女人我最大 2011-09-07 爲什麽她看起來這麼年輕?

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12 thoughts on “女人我最大 2011-09-07 爲什麽她看起來這麼年輕?

  1. 梅琳老師示範向語潔:含膠原蛋白化妝水-RILASTIL玻尿酸面膜- RILASTIL神奇精華素緊實乳液- RILASTIL小凱老師示範小禎:妝前霜-YSL粉底-私物修飾打光亮彩筆-YSL蜜粉-蘿拉古銅色盤-TOO FACED 新加坡購入古銅珠光- TOO FACED豐唇護唇膏-YSL珠光唇膏- Chanel梅琳老師示範周明璟膠原蛋白卸妝乳- RILASTIL蚯蚓泥面膜泥- John Masters Organics小凱老師示範陳薇:打底眼影- Urban Decay(Naked Palette)霧面咖啡眼影盤- Urban Decay(Naked Palette)深色眼影- Urban Decay(Naked Palette)白色珠光- Urban Decay(Naked Palette)眼線液-KISS ME睫毛膏-MAYBELLINE唇膏色盤-私物

  2. At Part 1, from the beginning, before the stuff were applied on her, her eyebrow on her right is already higher than the other side -_-

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