41 thoughts on “Power Sunday 2012-03-11 蘇永康

  1. 看小call被電最爽了
    最好把他綁在電椅上電到他這輩子不敢上節目錄影…馬幫打人後節目還出現丫子..人神共憤!恭賀 吳宗憲 要去吃牢飯啦 ! 狂賀 狂賀 !

  2. 看小call被電最爽了
    最好把他綁在電椅上電到他這輩子不敢上節目錄影…馬幫打人後節目還出現丫子..人神共憤!恭賀 吳宗憲 要去吃牢飯啦 ! 狂賀 狂賀 !

  3. 看小call被電最爽了
    最好把他綁在電椅上電到他這輩子不敢上節目錄影…馬幫打人後節目還出現丫子..人神共憤!恭賀 吳宗憲 要去吃牢飯啦 ! 狂賀 狂賀 !

  4. 看小call被電最爽了

  5. 看小call被電最爽了

  6. 看小call被電最爽了

  7. 看小call被電最爽了

  8. 看小call被電最爽了

  9. 看小call被電最爽了

  10. 看小call被電最爽了

  11. 看小call被電最爽了

  12. 看小call被電最爽了

  13. 噗噗~~~沒想到認真魔人又出現拉~~!!!!
    認真魔人真好笑!! 還可以扯到政治

      • i tot he is american. So even if he has taiwanese parents, he is still  an american who is playing for MBA (american grp) . btw im not taiwanese nor american.

        • This issue is caused by the cultural differences between Asia and the West. When it comes to determining if someone is one of their own, Asians and Westerners think differently. Westerners usually look at a person’s nationality when deciding where he belongs. But Asians tend to lean towards a person’s ethnic background. If you are ethnically Asian, then the Asians when consider you to be one of their own. That’s why the people of Taiwan regard Jeremy as a Taiwanese and as the pride of Taiwan. You have to look at both sides of everything when you deal with an issue, instead of making your judgement based solely on the one sided view of your own culture.

        • He is technically an American and ethnically a Taiwanese Chinese. But I can’t believe that Taiwanese are saying he is pride of Taiwan. He was born, raised, educated, sheltered, clothed, and everything in America. How many times did he ” return ” to Taiwan? Once? Twice?

  14. 林书豪不是出生在美国吗?林的父母是台湾人,没有人会争论这个。但是林是美国人啊,出生在美国,在美国长大,拿美国籍。

    如果按照台湾的理论,那台湾现在80%的人的父母或祖上倒退100年都是大陆过去的,说你们是中国人,有错吗? 如果以此类推,说林书豪是中国人有错吗?


    • If you said it that way. America in facts are not Americans then. because
      if you want to know your history you should know that America use to be
      part of England.
      England and American also said the same Language as
      well. Taiwan is no longer part of China. We once were be we are not
      anymore. Just because Taiwan and China are really similar it doesnt mean we are Chinese. We are TAIWANESE.

      • 搞笑 請問taiwan這個國家在哪 你是不是說republic of china 有沒有看見china兩個字 你不懂請讀一讀近現代史 千萬不要讀大陸的 要讀台灣或美國的

        • 弱弱的说一句… 其实听我的美国教授说过,republic of china才是正名… 是属于taiwan的… 当中国被联合国承认是她要注册名字的时候才发现他的名字被taiwan先注册了… 然后才改成the people’s republic of china… 其实people’s既是republic的意思了… 中国整体上来说的名字是不正确的… 所以如果你说要看china两个字,在法律上来讲是指taiwan和中国两个国家… 如果你要说先来后到的理论的话,以注册的时间来说,是台湾先被世界承认为china的…

          本身是美国人,所以看待事情是保持中立的… 我的美国人是指我在美国出生,拿得是美国护照,tax是给美国的。所以当我看到台湾人不停地说jeremy是台湾人的时候,甚至还有的说是台湾的文化背景造就jeremy的时候… 我真的觉得这群人疯了… 可能是太desperate而急着想要得到别人的肯定… 可是事实,jeremy绝对是美国人,什么文化背景其实都不过是一个参考而已… 拿着美国护照然后大喊我是台湾人,我爱台湾,有点好笑不会吗? 请所有的亚洲人醒醒吧… 别老是用文化来栓住一个人… 人才是自己培养的… 不是口头上占占便宜就赢了… 

        • U think it funny huh . How about this. Have u heard of Koreans? one is call south Korean n the other is called north korea is that consider as one country or two. For u information ur country is called people republic of china and Taiwan is called ROC. Even if we are Chinese we run our country our way.

    • 這是東西方文化差異造成的.西方人是看一個人的國籍來決定他是不是自己人,而東方人則是看種族.林書豪雖然是在美國出生,拿美國籍,但他本身是華裔,所以台灣民眾才把他當自人看待.你自己是中國人也是東方人,你應該也了解這一點吧?

  15. I dont wanna offend u guys, but I have an issue to enquire about. Do you really regard Jeremy as the pride of Taiwan? Don’t u think he is indeed an American? 

    • He’s taiwanese-american, why not?  He’s the pride of all Asians and Asian-Americans, really.  

      By the way, it’s inquire, not enquire.  

      • Well, Im used to using “enquire” in stead of “inquire”, they are the same with different spelling. Hm, whatever, thk u. Im thinking about it’s more a matter of diets, religion, exercises, education, culture etc. all reflected and given by the States. than an simple issue of race and genetic topic. I can understand Asians’ overwhelming sence of pride to some extend, but comparing with those America-born athletes who seldom go back and know liitle about their parents’ home, personally, native Asian guys deserve more claps, actually.

    • This issue is caused by the cultural differences between Asia and the West. When it comes to determining if someone is one of their own, Asians and Westerners think differently. Westerners usually look at a person’s nationality when deciding where he belongs. But Asians tend to lean towards a person’s ethnic background. If you are ethnically Asian, then the Asians when consider you to be one of their own. That’s why the people of Taiwan regard Jeremy as a Taiwanese and as the pride of Taiwan. You have to look at both sides of everything when you deal with an issue, instead of making your judgement based solely on the one sided view of your own culture. 

  16. Aw ! 那個在工作的 小天使 是做正的那個 :
    節目不用她 真可惜, She’s also more funny than the other ones in my opinion.

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