超級星光大道 2010-05-21 星光傳奇賽

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396 thoughts on “超級星光大道 2010-05-21 星光傳奇賽

  1. [YT] 思樂冰應該回來的….洪小姐算唱得很普通吧,而且這個臉就是當祕書很適合,進演藝圈也沒特色啊~~真是浪費一個名額!

  2. [YT] @jibikao
    I am not worried about 吴薇’s appearance. Again I think her appearance is above average. I am worried about your most favorite one’s appearance for you . “but if you like her, that’s great for you.” Your most favorite one’s first impression on 百人初选 is …you know… “I like both dudu and 吴薇”. Dudu is one of my favorite.

  3. [YT] @kayyy0830 我的意思是,从星光出去,要把自己的姿态放低,不然必然会觉得不适。因为星光选手本不是明星,甚至不是歌手,只是上了电视的素人而已。每个人,无论你在星光多厉害,都不过是新人。所以,[有些人的低潮是不可避免的]。 但是,关于小许,我看过他上节目宣传,配合度很高,也很认真。没有发片,部分原因是公司计划不周吧

  4. [YT] @tukobabi we’re not saying that we’re great singers or anything. if we were, we probably wouldn’t even be commenting here already. still, i believe my ears can tell me if her singing is really off, which it is.
    however, to be objective, from 00:15 – 00:21. if the judges’ criteria include ‘room for improvement’ (进步空间), then she really has a high score there…

  5. [YT] 很喜歡吳勇濱..因為他真的很有感情的在唱歌
    雖然有小瑕疵 但是表現很好唷~~

  6. [YT] 文音唱得很温暖,蛮有那种鼓励人的感觉,

  7. [YT] 還有一位參賽者我很喜歡.可惜她沒能來參賽~黎礎寧
    黎礎寧..能再一次聽到妳唱歌 該有多好

  8. [YT] 非常感謝中視提供這個舞台,讓這些同學再回來表演給喜愛星光的我們欣賞!
    感動!!! — 看到陶子隊參賽同學關愛,疼惜之情溢於言表,真性真情!難怪為大家最喜愛的主持人!
    這也是星光好看!廣受喜愛的原因吧? 她是”真”的!她是有”愛”的!

  9. [YT] @michaeltong1988 …. 還好吧 張宇都只是看感覺的

  10. [YT] 超爱许仁杰!!!他真的不止第7名的实力。他被淘汰时几乎全场落泪,连评审老师和很少哭的周定RAIN也哭惨了。很开心看到他卷土重来,希望他会越来越棒。Welcome Back!!!

  11. [YT] 小葉好強


  12. [YT] @jibikao If you don’t have anything good to say..my advice for you is to just keep ur mouth shut and move on to another clip. If u know better singers out there and want to share with us, feel free about it, but pls don’t diss. Btw the “小阿妹 on the poster basically means she could be the next 张惠妹。If you still don’t understand the magnitude of it, i suggest you quit watching this.

  13. [YT] 我覺得陶子很會主持 她反應真的很快
    例如:星光傳奇賽真是太好看啦 或是 我們真的公平公正公開

  14. [YT] @cherrypinable I am not “worried” about 吴薇 at all. I don’t even care for her and I am surprised most of you do. I didn’t see this 吴薇 “love” when she was competing but if you like her, that’s great for you. 吴薇’s first impression is even worse.

  15. [YT] 唱的很好 很有個性也很有自已的風格
    伍思凱搖頭 並不是覺得歌手唱的不好
    而是他一慣聽歌的作風 大家不要誤會

  16. [YT] @ml890324
    你说的很对. 我认为第三届的一二名, 就相差更多了. 但结果呢?
    FYI, 我是看整体的, 我觉得第一印象很重要. 看不下去的就跳过不管他/她最终得第几名或以后得多少奖. 喜欢的天天看.也想了解更多. 但我还是尊重评审的给分同时也坚持自己的喜好……

  17. [YT] @jibikao this show IS about finding a singer
    but the guy still ended winning because of his singing
    你有看過評審說 “因為你長得不好看我們要淘汰你嗎?”
    and FYI, it’s not “star-values” it’s “star quality”

  18. [YT] 吳勇濱應該可以出片了,台語歌市場絕對有他一塊天地,為什麼還要回來給人家指指點點呢?所有需要改進的地方是唱片公司和製作人的事。唱片公司到底是怎麼了?

  19. [YT] 思樂冰!應該要!找專業的老師教她怎麼改共鳴點啊!怎樣他應該會唱得更輕鬆!更能駕馭!高音也能上的去啊!!加油!你會變得更好的!!

  20. [YT] 我很喜歡他唱的雨和眼淚。有一種夏天的感覺,前面主歌的鋪陳像很悶熱很悶熱的夏天午後,大家都在屏息等待著什麼,後來進了副歌”落下雨和眼淚”的瞬間,大雷雨降下打破了燠熱的寧靜,你彷彿看到楊駿文在淋雨、跳躍、透出青春的氣質。真的值得20分!!

