TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". April 9, 2012 Tipster Rednimer
10 thoughts on “女人我最大 2012-04-09 學會這一招! 任誰都能變身電眼美人”
i prefer 小凯’s way…it’s more natural…i find it hard to have so much make up on going to school. The fake lashes and stuff are more prominent in Eastern countries i find
xiao kai lao shi!!! <3
kevin 老師很喜歡在小凱老師講解的時候在旁邊插話..可不可以有禮貌一點讓別人自己說.. 你在說話的時候小凱老師一句話都沒有說
小凱教的雙眼皮貼好實用 !! 真的有學到:)
點解成日KEVIN 都有咁多發揮的時間, 而小凱就指得小小的時間教化妝.
i prefer 小凯’s way…it’s more natural…i find it hard to have so much make up on going to school. The fake lashes and stuff are more prominent in Eastern countries i find
小CALL 被kevin 化的也太恐怖了吧
SO….. UGLY….. i think she should be more natural…