假音唱…

  25. [YT] 邊品憲 跟 胡夏應該是比較有機會的
    依過去幾屆來看 冠軍都是唱抒情的比較多

  26. [YT] 還是不喜歡三帥, 感覺還是互相掩護互相的不足, 對一人作戰的還是會比較不公平



  27. [YT] 我覺得有搖滾跟創新的精神,但是這首歌本身就很有態度了,加上王菲的獨創性太強了
    他的咬字或是唱腔都很有自己的一套,這首歌so so ~~

  28. [YT] 其實小胖不需要用到最高音 因為小胖是個男生在唱歌 聽這首歌 如果故意蒙著眼睛 用耳朵認真聽 不會感到是個男生在唱這首歌呢 很細緻 非常入微
    Just wonderful. 加油哦 小胖

  29. [YT] she can really do better…. she just didnt do her best here in xing guang… in other competition, u can see how well she can sing… lots of pressure in this competition, i think this will help her grow too. although #7 is not bad.. but i hope to listen to her more.

  30. [YT] 評審選歌很用心,要適合每個人

  31. [YT] 整集下来,只有林育群的歌几乎完全跳过,还有张士堂的指定曲。挺一下黄育善,至少她能引我去听萨顶顶的天地合~~

  32. [YT] 我觉得很公平啊,我也觉得苏的声音很好,很好听

  33. [YT] 不太喜欢她啊~

  34. [YT] 我喜歡這種類型的歌,dudu講故事的能力和胡夏又不太一樣,我還蠻想聽聽看胡夏還是小鈴老師或志炫老師來全是這首歌。


  35. [YT] 蘇芷妤…應該是星光歷屆來,最年輕的前七強吧…(忘了第一屆的小弟弟名次)

  36. [YT] Arrrrr… this big boi NEEDS a new hair cut! He looks terrible with this hair style. It makes him look like a nerb.. and what’s worst is that he’s got this high-pitch voice that is more “scary” than “enjoyable” to listen to.

  37. [YT] everytime when I see 黄郁善, I want to fuck her up man, this is a really nice song, the way she sing, just 鬼! she should got kick out of long time!

  38. [YT] 杜華瑾唱得好有感情,尤其是最後一句friend~~ 好悲傷喔!

  39. [YT] 一開始百人初選就最喜歡蘇芷妤的聲音~每次都期待聽她唱歌~這一集被淘汰~害我心情很不好~有點沒有想再看下去的欲望~冠軍賽沒有蘇芷妤~覺得很遺憾~不期待冠軍賽的結果~

  40. [YT] @jibikao Exactly, Judges want to see how well can the contestants do when they’re out of their comfort zone. It’s hard, but it’s a must for them to improve.

  41. [YT] 蘇芷妤加油! 我們從國外看妳,妳是一塊璞玉,假以時日,終究要大放光采的。苦練固然重要,但缺少妳的天賦是走不遠,沒辦法突破的。看得出妳的失常,來自評審給妳的壓力,主觀的以妳年輕,沒有他們自身的人生歷練來否定妳。希望今後評審們今後不要過度借題發揮,否則好像有一點顧影自憐,又有一點炫耀自己,誰在內心深處沒有一兩段呢?

  42. [YT] 郁善you are fantastical!!!!!You are special… cant compare to Faye yet but she has enourmous potential!!!!!!!!!love her

  43. [YT] 我不想看超級星光大道了。怎么会苏第7名? 眼瞎了!为何不见他们讲她只有17岁还能唱到这样而给她多一点分?待遇很不一样。

  44. [YT] Seriously, i agree with you jibikao. Top 6 is what I expected minus huang yu shan. I guess i could do w/o 3 shuai also but yu shan needs to go ASAP

  45. [YT] Solute to 郁善! She’s a true warrior in 星光 6. Really appreciate her strong 自信. She’s been discouraged by fatty and 黃大煒 a couple but still survive.

  46. [YT] 有自信也錯了?!我不懂~黃郁善的路線就是如此~為什麼要因為別人而改變!!有自己的想法最重要…..一昧的隨波逐流….

  47. [YT] 她来听我的演唱会, 是我很喜欢的一首歌, 我觉得那种讲一个女人一生的故事的意境很美, 胡夏今天表现的也很好, 我有感觉到那个故事.

  48. [YT] I like 郁善’s singing! Her voice is great. She is fully of courage and creativity! She just doesn’t bother to sing it that normally! Whatever this is a competition, but it’s also a game. Just do it the way you like, as long as you enjoy it. I can feel that she is confident, and she enjoys every moment, no matter what the judges say. I like her voice, and I like her!

  49. [YT] 啊~ 怎么办? 我超爱苏芷妤, 我觉得她唱得真的很好, 可是今天真的表现不理想… 其实我最喜欢她的表演是初选的时候唱曹格的掌纹, 超好听!! 为什么到比赛的后来却越来越没有感觉了呢~ 苏芷妤, 你很棒的啊! 要相信自己, 支持你!!

  50. [YT] Su’s voice is very unique. I think she will excel better in the future. The exit is only a beginning. Wish to hear from her again very soon!

