大學生了沒 2012-05-18 哇! 她們是從日本雜誌出來的?

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Tipster Rednimer

42 thoughts on “大學生了沒 2012-05-18 哇! 她們是從日本雜誌出來的?

  1. 越看越覺得 丁小芹很討人厭= =
    人家總邊都沒再說甚麼話 一直要插話  

  2.  今年賣衣服 日系不再受觀迎了 韓系其實也習以為常  但是今天衣服全都是義典日系+韓系的衣服

    • agree,,every time I saw her,,i think her makeup is too heavy and her hair color and hair style doesn’t suit her at all. she is a pretty woman actually.

    • agree,,every time I saw her,,i think her makeup is too heavy and her hair color and hair style doesn’t suit her at all. she is a pretty woman actually.

    • agree,,every time I saw her,,i think her makeup is too heavy and her hair color and hair style doesn’t suit her at all. she is a pretty woman actually.

    • agree,,every time I saw her,,i think her makeup is too heavy and her hair color and hair style doesn’t suit her at all. she is a pretty woman actually.

  3. 日本人崇洋的都是自己想出来的怪胎,真正走到洋人国家也没几个人那样穿的,其实日本满大街的素人就已经很正了,不是什么所谓的原宿涉谷那些怪胎妹,真正的日本妹正是正在那个东洋女人味,举手投足和气质表情修养

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