王子的約會 2012-10-20

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Tipster Rednimer

59 thoughts on “王子的約會 2012-10-20

  1. 看了好几集,发现她们说的话都很矛盾,嫌三嫌四,秀气的又嫌,阳光的也嫌,高矮肥瘦统统都嫌。样子没得嫌的,就嫌人家的穿着或嗜好奇怪。我猜想那些逗留在节目里很久的那些女生是为了什么?搏上镜吗?

  2. I like the host. He is so humorous, sensible and witty!! I want to date him 🙂
    Malaysia may be hot but can compared with Taiwan in summer. I had been in Taiwan in August. It was INCREDIBLY hot!

  3. 看了那么多集,发现到台湾的女生都不爱洗澡,也很不爱干净,超懒惰也很不卫生,几天不出门也不洗澡他们也说得出口。那他们的房间肯定是很臭的,因为我们每天睡醒身上一定会有一些异味,如果他们几天都不洗澡,而又懒惰换床单,整天都赖在床上,那他的房间一定很臭的。马来西亚的男生和女生最少每天都会洗澡一次,但大多数都有两次,早晚各一次,有些甚至三次。

    • 馬來西亞這麼熱當然要每天洗澡。。坐著都會流汗。。跟台灣不同(我在馬來西亞住過一段時間)。。而且你也不可以只因為這些女生就說所有台灣女生。。謝謝。

      • 我没有说 “所有” 台湾女生。我也有在冬天的时候去过台湾,我也是早晚各洗澡一次,有洗澡才不会觉得那么冷,而且这也是 “卫生” 。我是在没有四季的国家长大,有一次冬天的时候我在台湾的夜市逛,我身上只穿了一套衣服裤子+一件外套而已,但我看到台湾人比我穿得还要多件,又要带头套手套就觉得很奇怪,台湾人应该比较适应这里的天气吧,反而他们比我穿得还要多件衣服??这也许一到冬天他们不洗澡的原因吧,因为我们人没有洗澡体内的热气不能出来就会感觉到特别冷,就好像发烧那样,如果有洗澡的话,热气冲掉了就会感觉到没那么冷了。

  4. 不帥也要批評, 帥了又說長的太好看沒安全感, 妳們到底想怎樣?? 要不要先照照鏡子啊??
    不知道這些女生自信哪來的 = =

  5. Ashley and linlin so annoying…no wonder they can’t get any dates yet. Its not they don’t want anyone, no guys want them

  6. i bet if the guy don’t bathe for a day, the girls will complain…but yet the girls can don’t bathe..wtf…CAN THEY FILTER THE FEMALE CONTESTANTS??? WHY ALL SUCH AIRHEADS??

    • I know, the guys are:too tall, too short, small face, too skinny, too fat, too much muscle, too much facial hair, 太油, the pants are too short…  Come on girls ! just a date.

  7. when aron n agnes were walking down e stairs, he was actually following her with his hands crossed..his body language makes him seem insincere. Good luck Agnes…ps I m sincere not being sarcastic ;o

  8. 為什麼我的同學,朋友,同事都是變態、廢人、終日電動的社會寄生蟲!

  9. This show only shows how horrible Taiwanese girls are. I think the format of this show should change and give some of the powers back to the male contestants. For instance, the male gets to choose 13 girls out of the 26 whom he thinks he is interested in first. The ladies need a reality check that they are not perfect and cannot afford to be that choosy.

    • males are forever focus on the looks first. I cannot agree anymore with what Aron & the host said. Looks will fade one day and personalities and values will keep a relationship going. They might eliminate the true love by accident from the group if the suggested format applies.

    • Umm… that only means there will be less match up. And TV shows need ratings, and look for longetivity.

      While I do think some of the girls are way too blunt, the girls, no matter how horrible you think they are, have the right to choose who they want to date with.
      So as the guys. They get to choose in the end.

    • 明星要宣傳, 粉絲會看節目,節目要收視率, 道理很簡單。真心要找男朋友的, 也不會選阿。發片明星來節目找女朋友, 機率有多大大家都心知吧

      • 留言的時候還沒看完,竟然選了Agnes!
        Agnes不是問某明星, 是否真心的要交友, 如果不是就按掉她。

          • 他給我的感覺是要 事業為重, 暫時不談感情啦, 你看過那報道或許會懂我的意思。蘋果娛樂新聞的。
            我是不懂為什麼Agnes 會選他, 我以為她很認真的要交男朋友,這樣應該不會選發片歌手才對阿。

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