超級星光大道 2010-06-04 史無前例 跨屆一對一PK

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327 thoughts on “超級星光大道 2010-06-04 史無前例 跨屆一對一PK

  1. [YT] 小葉, 阿密特雖然殺, 但是不是凶惡. 妳的眼神表情一般都太凶了, 要讓人覺得你也有溫柔的一面才不會嚇跑聽眾.

  2. [YT] 許仁杰, 你的編曲及鋼琴技巧還只是業餘水準, 聽起來平平無奇, 為什麼經過三年的娛樂圈浸淫你還不知道專業的要求很高嗎? 在高手環繞的比賽裡應該要注重突顯強項, 要把握每次機會用歌聲感動(impress)評審. 你的眼神疲累, 一點自信也沒有. 要加油啦!

  3. [YT] 閻亦格, 將來出唱片要記得選好歌, 才不會在樂壇消失. 不要被稱讚衝昏了頭, 妳的好歌喉一定要找到自己的代表作.

  4. [YT] 魏如芸, 妳想與眾不同, 但是會變成曲高和寡, 歌詞太堆砌, 很難第一時間了解主角的心情, 更遑論立刻感動. 妳的外貌其實是所有裡頭最好的, 比閻亦格還漂亮. 可惜你偏選了一個不適合自己歌喉及冷門的路走. 這就是不知道自己長短處與喜好有分別的結果阿.

  5. [YT] 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊~东方神起~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  6. [YT] i like 小葉 wayyyyyy more than yian yi ge cuz yian is SO FAKE she’s always like noooo i still have so much to learn! Nooooo i’m worse than all the others!! 小葉 knows she’s good and she admits it but she still tries. makes her so much nicer than that fake one

  7. [YT] 其實我覺得很厲害啦
    love in the ice這首歌我很喜歡



  8. [YT] 张心杰,太棒了!不只是动力火车的歌,现在转型的抒情歌也很入味!改善一下歌唱时,放松脸部表情会更理想。

  9. [YT] @xtenshinoutax and btw, I am expressing my opinion as well, I see you’re the one who cant handle it.
    I just think that you are wrong, I never said anything about not being able to handle it. and i think i am at liberty to express my opinion to you as a friendly and harmless argument.

  10. [YT] @xtenshinoutax Let the judges do the judging? first, they did not say she copied Mariah and frankly I dont care what the judges said in this instance considering little fat didnt think the song was famous enough. WTF?
    Second, I know your not a Mariah fan, because if you were truely, you would know that it was different.
    Or you’re just too obnoxiously absorbed in your own little world and fail to see the outside world.

  11. [YT] @wezzzy i’m sorry but i used to listen to this song all the time when when i was young. and how do u know that i am not a mariah fan? i am only merely expressing my opinion. if u can’t handle it, then too bad. u should also quit acting smart and pretend u know everything. let the judges do the judging.

  12. [YT] 不錯謝弟弟表現不錯….有潛力!

  13. [YT] 我覺得黃大偉老師有點太武斷了,依照自己的喜好加扣分太嚴重的

  14. [YT] 贊成 劉明湘唱的感覺真的很讓人動容!
    PS:我沒有惡意,可能是我口味問題,但我覺得張心傑的聲音 也太沙了吧…

  15. [YT] 話說那作詞人也太不…..

  16. [YT] 其實我覺得要不是因為台灣的唱片公司幾乎佔有整個中文歌曲的市場
    所以很多新加坡 香港 馬來西亞的歌手都到台灣尋求發片機會
    像是olivia這種bossa nova的歌手特色很強烈 全世界都能接受
    包裝方面台灣的唱片公司可以做得很好 不然閻奕格很可能到其他地方去發展
    可以把這樣一個有水準的歌手願意到台灣來發片 從台灣出發

  17. [YT] @isen112408 以英文歌來說如果她出片 目前台灣出片最強的女歌手應該沒有能比她強的 中文歌的部分以我聽過的雖然不錯 但倒是還好

  18. [YT] @hikki77p
    scott3773老兄的發表太屌了 真是奇妙的網路世界

    難免會撞見許多 “耍”中風 “耍”癱瘓 “耍”洗腎……….等,
    說著說著 那畫面想像起來還蠻搞笑的xD
    有點周星星式的無厘頭味道 😛

  19. [YT] @hikki77p
    scott3773老兄的發表太屌了 真是奇妙的網路世界

    難免會撞見許多 “耍”中風 “耍”癱瘓 “耍”洗腎……….等,
    說著說著 那畫面想像起來還蠻搞笑的xD
    有點周星星式的無厘頭味道 😛

  20. [YT] @hikki77p 我只是有時候越想越覺的奇怪而已,就事論事而已。像比如說那個吳微唱完,他要講評,他第一句就吳微我覺的你今天怎樣怎樣,那我心裡就想說 [ 你不是瞎了了嗎? 只聽歌聲看不到他們的人還能知道他今天緊張之類的喔? ] 說不定他臉部是緊張的但是歌聲不緊張ㄚ,那所以蕭黃奇評的是不是就不公平了對吧?! 所以不是我沒素養跟品德,是你邏輯不清楚