  21. [YT] 吴薇不错啊.第五届时就喜欢她.
    to 高Jibi,
    For look, I think 吴薇 is above everage and also she has ‘star’ features. Don’t worry about her look . She gets good gene from her father. The only thing she needs to improve is showing more confidence on stage. Now I worry about your #1——will get gene from her father too.lol. Using your words——” It’s ok to love both of your #1 and 吴薇.”

  22. [YT] 這段表演~我反覆看了十多次~每次都起雞皮疙瘩.甚至跟Beyonce的版本比我都不覺得小葉有絲毫的遜色!!!你真的太讚了啦~~

  23. [YT] @ml890324 No, this show is about finding a “star”. I don’t see star values in 吴薇. You can find her beautiful. I don’t. But it’s not just about being pretty. She still looks very young and shy on stage. Maybe she’ll be different after the first appearance but this show is definitely about finding a “star”, not a “singer”. 吴薇 is just a very average “singer” at best and I am being nice.

  24. [YT] 對阿 瑋庭怎麼還沒有紅起來呢? 我真的很喜歡她
    我是評審 我是唱片公司的老闆的話 我一定會捧她
    小葉啊 你出唱片我會買的阿!

  25. [YT] 雨和眼淚~這首歌很難唱的歌卻讓楊駿文唱的根本就是他的歌~

  26. [YT] 最成功的是林宥嘉和徐家莹,而他们的成功我觉得与星光无关,他们靠自身的实力出道也可以成功的,其他的选手在怎样比也没有用的,不行就是不行,不红就是不红,说穿了就是一个让人消遣的秀嘛。

  27. [YT] 怎么还是这些人?真是摆脱不了的梦魇!!又要看他们哭吗??啊。。。快疯了!为什么没有李杰宇呢?真的对一落千丈的收视率有帮助吗??

  28. [YT] 張豪雖然失敗~但他真的表達了自己一切歸零的想法~吳薇我真的被她嚇到了

  29. [YT] season 1 is alwiz my favourite too… till now, i still cant forget how supportive they were among themselves.. almost every episode of elimination made me cried so much..
    許仁杰 in this part oso make me cry non-stop..so touching.. so happy he did great for this song which was the song tat made him got eliminated last time..
    so happy tat u r back!!! 許仁杰 jiayu!!

  30. [YT] 不愧是經過星光比賽過的歌手~四個都唱的很出色~

  31. [YT] @bingdian84 我也這麼覺得,每年兩屆產出來的”歌手”都是幾十位的,拿前幾名的發唱片,拿十幾名的也發唱片,再加上其他不是星光出來的新人,台灣市場根本就消化不了 ,而且個人覺得有潛力的大概前幾屆都出來了,再一直辦下去也難有好成績了。

  32. [YT] look doesnt really matter.. if ppl like u means like u.. see how u give ppl the 1st impression.. i feel wu wei gives me good impression.. she’s quite cute though.. juz tat she’s a bit nervous..
    the pk-er for season 6 “xiao pang” can be famous up to international level.. wat u can say aboout tat? alot american singers dun hav the look but they r vry famous..

  33. [YT] 特地去听了蔡健雅的原版”思念”,

  34. [YT] @flyfly0514

  35. [YT] @Lambo608

  36. [YT] 星光一班、二班是很幸運的,在當時全民瘋星光時備受關注,所以幾乎當時較突出的選手都有許多機會,不管是夢想成真的發片,或是轉而演戲、主持,甚至只是商演、跑通告,都真的比後幾屆多很多機會….於是我們也看見他們的成長、蛻變


  37. [YT] 小葉完全聽不出任何換氣,甚至蹲下伸腿甩頭還音很準、很連貫,還以為是對嘴哩!從以前就覺得她舞台魅力很強,也是星光歷屆最強的動感女歌手,或許只是人氣較低而沒機會出片 ~ 要加油別灰心

    二班選手們,在經歷這麼久後,在台下感情還是很好,並給予台上戰友最熱烈的支持…最愛二班…Queen, 小葉要進三強喔!看到台下的文音,即使已經是新生代小天后卻依然真誠

  38. [YT] 其實重回舞台

  39. [YT] 能夠有星光一班的經典來比賽,讓傳奇賽更有傳承、融合的意義

  40. [YT] 二班還蠻多選手回來,經歷這麼久後,在台下感情還是很好,並給予台上戰友最熱烈的支持…最愛二班

  41. [YT] @carol771223

  42. [YT] 好感動….看到歷屆的優秀星光選手回到他們曾熟悉的舞台,曾經發光發熱的地方

  43. [YT] Ok, look isn’t absolutely number 1 that’s true, but it isn’t not important AT ALL!!!! Ok, face it!!! People out there still judge actors, actresses, and singers based on appearance! I’m not saying to only care about looks, but looks are important-ish….not as important as singing skills…but still it is something to think about when someone wants to be famous.

  44. [YT] 阿妹变漂亮年轻了耶!! 记得她来做四班代理主持的时候觉得她好像老了很多…. 阿妹对新人的照顾, 很让人感动呢~~

  45. [YT] @LOVE210887
    我也很想看孙自佑表演啊~~ 听听他的’自由’ 歌.
    怎么这届没有毕业典礼呢? 很想再看到dudu, 三帅, 边边, 苏和伟晋.

