7 thoughts on “我們一家訪問人 2012-03-29 蕭文興的領養家庭

  1. What an excellent article and episode!  I can really relate to the people in this episode.  I am from Taiwan and divorced 20 years ago.  Thirteen years ago at the age of 49, I went to China and adopted a 16 month old girl.  She is 14 and half years old now and will be in high school this fall.  Yes, being a single parent, I have taken on a lot of hard work and responsibility.  But remember, if you have love, there is nothing you can’t overcome.  In this open society in America, I am grateful that my daughter is not discriminated and looked down upon.  As a matter of fact, there are four or five kids at her school who are adopted from various parts of the world.  My daughter never feels she is special or inferior.  One day, she came home from school, proudly announcing, ” Mommy, I am so proud of myself. In the entire class, I am the only one who was born in China.”  I am glad to learn that Taiwan is changing the perception of adoption.  Kudos to the people who were interviewed in this program.  Their loving deeds and wisdom will make Taiwan one of the advanced societies in the world.   

  2. 這集真的很棒! 不論是企畫或是主持!
    偉忠哥 part 3 的精準提問的功力, 是一般綜藝節目主持人很少有的

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