女人我最大 2011-06-13 面試一次就成功的化妝+穿搭秘技 Description: Episodes: 女人我最大 2010-10-01 保養要趁早<<1...355356357358359360 Part 1Part 2Part 3 TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5? TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". June 13, 2011 Tipster Rednimer
you can go check out this website. it features all the things they use. http://popblog.tvbs.com.tw/Blog/woman/ Reply ↓
I believe it is Kate. I’ve seen it before.
oops! I think it isn’t Kate afterall. hmmm…
are they talking about who earns more money and how they dress considering the amount?
No. The theme is on dressing/make up for interview success.
you can go check out this website. it features all the things they use. http://popblog.tvbs.com.tw/Blog/woman/
被懲罰那個 (忘記名字)很慘 之前在康熙不是一直說自己是選美皇后麼
Yi-Hsin is so funny.
anybody know the eye liner/ shadow xiao kai used?