大學生了沒 2011-12-05 星光6強 狀況舞台歌喉戰!

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Tipster Rednimer

21 thoughts on “大學生了沒 2011-12-05 星光6強 狀況舞台歌喉戰!

  1. 好討厭茉莉….他到底已為自己是誰阿=  = 還撞到小關的手

  2. why arel the male contestants imitating 蕭敬騰/楊宗緯’s voice and singing style.  Been such a common thing among Taiwanese male singing competition contestants.  Such a shame.  You’ll never be famous copying someone else. 

    • At least they sing well! And they would be eliminated long ago if they were found having ‘no personality’ when they sing!!! 🙂

      • In the minds of the independence supporters (pan green camp) in Taiwan, calling China 內地implies that Taiwan is part China. It also implies that the people who call China 內地are reunification/communist supporters. This is of course not 100% accurate, but you cannot reason with the pan green camp. They will take any chance to accuse non independence supporters of “betraying” Taiwan and manipulate any opposing views to their advantage.

      • TW人總是這樣,愛看又看罵,娛樂節目還談政治,煩不煩吖?多學學地理,多看點世界地圖吧,世界公認 TW是中國的一部分

        • 不要在那邊以偏概全好嘛? 照妳這樣講的話 我也可以說大陸狗全都很惱殘又沒水準 還有哪裡有扯到政治了? 大陸狗全都眼殘?   我看世界地圖上面很明顯的區分 台灣跟大陸阿? 我看妳是買到了妳們國家名產”山寨地圖”.. 還有世界公認是哪招? 我聽妳在那放屁啦屎 妳根本就有病吧?  大陸狗都這樣像妳一樣低能腦弱? 我只是用妳的思維方式在回復妳 

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