  21. [YT] to scott3773 你這樣也太過分了吧 電視台會邀請他有他們的理由 畢竟人家也是位資深的音樂人 對於音樂是有一定看法 你何必針對其進行人生攻擊 請有點素養也有點品德

  22. [YT] 真不知道星光每次請蕭黃奇來幹嘛的,是請他來耍眼瞎嗎?! 眼瞎根本不能來評這種歌唱比賽,因為歌唱比賽不只要聽歌聲,唱的時候所帶動的臉部表情跟情緒也很重要,他眼瞎所以只能聽歌聲,這某方面來講是不太公平的吧我覺的。如果有超級視障大道那他可以去評是ok的,但這裡是超級星光大道,是星光,那他眼瞎看的到星光在哪裡嗎? 他就算打了脈衝光也還是不行吧!

  23. [YT] 自己要去選會讓自己失控的歌,又要不控制好自己,哭來給大家看,是怎樣

  24. [YT] @yvsangl7 I don’t think she is cocky but just like what you said, Taiwanese audience doesn’t seem to like her much. I think she has improved so much.

  25. [YT] @yvsangl7 I don’t think she is cocky but just like what you said, Taiwanese audience doesn’t seem to like her much. I think she has improved so much.

  26. [YT] 叶伟婷根本就没有那个市场。。大家都在赞,但如果她发片,这些人真的会去买吗?大家都一而再的给他希望和美梦。。却没人告诉她残酷的现实。。这样很残忍。一场好看的舞台表演到处都是。

  27. [YT] @jibikao actually, the show started with 8 students from season 5, 5 students from season 2 and 4 students each from season 1 and 4. In the first 2 episodes no one from season 2 was eliminated.

  28. [YT] Man哥,你好棒!我也是超不解为何小胖老师给Rose5分可是才给Man哥4分 =_= 小胖老师比较喜欢女参赛者吗?好像之前洪千涵也是。个人观感啦,抱歉。

  29. [YT] 我想Rose有一部分被Man哥唱的“改变”影响到心情吧。他唱得超揪心,脸都纠结在一起。加油吧,Man哥 and Rose!

  30. [YT] 有些人之前來比賽名次不錯,就以為自己很厲害,自己沒拿第一名是因為意外.失常.評審不公.懷才不遇,沒遇到伯樂.這次再回來才知道什麼叫真正的高手.這次比賽我只看閻,其他人我直接跳過.這就是電腦網路的好處,我們可以選自己想看的部分,不會浪費自己的時間和耳朵.

  31. [YT] 希望小許把陶子姐說的話聽進去 沒有人說不能挑戰自己 但是挑一項適可而止就好 不要又要自彈自唱又要改編 一項一項來 不要還不會走就想跑 真的很讓人擔心 拜託啦!一班就靠你了!

    最後 戴安娜 還是很想聽到她獨特的聲音 這次回來太緊張了 很可惜!

  32. [YT] @polo196720 It’s none of my business? Dude, you repled to me directly. You wanted to know if I can sing. Quite frankly, I can but it’s not the point here. And yes, I’ve listened to her performance 3 times now and I think she can sing with her style. And for your information, I was on TV in Top 8 before but I won’t tell you which contest because it’s not like you understand, so just fast forward Queen’s part and move on and stop being such a dick.

  33. [YT] 賴聖恩’s biggest problem is his voice. It’s too “blur”. I think he did very well but his “very well” is not good enough. I think his bet is to join a Group.

    閻亦格’s English song is already superb. I still think her Chinese singing needs quite a bit of “fine-toning”. A professional will be able to help her… that’s after she got a record deal of course. There is no doubt that a company has already signed her and tell her to join this Round. She isn’t from the previous Season.

  34. [YT] @ng20380 Mmmmm, interesting point. I know PK round is more fun if we see 閻奕格 VS Rose and 葉瑋庭 VS Obama. It almost looks like Red team has better singers. Oh well, I guess we’ll find out next week!

  35. [YT] Damn… I was going to say 明湘 did so well in the beginning. It was so touching and smooth. Man… I thought this was the best so far until she cried AGAIN. Rose you gotta stop thinking about that on the stage. Your record company wants you to come to the show again right? Unless you want to lose on purpose?

  36. [YT] 小葉 has improved a lot but the question is still the same… is she loved by audience? 小葉 has said that during Season 2, she had the least number of fans. She is good but she needs to find ways to grab more fans. I like 小葉 but some people may think she is too “cocky”?

    I would give 小許 higher than 17pts.

  37. [YT] 洪千涵的唱功完全跟不上其他參賽者吧..

