麻辣天后宮 2012-06-14 感情結束了女人最終是接受事實還是面對難堪?!

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12 thoughts on “麻辣天后宮 2012-06-14 感情結束了女人最終是接受事實還是面對難堪?!

  1.  Something about 傅天穎 is odd, she keeps talking negative stuff about her hubby and also wants him back? I think no matter what, if she loves her hubby and still wants him back, then maybe trashing him on TV is NOT the way to go about it! I also think she has a lot of hidden stories that she is NOT telling, she wants everyone to feel sorry for her, and wants make her hubby look like the BAD one. I don’t think she is too bright, because that is just not the right way to save a marriage…

    Plus, 傅天穎 has been talking about her “divorcing” stories for years, I am just not sure why she is still talking about it!!! I am getting sick for just look at her face! The first time when I heard the story, I did feel sorry for her, but now I actually think she is just using it to get more TV exposure so she can sell more albums.

    What kind of person would keep talking shit about their other half? 傅天穎 knows exactly why her hubby doesn’t love her no more and she keeps playing the victim role on TV, and keeps saying she doesn’t know why, oh please, give me a break!! She knows the truth, but she aint telling because the truth will make her look bad, so she play the dumb victim role, and hope everyone will feel sorry for her and buy her albums. PITIFUL… and I feel sorry for her hubby, because i dont see him talking shit about her, he is not even there and doesn’t even get a chance to defend himself… SAD…

  2. 傅天穎這個女人…

  3. 要跟歡歡的家世門當戶對挺難的, 不過江國賓每天跟媽媽講一小時電話也太超過. 公主嫁媽寶…….

  4. 主持人: 你就放開來談 不用有什麼禁忌….

    來賓OS: X的 有什麼事是老娘扛 你只管收視率!!

  5. ms fu! either u divorce, or SHUT UP & SWALLOW it! non-stop exposing of your other half is destroying him & obviously won’t bring him back to you?

  6. 這三個人中,歡歡真的是EQ最好,條理最清楚的

  7. I still believe that only 50% or less of the truth shown on TV. Everything is arranged and in rehearsal before the show. PPL like to watch it and they like to talk about it for attention. Both Win!! 

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