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[YT] 閰奕格不是普通的厉害,要一个平常都讲华语的唱广东歌真的不简单。。。
[YT] 27分…評審給的分究竟是看人給還是看唱得怎樣給的? 這個節目其實是否為閰而開嗎? 近幾次她都唱壓軸的, 是在刻意安排”高潮”在最後!(早知道她可屢創高分嗎?) 小許退賽了, 這個節目也可以不看了。以前看星光除了聽歌, 也喜愛聽評審講評!! 但是這次評審的標準忽高忽低的, 真的很令人費解!! (但下集有方炯鑌…哈~ 只看那段就好 XD)
[YT] @einmomolein 真的, 我覺得David老師給分標準常常不同~ 好像小葉的咬字問題, 這次才提出來, 其實問題早有就…
[YT] David老師聽的廣東話太少了吧?
[YT] janice is an amazing singer but i just hate how everytime she gets a very high mark and then she says oh it wasn’t that good still. how would the other contestants feel..
[YT] 魏如云越来越像个吸毒的怎么
[YT] she’s awesomeeeeeeeeeeee, WOW!
[YT] 幹! 徐詠琳奶子好大好渾圓,真想捏!
[YT] 很棒,不过27分有点过誉了。梁文音的诠释就恰恰好。
小许,不要走 =(
[YT] 很棒,不过27分有点过誉了。梁文音的诠释就恰恰好。
小许,不要走 =(
[YT] 小胖太夸张了吧,只给小许3分??他心里只有大Q吗?
[YT] 小胖太夸张了吧,只给小许3分??他心里只有大Q吗?
[YT] 阎奕格真的“没得顶”!不过我最近发现她的有些尾音如果hit高音时,会有一种”油嗲“的感觉(尤其最后一句“。。就让一切随风。。“的”切“)。修一点点就好了。。。她的诠释方式本来就比较适合外放,不过要学会在其他比较收敛的曲风中做调整啊,不然好象上回的“爱很简单”那样就可惜了。
[YT] Queen好棒! 比起以前有点嫉世愤俗的样子,现在更有真我了,finally at peace with herself。看着她长大的老师们应该很欣慰吧。
[YT] Man哥,你太凸锤了 =((( 歌就在这种声音状态不好的情况下就选错了。不然是能做的到的。太浪费了啦 *哭*
[YT] Rose一直在用唱英文歌的方式来唱中文歌,可能需要快点去调整。不过她的情感投入好好,实力很坚强,要加油哦。
[YT] 小叶进步很多!我觉得甚至比大Q好。不过这首歌的确唱的有点普普,有些部分也有点over了,轻重拿捏还需努力。小叶应该不要局限自己,要多一点信心尝试不同的曲风,象上回的抒情歌曲,唱得那么棒。
[YT] 徐咏琳很适合唱这首歌,很不错。不过副歌唱得有点用力,A段反而唱的比较感人。
[YT] 我是刘文正的歌迷,超喜欢这首歌。杨骏文难得唱的有刘文正的不羁随性,却少了当时很流行的油腔。唱老歌要有当年的feel,可是技巧要现代一点才不会显得落伍。我觉得他有做到这点。
[YT] love it…there could be many ways to express it…so, is up to the individual peferences.
[YT] I think he is very into the song. should get higher than 14
[YT] maybe xiaopang just have a higher standard that all of the other judges? different people have different perspectives on things
[YT] Rose is such a sweet girl nevertheless
[YT] 2? wtf xiao pang’s seriously not being reasonable a lotta times now.
[YT] did it say “mine song” in the beginning? LOL
[YT] wow..super cantonese song! same feeling as david!
[YT] @hoyaya ya.. i oso think xiao pang is alwiz a lil too bias.. he’ll giv high marks to the contestants tat he likes.. he alwiz give marks quite different from other judges..
[YT] awesome. had been following her vids since her PK.
[YT] 唱的那麼濃? 那粱文音勒? 這首歌本來就是芭樂歌
[YT] 閻唱得很好
但總覺得表演的方式太美國, 口味太重, 缺乏特色和變化
[YT] 小胖…流於俗套這句話你都敢講 你就不要給我走進pub!! 會被殺…
[YT] so nice…jia you wu zhong ming, we all support u!!!
[YT] 應該找文音來和閻比嘛…她都是第二名呀=.=現在每次都是閻最高好像有點不是很好…
[YT] 感覺閻在普通話的部份~的理解和詮釋要在加油~表情上有點OVER~
[YT] 沒什麼公不公平吧
要紅早就紅 現在只不過在捶死争扎當個歌唱節目的通告咖
[YT] Big Q is hela gay
[YT] 口頭上面說緊張
[YT] 閰奕格. your singing skills is great!. You impress me again singing Cantoness. Your voice is very attractive especially this song. Good luck!
[YT] 我觉得就是这样,阎奕格是音乐圈里的新力量,她一生的事业就是唱歌。
[YT] 主歌还可以,好有“表情”哦,副歌的高音部分,好像梁文音的好听一点
[YT] 下週就沒小許了! 🙁
[YT] 星光好久沒有這種經典了…終於又有一次經典演繹, 不斷 repeat repeat 又 repeat
[YT] 小胖真的很莫名其妙!為什麼小許只有3分啊!