    原本還在期待誰跟魏如昀有個緊湊的pk, 結果… 真浪費

  38. [YT] 下一集的分組對抗賽不是很公平
    葉瑋庭, 張心傑,閻奕格,謝震廷,楊駿文,許仁杰
    將葉瑋庭, 張心傑,閻奕格現在最高分的三個放在同一隊

  39. [YT] 這是我第一次聽見Rose唱中文歌如此細膩,第一段輕輕低喃的好好聽、好有感情

  40. [YT] 第一次覺得賴聖恩純唱歌很好聽,他把「找自己」加了一些他自己的即興和grooving..別有一番風味

  41. [YT] 我是格格的粉絲, 不過今次只聽到她的技巧多於感情, 不知是否因為緊張吧~希望她下一集唱得更好~

    另外..關於MY ALL, 我被mariah和楊蒨時的版本先入為主了~難免會比較~ =.=

  42. [YT] 黛安娜願意去試試看不是自己的語言這樣已經很棒了=] 我覺得已經不錯聽了!!! 但是真的很可惜是選東方的歌 畢竟團體 加上用的伴奏不是用那種東方神起可以默默出來助陣的帶子… 所以很單薄

  43. [YT] I like Diana but I think she shouldn’t have chosen Love in the Ice AND said she can read and write Korean like she knows it very well… It’s a pity because her pronunciation isn’t that great and this is not a song that can be sung well alone. Without the harmonies, and her low keys are not that great, it’s pretty much given that her performance was not as good as I hoped.

  44. [YT] xu yong lin de tai du hen hao, wo hen xi huan, chang ge ye hen bang! bu guo wo jue de ta xue yao xue yi hao xiang xu jia ying na yang de da qi, jiu hui chang de geng bang!

  45. [YT] undoubtedly yan luo wang sings very well… but for some reasons i dont really like her.. feel that she is a lil fake and not genuine….. not very likable to me.. hmphh

  46. [YT] 美許加油X2!XDD

  47. [YT] 許閃閃果然很惹人愛啊,聽到心愀愀的,一樣的歌詞不同情感的恮釋

  48. [YT] 聽得出魏如昀真的沒有得那麼好,但她還是在水準的

  49. [YT] The song 礼物 is nice and i somehow like the guy way of singing but while listening to it,I can’t feel what the lyrics want to portray,supposed to feel sad and down but I don’t have that feeling.

  50. [YT] 閻亦格技巧好,感情夠,又漂亮,個性好又夠謙遜

  51. [YT] 谢震廷還小,這首自創曲順耳,但不特別

  52. [YT] 閰奕格 快點發片吧 … 一定會買的!!
    另外覺得閰小姐音域窄的網友, 可以自己去唱唱 A-Lin的 “今晚你想念的人是不是我” , 閰小姐曾經唱過, 被小玲評審評為”這個人非常恐怖”….這首歌音域很廣, 高的很高, 低的很低, 差距12-3度以上, 所有選A Lin的歌的選手都是為了展現自己實力, 因為A Lin的歌非常難唱, 如果這位評閰小姐音域窄的這位或許可以自己去KTV唱唱看, 或是看看檯面上那些天后歌手數的出來有幾個可以唱的這麼棒的…….

  53. [YT] 我覺得許仁傑的創作很,不要說歌唱部分,一班每次都能讓我看到新的東西,新的進步,這是現在讓我去看這個節目的動力。

  54. [YT] 應該再搞另一個比賽

    例如:林宥嘉,楊宗緯,徐佳塋,蕭敬騰,神木與瞳,林育群 等等

  55. [YT] i felt ashame of myself, having learn guitar for over 10 years but i don’ t think i can play as good as him. he really had put in lots of effort for the past 2 and a half years… impressed really.

  56. [YT] @xtenshinoutax she was not copying mariah at all! any mariah fans could tell that it was very different..dont say that just becuz the song was sung too famously by mariah! dont act smart and think u know stuff! mariah sings the song completely differnetly

  57. [YT] wtf is jian ning doing zzz. seen him giving 2 marks too much. first was jian feng jun, now liu ming xiang. does he even know who sings well and who dont? ==”

  58. [YT] i agree with the judges on diana. her vocal is pretty good, but the song she picked is DBSK!! that is really hard to do a solo on when they are a group of 5 LEAD VOCALIST!! they are really good!! love them, their songs are all very powerful in every direction, so it’s really hard to do it as a soloist. but that was actually pretty decent diana!(:

  59. [YT] Diana is really unique. I don’t know what is it but it’s like she can be so much more… I can see why her ex-record company was mad at her. She can sing. Singing low keys are even harder than singing higher keys. Her voice is very unique. I like her. The song she picked is pretty good IMO.

  60. [YT] Awwww… the fat guy chose a bad song IMO. He couldn’t grasp the beat well. He should have put a bit more power in the end. I want the fat guy to stay!!!!

  61. [YT] 阎奕格 copied a bit too much.. but she is damn skillful.

    I think she needs to focus more on Chinese songs. She still sings well but that “feeling” is still not right. I don’t know how to explain. I think she needs a professional to keep training her Chinese singing.

  62. [YT] Go Queen!!! Oh, she has tongue piercing.. interesting! You don’t see many Chinese girls with tongue piercing.

    The 2nd girl shouldn’t even made it this far. She is known for picking wrong songs. This is not a surprise at all. She always wants to prove that she can handle all types of music.

    I really like this Lee Hom song.

  63. [YT] Looks like Big Q is here to send a message. hehe. I understand his message! Go Big Q!!!! He has a great voice. This is the first time I hear this song alive. I love it!!!!!

    And I am not going to comment on that little girl since some people are so sensitive.

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