超級星光大道 2010-05-28 星光傳奇賽

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260 thoughts on “超級星光大道 2010-05-28 星光傳奇賽

  1. [YT] 我觉得还不错啊,舞蹈或许比较出色,歌唱得也没太差,气有够长的。不过若是唱中文或英文歌曲会好点。我心中的星光舞王还是周定RAIN =)

  2. [YT] 我覺得光唱個他不輸震廷 只能說震廷比較有話題性了喔…
    光憑他的嗓音因該是可以過的 如果評審說什麼要幫他保護
    嗓音這種屁話都是多餘 他想保護的話它幹麻來參賽 那麼大的人

  3. [YT] 弟弟前途無可限量!他是有天份,很有目標為目標不停努力很堅毅的人

  4. [YT] 傻眼-.-
    從以前就很愛鳳君的聲音!!!加油!!….本來很期待他回來說 ˊˋ

  5. [YT] 那位X有看到明湘有多伤心吗?证明她是很爱他的啊… 那种感觉只有经历过才能感受…. 我的那位X, 你知道我当初也是这么伤心吗?

  6. [YT] @hn85254054

    沒錯, 其實以閻奕格的實力和穩定度, 應該可以直接發片了 … 比賽也好啦, 就當作是舞台經驗, 玩一玩也好

  7. [YT] This was really beautiful, I think! Good singing. I wish I could be on this show. I wonder how I would do, lol

    我是美国人!但是我会说中文。看看我的节目,好吗? Thank you!!

  8. [YT] 2分太扯, 陳建寧經常都亂給2分
    沒走音給甚麼2分, 少說3分以上
    小胖(林育群)走音他還給滿分, 偏心鬼, 不適合當評審啦

  9. [YT] 明湘彩排時原本是唱”跟你借的幸福” 怎麼正式唱卻換成”原來你什麼都不要”了 是真的難過到唱不下去了嗎 🙁 明湘加油!

  10. [YT] 閻奕格出現了!人美.謙虛唱歌又好聽!!還用比嗎?!

  11. [YT] 啥鬼阿= = 爛透了!這是歌唱比賽不是舞蹈好嗎??那些評審是在幹麻?!不是常常都會說這是歌唱比賽這句話?!這樣也能過關??還高分是因為舞蹈咧!!屁一堆!!……..

  12. [YT] I think she can come out with her own album… Beautiful voice… She has been since the previous season’s PK matches and her performances never fail to disappoint me..

  13. [YT] @dreamzshadow I agree and disagree, I disagree because this is a chance, she made such a big impact during season 6 that it was best to take that and move right into season 7 with people still knowing who you are.

  14. [YT] 閻弈格真的是唱什麼像什麼,每次聽都起雞皮疙瘩,冠軍看好他,套一句小虎老師的話:阿這個就簽一簽,直接發唱片啦

  15. [YT] 很喜欢康康,本来也以为4班的冠军会是她,但是觉得今天的选歌真的不是很好,她的声音如果唱周蕙,张清芳,梁静茹都应该不错,加油!!加油!!

  16. [YT] Well…hope Rose hang in there. During her season, she n her boyfriend had such a high profile and now it didnt turn out well………..of course it’s hard to swallow.

  17. [YT] Ever since her appereance in season 6 as Pker until now, to be honest, that girl deserves the ‘Great Devil’ title, she really should’ve gone to recording her CD!

  18. [YT] I still think that the best version of this song aside from Amei, 高慧茹 (once a contestant in season 5) still the best, youtube search: ‘高慧茹 – 原来你什么都不想要‘ if you don’t believe me.

  19. [YT] 17pts is a very harsh one from the Judges, XiaoPang gave him 4 which was a positive move, I really hope he will be saved eventually. I felt very sad to have him leaving in the past season 5, and now I am again. =(

  20. [YT] 唉~~ 吴心芸变这么可爱成熟, 可是声音还是稚嫩啊~~ 不过也还是16岁啊, 好好做一个16岁的小孩吧…不用这么快长大, 要不你很快就会后悔的~~大人有很多烦恼~~ 好好加油吧!

  21. [YT] @altocirrus Thats his unique style of singing. The song will make sense after a few runs, but if you still don’t get it, I’m can’t help you. Yes, there are songs in which he totally loses it, but this is definitely not the one. Listen to a few more times and try to understand the lyrics instead of the melody.

  22. [YT] @relevation I got Jibikao’s point, which I also think that he has strength voice but he lacks in controlling it, I also understand how you disagree with his comment, you both have different point of view for sure. =)

  23. [YT] @jibikao You don’t like his voice because u lack the capacity to understand mandarin. and you’re too superficial to appreciate it anyway. Stop commenting for Christ sake.

  24. [YT] Mmmm, did Big Q pass? I didn’t see his points?

    I thought 鳳君 did really well. This song is extremely hard to sing. Even A-Mei can’t do that well live. Maybe the song is too hard for first round. First round should be a song that is easy to impress and do well.

  25. [YT] Yes, Big Q!!! I used to like him a lot and it wasn’t luck that he got Top 4 in the end. He did very well IMO. His voice is still very smooth. Please let him pass! I think he chose the song for the lyric rather than melody.

  26. [YT] Man.. Rose sounds like she was going to cry… and she didn’t sing the song in the rehearsal. Anyone know what happened to her boyfriend? They were so sweet together. Her boyfriend is sick?

  27. [YT] Not sure why he chose a “Cantonese” song to start the first round. I think it’s a mistake because you don’t want to give them any reason to criticize you. I think he did ok. I would let him pass first round though.

  28. [YT] It is so touching to see Peach’s face. She is such a good person. She sincerely wants every student to do well. I just love Peach soooooooooo much!!!

    I think she did pretty well. Her singing has changed a bit.

  29. [YT] I don’t like this guy’s voice… his pitch changes too much for my taste. I never understand why Peach likes him but hey, maybe somebody else like him.

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