  46. [YT] Season 1 has always been my favorite season. And it’s soooo good to see 許仁杰 back on stage. He had me crying so hard…

    I’m definitely looking forward to the rest of his performances. 加油!!!!!

  47. [YT] 如果唱片公司没有足够的资源,可以不必把那么多会唱歌的人都揽在自己旗下,又不给他们发片吗?有的人的低谷是不可避免的,但是有的人却是人为的计划不周。

  48. [YT] 不是说现实多残忍,是本来事情就是这样。星光的选手出去,无论你在星光多大咖,刚进演艺圈时,的确都只是新人而已,都要从新人慢慢学起。从星光毕业,不过是提供了一个机会,从素人变成了专业歌手而已。

  49. [YT] @tukobabi… Hey, This is a free speech world.. being criticized is the first step to success… i can believe that you are a sore loser if you cannot accept criticism..

    listen to 04:05 its OFF PITCH….. 04:31 ended sucky….

  50. [YT] 很喜欢这一集…很感动 🙂
    喜欢陶子姐对选手们的关怀…昔日战友们之间的支持与鼓励… 🙂
    星光传奇好看… 加油!!:)

  51. [YT] 其实星光不该那么马不停蹄的比赛,感觉上市场消化不了,观众也有点疲惫,后几届连第一名唱片都不知道在哪里,希望制作单位不是只在消费以前的这些选手,感觉现在评审的标准越来越反复无常了,分不清是真的为了选手好,还是权宜妥协。星光现在最大的亮点偶尔会变成第一届刚开始的时候,陶晶莹。即使找不到一个替代同时段的,也该维持水准。

  52. [YT] 吳薇很好聽
    to jibikao….this show isnt a beauty pageant….looks arent important….the thing that matters is that she can sing….
    dun criticise her appearance…geeezz

  53. [YT] 許仁杰的回來,就好像重遇好久不見的久情人,那種激動,心里的起副好大。我在場一定也會熱淚滿眶。


  54. [YT] woah liang wen yin action sure was fast…awhile ago she was standing up at the audience seat clapping for queen and a mintue again she appear in the backstage congratulating her..

  55. [YT] I watched a few eps of season 1 because I happened to be in Taiwan and I began watching it myself in the middle of season 2. Never missed a week since. These people are so talented and inspirational. They have the tremendous courage to come back here again. oh and LOVE AN JING! hehe huge jay chou fan

  56. [YT] 當初百人初選時你就說要成為台灣的”畢昂絲”,

  57. [YT] @jibikao
    Hmmm, good job!! Just do what I do if I think there is no star-value in someone—fast fwd or skip… hehe! But I think 吴薇 looks better than your #1. I am looking forword watching her performances again.

  58. [YT] 所有星光女生的選手中最會又唱又跳的就是葉瑋庭

  59. [YT] 不会吧? 她能有18分哦? 我觉得吴勇滨唱的比她好听多啦!! 从她以前参赛开始, 我就没觉得她是个美女, 她的脸长得很苦啊~~ 很苦命的感觉~~

  60. [YT] 星光2班應該全數進級吧!!2班真是歷界實力最平均、最強的!!!!瑋庭第三名不是蓋的!!加油吧!星光2班,你是我們的星光!!!

  61. [YT] @jibikao a person’s appearance doesn ‘t affect his/ her singing skills
    judging a person by his/her appearance is very judgemental and superficial and vain.
    this show is about discovering singing talents, not empty vassels

  62. [YT] Mmm, did he hurt his vocal chord? It sounds too rough this time. I am not sure if I would give him 22pts.

    Wow… A-Mei is such a GOOD person. I love A-Mei. She is very gay friendly and she deserves to win more awards this year!!!!

  63. [YT] Wow, of all the contestants so far, Queen seems to be the most ready for another album. Maybe instead of writing her own songs, she can use other people’s songs to get introduced to the market again.

  64. [YT] I thought Diana is very unique. I want to hear her Rap in Mandarin though. I thought give her 18pt. She is at least very different. I like Diana!!!

  65. [YT] Mmmm, Yang has changed his singing style a bit. He seems to have a bit of “rock” style. I think it fits his vocal. I haven’t heard of this song before. I thought the song starts out pretty weird. I was trying to find that catchy melody. He did pretty well. I am surprised no record has found him. He was so popular in the beginning.

  66. [YT] She picked a song that is too low to sing when she is nervous. Her voice belongs to mid-high range. Her pitch was flying… not good.

    WHAT??? They let her pass? WTF? For Real?

  67. [YT] 本來在想林道遠的氣質好像變差了~ 對他也不太抱太大的希望! 可是他一開口唱幾句,我鼻子就開始酸酸的…..多年前失戀的感覺又變他的歌聲給挑起~


  68. [YT] Mmmm, I am surprised they give her 20pt. She has a decent voice but her look is really average at best. There is almost no star-value in her. Sorry.

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