41 thoughts on “Power Sunday 2012-07-15

  1. omg after looking through the comments….*facepalm* I can’t believe my fellow Asians are failing so bad at math. There’s nothing to assume here. It’s very straight forward. The divide symbol no matter which one you use does NOT imply parentheses around everything after it. I don’t know why some people are adding a second set of parentheses. Maybe if I remove the parentheses this will be clearer to you people….6/2*3=9…..the show is correct.

    • What has being asian got to do about it? I am guessing that you were raised overseas? Sorry but over here we tend to divide ourselves into nationalities, not races. 

    • Maybe you should try going to school in taiwan…cus wherever you learned your math, the educational system failed miserably.

  2. to everyone who said its 9, go use a scientific calculator, key in the whole equation and the answer is 1, the bracket portion is always calculated first.

    • Exactly. This also demonstrated that the first equation with (2+1) in numerator while the second showed that (2+1) is in denominator.

    •  its should be one since it is 6/2(2+1)
      theres no bracket example:6/[2(2+1)] therefore the answer should be one or is it that different country work differently?

      • if it is 6/[2(2+1)], the answer is 1. However, the question they set in this show is 6/2(2+1). You have to divide first before you multiply by the total amount in the bracket, therefore the answer you would get is 9.

          • It depends on whether you assume the part x3 is in denominator or numerator. If you say 6/2×3 then it is considered as [6/2]x3; however, some people consider as 6/[2×3] then it is in denominator. Therefore, result is different.

          • dude i think whoever make the compiler can define the result of the calculation

          • there is such thing called BODMAS Order of operations. (bracket, power or roots, division, multiplication, addition, subtraction).

            after this it goes from left to right. its a mathematical rule being set long ago

            you should know what i mean if you learned this before

          • A compiler…? If I was writing a compiler I could define whatever I wanted to. I could make 1+1=5 that doesn’t make it correct math….I don’t see what compilers have to do with basic mathematics.

          •  as long as it is not writen as 6/[2(2+1)] then you can’t consider those as denominator

          • Seriously, 9 is the answer. The answer to this question, 6/2(2+1), is not debatable (there is no need to consider which part is denominator or numerator) because everything about mathematics follows a rule. You HAVE to divide 6 by 2 first before multiplying the amount inside the bracket. Multiplication and division are of equal precedence/rank. Since division comes first in this equation, you have to divide first before multiplying. So, 9 is the answer. Period. 

        • not really, the 2(2+1) is calculated first, bracket portion is computed first>
          key it in a scientific calculator, u will see what i mean.

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