26 thoughts on “女人我最大 2012-04-11 與東京同步! 日本可愛教主益若翼來了

  1. The translator was kinda meh. She only translates like 1 sentence out of the 3-4 lines that the Japanese model explains. In Japan it’s quite rude to keep interrupting the speaker too (and claim you’re asian ayumi hamasaki), so their enthusiasm can be pretty rowdy and overwhelming for her

    • Lol…r u serious? Don’t tell me you never thought tht the show would cut out certain unnecessary part. Because of the length of the show, they have to cut certain part out. Since there are subtitle, it is not necessary to show the translation anymore. 

  2. 說真的, 我到這來是為了看時尚節目, 不是看一班女人7嘴8吞, 大吵大鬧的…現在看女人我最大覺得很心煩… 

  3. kelvin 搭的不怎么好看。 宜宣七彩缤纷有点夸张, 小小渝看起来更肉肉了。 

    而且Kelvin一直动 靠近 小小渝胸部的地方! 看不下去。

  4. 不好意思 這位日本藝人是誰  還蠻路人的  身材和五官  雖然精心打扮過 還是好服務生

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