大學生了沒 2011-07-25 留學生的關鍵報告?!

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53 thoughts on “大學生了沒 2011-07-25 留學生的關鍵報告?!

  1. 大家好像會把國家先進的程度和歧視行為的程度畫上等號… 歧視是生於人類對未知所產生的不接受和恐懼的一種現象.  法治的文明社會是會制止歧視的行為 但卻不會消滅它的存在. on the contrary the U.S. is one of the western countries with the most severe issues surrounding racial, and socio-economic prejudice

  2. 在國外上大學需要努力讀書。 that is true.. 在國內的大學的同學你很難想像每天複習功課到2,3點吧? 女生在國外一點都不開放。it depends on individual. 

  3. 我很不看不起那些覺得留學生就是考不上台灣的大學才跑去國外念!!
    他們是系統不一樣!! 台灣大學難進好出!!! 國外大學是好進難出

    • 真的!從台灣進國外大學是需要考托福雅思的英文考試(不同語言還有不同考試)。英文差的還得花上好幾年去念語言學校!的確有些人是考不上台灣大學才跑去國外的野雞大學,付一堆錢過著消遙自在的日子就拿到野雞大學的“大學文憑”,回臺灣也好把妹。但多數人都拼死拼活的在國外大學生存下來,party甚麼的當然是會有,但很多人往往都忽略了國際學生背後的辛苦!而且很多好的大學就算全科all pass,但成績只有C,GPA一樣低的嚇死人,一樣會被踢出學校。哪像台灣全部低分all pass就萬事ok

      • 國外真的不好混阿.我認識很多從台灣大學畢業後來國外念碩士的…雅思考六點五分..還是不會寫報告阿…程度爛阿…別再說留學生是考不上大學的錯誤觀念因為台灣大學生在國外不ㄧ定成績會好

    • 你說的太對!!我自己是留學澳洲~~~我也覺得…其實國外大學對國際學生來說不是很好念…而且有些學校也有當超過百分之五十要開除你的..我身邊有看過大概ㄧ群人沒念完就回國了所以.國外不好混好嗎…

  4. 奇怪
    教授也是上課跟同學哈拉阿 分享各國經驗阿
    好正常的 有什麼稀奇= =?

  5. I agree with “it’s a nice place to live when you’re old” for vancouver …

    The NHL part was way off from the REAL QUESTION. They ask for the annual special event, like the  Celebration of Light Firework Festival happening right now.

    Also, ppl that goes on a riot is bcuz they got such high expectation on “winning the cup FOR THE FIRST TIME”, and it’s been 14 years since the Canucks were in the finals, that’s why ppl went nuts after the 7th game.

    • ya kno that these pathetic morons were going to riot, WIN OR LOSE. it was an excuse for the bums loot the boutique shops in DT

  6. People that use the vancouver riot as a representative event of Canada are seriously unbelievable. Seriously, Canada is more than that. The people that rioted are not hockey fans at all. Vancouverites are represented by the ones that came together to help clean up, not the one’s that burn police cars. If that is all you can remember, then you really don’t represent Vancouver or Canada at all. How ridiculous.

  7. 其實,出國讀書不是只有瘋狂派對,奇怪有趣世界,種族歧視,考不​上台灣學校… 不管在哪裡讀書都是要學習要成長要愛。只是大致來說,西方教育比​較“個人化”,在某種程度能讓每個不同的人都想有豐富的學習,加​上父母不在身邊,學生才能真實的學習獨立。在節目中談了很多有關​Party等的事。可能也是台灣還沒出國的學生想知道的,一步一​步來,希望還有機會能分享更多其他留學有淚有汗有歡樂的故事~
    (trying to express what I wanted to say earlier in english)

  8. i totally agree, no matter where to study, it should all about learning.  college experience was very crucial to me too.  well, we need to keep in mind that the show had to find people who happened to be in Taiwan and are studying aboard.  They posted the “criteria” on their website/facebook, so, students who came to their show are mostly their audience.  i personally think that studying aboard is more than just partying and having fun, and definitely not just about finding a school to go to because 考不上台灣的學校。 But again, one must been through it to know what is really going on.  we are lucky to have been studying aboard.  I hope one day, students from Taiwan can also understand how big and beautiful the world is out there too. i am just glad that at least there were some exposure about the studying aboard experience on the show this time. 

    PS. I am Jenny- the consultant who were on the show as a guest.

  9. i totally agree, no matter where to study, it should all about learning.  college experience was very crucial to me too.  well, we need to keep in mind that the show had to find people who happened to be in Taiwan and are studying aboard.  They posted the “criteria” on their website/facebook, so, students who came to their show are mostly their audience.  i personally think that studying aboard is more than just partying and having fun, and definitely not just about finding a school to go to because 考不上台灣的學校。 But again, one must been through it to know what is really going on.  we are lucky to have been studying aboard.  I hope one day, students from Taiwan can also understand how big and beautiful the world is out there too. i am just glad that at least there were some exposure about the studying aboard experience on the show this time. 

    PS. I am Jenny- the consultant who were on the show as a guest.

  10. 我留學海外 原因簡單就是因為成績爛透 本土升不上大學,
    但父母硬要我拿學位 說要跟上潮流
    所以願花一點錢, 不上學 學校也不會理會 只要論文有交
    活死人一樣 磨掉4年時間 就可以拿到學位,

    但人稱”外國留學生” , 確實回來把妹 方便多
    跟她們說我外國大學畢業, 她們聽到己經有高潮
    興奮到雙腿開開的 , 馬上想用大腿夾實你

    • 我也是留學海外.但以畢業了..我覺得你不要在浪費你父母的錢了….像你這樣的人…根本不能體會人生疾苦…也不懂成長….請你好好看待自己的人生…父母都是心血錢…請不要用這種態度對待愛你的家人

  11. 怪了,既然都要出國,就是要體驗當地的生活,

  12. en mei has the most realistic college experience to share about studying in the states, all the other ones are speaking from an international student’s standpoint.. except nobody understands what she’s talking about

    • 出國留學的身分本來就都是’international students’,  這集談的是留學生活,  包括世界各地或一年 (英國) 或兩年制 (美國) 的碩士在內,  不是只有在美國念四年制的大學才叫做留學.  請把’大美國主義’留在你家裡就好,  花大錢喝過洋墨水的眼界和胸襟應該更寬廣些.

      • when international students stay in their own circle and don’t try to experience the area they’re in, then go back and misrepresent, then it definitely affects those who have had a more realistic experience, or according to you “the USA experience.” why don’t you put away your prejudice against “the USA experience” and read what others are actually writing to express.

  13. so wrong so wrong, anyone working at DMV have attitude, not just Black people. If you were treated wrong in New York, oh well too bad. Who is not rude in NYC LOL

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