[YT] 她真的不應該再選英文歌了, 太多次我完全聽不懂她的英文, 表演多好也會扣很多分
[YT] 唱的好好!他唱的诺言真的很好。杨俊文加油!
[YT] 唱得很好,支持.
[YT] Janice的广东歌唱得还蛮有味道的,呵呵,舒服。。。。
[YT] afterall, she is very talented
[YT] 我真的不喜欢刘明湘唱歌时的中文发音
[YT] 比賽本來就沒有什麼在同一個起跑點上面之說,只能說後面的參賽者要自己努力,別心理不平衡。人家能唱這樣也是之前的努力又不是一天造成的。
[YT] 咏琳唱玉太好听了,好感动啊。。。。
[YT] 咏琳很棒~~~~
[YT] 哭腔太多了。。感觉很不诚恳。。文音的自然流畅许多。。
[YT] 我完全听不懂那个黄大炜的讲评。。什么一点点??有拉回一点点??觉得它是最没有资格做评审的一位。。每次依照个喜爱评分。。
[YT] 耶!小玲老師回來喇
[YT] i realised xiao pang gave very low marks like 2 or 3 as compared to the rest of the judges who gave at least a 3? wad was he thinking? is he out to kill all of the competitors?
[YT] 我住在加拿大, 其實可以了解為何許多人覺得閻奕格唱法跟風格有點不同. 因為在加拿大和美國的歌手唱歌大多是這樣. 像美國的American Idol節目, 歌手感情, 動作, 表現都很放, 我想音樂本身因環境上不同, 文化上不同, 所以大家的意見也不同. 我其實喜歡閻奕格, 許仁杰和吳忠明. 理由也很簡單, 就是好聲音.
[YT] David did give Ye a very low score but I hope it serves as a warning to Yeh. Her pronunciation really is not that good. I love her though and thought David’s score should be at least a 3 for her.
[YT] @zhi7 lol. I think she’s at least more deserving of her marks than Kimberly from last season. Now those marks were clearly BS because that girl, although she has a big voice, tended to be off more often than not. Anyway, I think Janice sang it well, not as good as her marks may suggest, but I personally find her performances more interesting than some of the others.
[YT] I hope the favouritism that some judges are showing her don’t affect the audience’s opinion of her in the long run. I actually think she’s quite good, definitely one of the best. Truthfully, the only reason I started watching this season was because of her. However, is she always awesome? Not quite. She’s over-the-top most of the time during her performances, but she does sound great. She does have to work on her breathing though… but I’d kill to have her voice.
[YT] agreed… 咬字很準
quite impressive in that respect…
[YT] @zhi7 bullshyt
[YT] 是我听错了还是真的小提琴没调准?
[YT] @QueenJCLN 完全同意你的看法 level真的差太多了
[YT] i like 閻易格, but if she keeps dominating the competition she will become an enemy of the players and fans. lol
[YT] yay 方炯鑌!!
[YT] 不可否認,閰奕格的確唱得很棒。也可理解讓她參賽的原因是爲了累積觀眾緣… 可是覺得對其他參賽者挺不公平的。感覺其他人只有份爭取第二名….閰奕格像獨孤求敗一樣,後面的人彼此努力廝殺求生存,她一個人咻咻咻輕輕鬆鬆就把所有人給打倒….其他人都怕過不了關,可閰奕格只要跟上一次的自己比~ 真的Level不同…. 可是真的挺不公平的!
[YT] however, i still felt that she sang well.
[YT] 我看星光要牺牲叶维庭来成全閻奕格了
[YT] 第一句
[YT] bullshit marks. the judges have no shame. even Yan herself felt she didnt do her best. why not just give her the top award!??
[YT] too much falsetto…still get good critiques, unbelievable!
[YT] 谢谢你没放弃,万分感激!
[YT] 雖然我很喜歡閻奕格的全部
[YT] i see the girl that suicided everytime they play the winner add. im happy for the girl who won best new artist but i get really sad everytime i see my favourtie 星光 contestant 🙁
[YT] 大Q真的很棒唷
[YT] 畢竟他們都還在學習呀
[YT] 我找到你了!
[YT] @rttt1874 她在香港長大吧,就算不是也在香港住很久
[YT] @zhi7 還有她的哭腔聽的很煩
[YT] 閰奕格is overrated. boring performance. voice not powerful. David Huang’s favorite girl, so she will win.
[YT] 他是聲音本來就出不來
[YT] 鼻音好重喔
[YT] 台灣人英文本來就不好
[YT] nxt epi is dam nice!
[YT] 唱成dorian哈哈哈
[YT] 哭成降
[YT] 每次看简都感觉她好像睡不醒似的。
[YT] 非常喜歡閰奕格的詮釋~~~
咬字很準 !
[YT] 小Q的key会不会定得高了些?
[YT] wei ru yun?!
her voice damn gud!
[YT] thank you//