  51. [YT] @jibikao
    Yes, Fang Wen San’s lyrics are brilliant but so very difficult to memorize. lols @ Hu Xia saying he’s not that enthralled with the lyrics, I wouldn’t be either.

  52. [YT] 虽说林志旋讲评时话很多,有时候太多, 但是无可否认的是, 他真的很用心在听参赛者, 很用心的在纠正, 每次我看见他在听的时候都在努力的做笔记, 而且, 他真的唱得不错….

  53. [YT] never have i thought that xiao pang voice so good…. this song seems to be written for terry lin… of coz.. tang tang sounds great too… good performance!

  54. [YT] don’t like her way of singing, comes across to be as arrogance and not confidence. and also can tell she’s trying too hard to please everyone and ends up spoiling the original song…

  55. [YT] Na Ying being one of my most beloved singers really made the song very distinctive, but I think Dudu did pretty well. Though I think Xiao Pang was a overboard in his evaluation, I do think Dudu could have picked a more fitting song to bring out her tone and style.

  56. [YT] 从来就不喜欢黄郁善, 她太有自信, 变成了一种骄傲, 我不把她跟王菲比, 因为也没得比, 只是我不喜欢她所带给我的信息, 从初选到现在… 也听腻了她的声音, 看腻了她的舞台做风, 唉, 那只左手啊, 我眼都花了~

  57. [YT] 黃郁善….不太欣賞她的歌聲…尤其他那個抖音~後~~真是夠了!!人家王菲的歌聲比她好聽千百萬倍!!~~還有…..他是一個很悶騷的女人~再怎麼裝…他還是悶騷!!

  58. [YT] I like Su’s voice, but there seems to be too many androgynous newcomers in the last several years, in various singing competitions, that I’m finding it hard to differentiate between all of them…Li Yu Chun, Jade Liu, Zhang Yun Jing, and now Su Zi Yu. Perhaps I need bigger personalities like Ella in order to bypass retain attention.

  59. [YT] @jibikao
    I think the low popularity may be that he seems a little over-dramatic when he sings.

    I’m surprised the Trio has such low popularity so far – I would’ve thought the audiences find them attractive, entertaining, and hard-working.

  60. [YT] @jibikao
    I think so too. She’s not as personable as some other contestants, but she’s bold in her music selections, diverse in her styles, and there is evident effort to progress/step out of the box. I give her kudos for that.

    She’s not going to be easily accepted in main stream music, but she adds new viewpoints – which I like.

  61. [YT] The Top 6 is pretty much close to what I imagined. The only one that kinda surprises me is Huang. I like her too but you either like her or hate her. Hey, at least she stands out!

  62. [YT] @angie521 yeah.. I am surprised they say she may have hurt her vocal chord. Her voice sounds good the past few weeks. I just know the song she picked is pretty high. She may have stress her vocal chord too much.

  63. [YT] I can tell the echo in the mic is much louder… but he did well. He is not my cup of tea but it’s his dream and he is Taiwanese. I support him in USA! Go fattie!

  64. [YT] Wow.. I haven’t really paid attention to Jay’s song. The 2nd song’s lyric is so hard!!! I can barely understand the first few lines but the words sound beautiful. It’s like poetry. I am never a big fan of Jay but his style really makes Chinese culture sounds good!

  65. [YT] Man, the judges know how to give songs that don’t suit them. So far, none of them do better than the first song choice. I guess this is a challenge after all. Damn.. I want her to be in top 6.

  66. [YT] I think Du Du’s voice is the type that doesn’t need background vocal.

    I really like Roger’s comment. He has accompanied so many BIG BIG STARS. He knows what kind of voice is a good voice.

  67. [YT] I thought Brian put a lot of emotion in this song. I can feel he put a lot of power. Yes, he just needs to let it go on the stage. 18pt is decent.

  68. [YT] Oh damn, they are already advertising for Season 7! I am surprised she has a lot of fans. I thought people won’t like her because she is too quiet. She and Dudu are my most favorites!

    She really has a good voice but I am not so sure about her performance in this song because we are used to hearing Jam’s high notes. Her style is more mild and I think it’s because of wrong song choice.

  69. [YT] You know traveling from China to enter the contest is really hard. It is a lot of traveling and can really tire people out. I hope some record companies in China can sign them. I don’t think they’ll release album in Taiwan.

    Wow, the guy in the middle sings very well. They’ve improved their solo parts! Good job!

  70. [YT] I think he did really well too. He got that feeling. His high notes are touching. I like it how Peach would give her own opinion. I am surprised he only got 10 votes so far?

  71. [YT] I think she did really well. Not many people can handle this kind of Faye Wong song live. Most people either yell too much or not skillful enough. I think she did well. 20pt very deserving!

  72. [YT] Dudu 近期來都看似憔悴了許多﹐不知是否壓力太大了吧﹖要好好照顧自己﹐比賽成績只是一時的表現﹐不能斷定一生的本領。只要知道有那麼多人在你背後支持你﹐早已是大家心目中的冠軍了﹕)

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